Chapter Six: The royal physician II


"The queen was a fireball," Sara started.

"She was so fierce but kind and warm at the same time. She treated me like I was her daughter. When she died, I felt like I lost my mother. Anyways, she and the king had an arranged marriage. She wasn't too happy about it initially but in time, they fell in love. King Arlen was a kind man and Queen Ariadne was his world even after they had Nolan, he doted on her like she was everything. Ariadne used to scold him all the time. It was fun to watch them be together. I miss them but Nolan must miss them more especially since he was crowned king three days after their deaths. He was only ten."

Baila found Sara's hand in the dark and held onto it, squeezing it comfortingly. Unlike Nolan, Sara still had family but it did not mean that she was less affected by the deaths of the king and queen.

"Does Nolan have a mate?" Baila asked.

She was scared Sara would snap at her as Aaron did but so far, the royal physician had been nothing but nice to her.

"No, but I hope he finds her soon then he wouldn't have to be so lonely. Nolan and I used to be the best of friends but after he became king, there's been a distance between us that I haven't been able to close yet" Sara replied as a yawn slipped past her lips.

Baila decided to let Sara sleep. She was a councilwoman now and Baila knew that the position came with a lot of responsibilities. Baila sighed and turned on her side to stare at Sara's back.

The room grew quiet.

Baila's eyes fluttered shut as she listened to the sound of crickets outside.


Sunlight streamed into the room, casting a beautiful glow into the dark room. Baila groaned, rubbing her eyes and sitting up in bed. She looked beside her to see the ruffled sheets Sara had slept on the night before. Baila searched around for Sara. When she found no sign of her, her shoulders slumped, disappointed.

She didn't know what she was expecting. Sara was a busy woman. She had so many responsibilities and duties lying heavily on her shoulders.

Baila was sure that she had no time to make friends. She tossed the sheets aside and her feet met the cold floor. After making her bed, she changed into a pale blue dress. It was an off-shoulder dress that had lace as the sleeves of the dress. Baila wondered if she should go out in search of food.

Sighing, she buried her face in her hands as tears threatened to fall. This was far from the life she had planned to live. She was a fugitive of the law now. She prayed to Goddess that news of her crime would reach Nolan only after she was long gone. Baila thought about her mother and the shame she had brought on the poor woman. She swore to make her mother proud, to make her people proud and now she was living under the roof of werewolves who had willingly betrayed the witches. And

Ayesha! Goddess!

The poor girl would pay for what Baila had done. Baila fell to her knees on the wooden boards of the floor as the severity of what she had done came crashing down on her. She was an outcast. The witches would never take her back. Sobs wracked her body at the thought of never seeing her mother or friends again. The thought of not belonging anywhere scared her more. She was as good as dead but if there was one thing Baila knew, it was that nothing was worse than death. She would rather be outcast and alone and ashamed than dead. Anything was better than death.

That was why she needed to speak to contact her mother. A werewolf would smell her magic from miles away. There had to be another way to get a letter to her mother and Ayesha's mother. She sobbed louder. She had ruined everything for her people.

Baila didn't hear the door click open. Through her tears, she recognized Sara as the physician placed a finger beneath her chin, forcing her to look at her.

Sara's eyes held so much sympathy that Baila pitied herself more. Baila buried her face in Sara's hair when she wrapped her arms around her. Sara stroked her hair comfortingly and Baila was grateful that she had found a friend of some kind in Sara.

After a few minutes, Sara led Baila to the table beside the entrance of her new bedroom. "I don't know what is going on with you but I do know that when you're ready to talk or when you need anything at all, you have me," Sara said as she handed Baila an apple from the tray of food she had brought.

"Thank you," Baila sniffed, rubbing the apple against the sleeve of her dress and biting into it. The juice filled her mouth and she moaned. It had been a while since she had an apple.

Baila watched as Sara's face heated up and she looked away. She wondered what was wrong with Sara but didn't ask. Sara looked uncomfortable.

"After breakfast, I'm taking you with me to go and see Nolan. He wants to speak with you," Baila's heart dropped into her stomach.

Was Nolan going to kick her out already? Or did he want to see her so they could discuss the kiss?

Baila felt her throat tighten as she struggled to swallow some bread and cheese.

Did he know? Could it be that the high guards had already told Nolan about her?

Baila kept quiet as she walked beside Sara to meet Nolan in his bedroom. There were no guards around. Sara explained that Nolan had sent them away so they wouldn't see her.

Baila was grateful for it but at the same time, she was scared. When Sara pushed the door to Nolan's room open, Baila's heart lurched violently against her ribcage.

It was a painful experience-one Baila did not want to go through again. Nolan smiled at her and all Baila's fears faded away. She found herself smiling back at him. He cleared his throat and Baila noticed that Aaron was also in the room.

Nolan was seated at the head of the long table with books and papers strewn everywhere while Aaron stood right beside Nolan. His back was ramrod straight and he had puffed his chest out. The beta or captain of the guards wore green armour with the golden sigil of house Caldore encrusted in the middle of the front. His blonde hair fell into his eyes.

His dark blue eyes glared menacingly at her and Baila looked away. "I called you here so we could all come up with an excuse for your stay," Nolan told her as he rose to his feet.

The white shirt he wore was loose and transparent. Baila could make out the tattoo on his left peck. When he came around the table, Baila noticed how low his brown pants sat on his hips. For a moment, she was transported back to the earth-shattering kiss they had shared. Her lips tingled as the memory resurfaced.

"What excuse have you come up with?" Baila blinked, staring into the glowing blue eyes of Nolan.

"Well, I suggested that we tell the council and whoever asks that you're an exotic whore I purchased from a village far away from Northwood," Nolan replied.

Baila's eyes went wide and she choked on spit as Sara chuckled softly behind her. Sara walked around Baila to lean in a corner beside Aaron. She folded her arms. Her green eyes sparkled as she watched Baila's reaction.

"I....I" Baila stuttered stupidly. He was sheltering her for three days. She couldn't refuse even if she wanted to. The thought of being seen as whore was degrading to her but she was out of options.

"The council would never believe that. No one will. You've been celibate since you were born," Sara pointed out as she crossed her legs.

"I'm getting married soon. I might want to have some fun," Nolan shot back as he perched on the edge of the table.

Baila realised how close they were now. His knee brushed against her thigh and a shiver went up her spine as the kiss flashed briefly in her mind.

"They would not allow you to disrespect your future wife like that," Sara shook her head. Baila looked to Sara for an explanation. She clearly remembered being told that Nolan didn't have a mate.

Sara mouthed 'later' and Baila took it that the physician would explain things soon.

Aaron didn't speak the entire time and the scowl on his face told Baila all she needed to know. Nolan's beta was pissed.

"Do you have a better idea?" Nolan snapped, facing Sara.

Baila looked at her too. She wanted to hear what Sara had in mind.

"I was thinking we could say that Baila was mine," Sara smirked at Baila who fought to keep her jaw from dropping open.