Is something wrong with your eyes?

"Cyrina, meet Clarissa, the CEO of HK Media. Clarissa, meet Cyrina, my assistant."

After Iris introduced them to each other, the young ladies exchanged pleasantries and became quiet once more. They needed some time to be comfortable around Iris Bowman, anyway. 

"We're here" Iris announced, and the two ladies went wide-eyed. They couldn't believe that it was happening. Cyrina felt a teardrop on her cheeks and quickly wiped it before she could embarrass herself.

"Marina Mall." Cyrina read out the name and felt a strange wave of determination wash over her. She once applied to be a salesperson here, but she was humiliated and thrown out of the place. They even told her they did t hire people from the slums. The image of the attendant was still etched in her memory. Maybe for rimes like this.