There you are

Domino base, Koslov

"Hmmmm!!! Ahhhh!!!!!" The supreme master screamed at the top of his lungs, causing the bulky doctor to tremble in his boots. 

The bulky doctor didn't know what the issue was with the boss, but he only did as the master wanted, and couldn't understand why he seemed to be in so much pain. 

His hand paused ever so slightly, but since he wasn't told to stop, the bulky doctor continued and slowly injected the blood into the supreme master's veins. 

The supreme master had requested him to get a vial of Iris' blood, and when the man brought it, he was ordered to inject it into his bloodstream, using a syringe. It was strange to him, but orders were orders, and he had to follow if he wanted to keep breathing. 

At first, he scrunched his brows, wondering if there was such a thing as injecting blood into the veins with a syringe, or whether it was a new experiment.