What are her abilities?

In the heart of the Koslovan capital lay a private property that spanned hundreds of acres. On that property lay an amusement park that was filled with numerous children and parents alike - the Dominion Park. The Dominion Park never charged a dime for their services. Entrance and access to the park had always been free since its inception. However, the attendees needed to purchase their snacks, food and drinks while at the place. 

As a result of its exotic, yet free nature, the Dominion amusement Park was always full to capacity, even sometimes into the night. It was the go-to place for all fun activities, and there were always events to keep the guests entertained. It was even open to people of all backgrounds - no discrimination.

Just like any other day, the amusement park was filled to capacity, with numerous kids running around happily. 

Unknown to all the patrons of the Dominion Park, there was a hidden world on which the amusement park stood.