Sudden changes

"I don't think we can get to the hospital in time. Let's get you ready now, Iris. We can improvise right here." Rachel had nothing else to say to her sister. Iris had been stubborn since the day began. On a whim, Iris decided to go on a trip in the morning without telling anyone about it. It took a lot of convincing on Rachel's part to get her sister to agree that Rachel could go with her. 

Iris' emotions were scattered all over the place, as she wanted to visit the graves of her late parents. After their burial a few years back, she never got the courage to visit their graveyards. 

However Iris' due date for delivery was fast approaching, and she felt the need to finally make peace with both herself and her parents. Maybe it was because she was also about to bring a life into the world, but Iris found herself thinking more and more about her parents recently. She just couldn't help it, hence, she chose to visit their graves.