
It was the Catherine' turn to grow shocked. "Eleven? Weren't there only ten golden-token envoys?"

"Emperor granted me," Her reminder left Sharky slightly deflated. From what he knew, every single golden-token envoy had many silver-token envoys beneath them, and countless bronze-token envoys below these. He was the only one with merely a command token.

Of course, he knew what the emperor was up to. He had only been granted this token so that it would be easier for him to conduct certain affairs, and for him to trick King Goerge. He wasn't planning to give Sharky any real authority.

"Father granted you?" Fengmei blinked. "How do you trick him into doing this?"

"Why can't I become the Golden-token Envoy? How can you not believe me?" Sharky replied, seeing around himself, no one was noticing them, he slapped on her buttock, "You needs some family punishment tonight."