All-Night Practice

The forces that governed this wondrous realm began to take shape in his mind's eye: a force that could exude a freezing cold, another that could enhance the body to powerful extremes, and yet another capable of cleaving through any obstacle in its path.

These mystical forces were the fundamental building blocks of the world he now stood upon, each one intertwined and reliant upon the others in a grand, cosmic tapestry. 

And if they all sprang from the same worldly source, then why could he not blend them together, convert them into a singular, unified stream of sword force?

His sword sense was making sense of it all, the pieces falling into place like an intricate puzzle finally revealing its grand design. It was as if his soul had been bound by shackles, and now those chains had been shattered, allowing his true potential to surge forth unimpeded. 

The misty fog that had once clouded his vision was swept aside, granting him a crystal-clear view of the path ahead.

To infuse ice into a stream of sword energy...Gladius began to move on instinct, his body radiating with a silvery light as he condensed his spirit sword into a manifestation of pure force. 

Simultaneously, his soul reached out, grasping not only at the worldly sword force but also flowing it along a different current – one that allowed him to manipulate the principles of ice itself.

Gladius's entire being grew radiant, his entire being alight with the fires of inspiration that struck him like a thunderbolt. His body trembled, and with a decisive slash of his sword, he exuded a chilling blue glow that submerged his entire inn room in an icy embrace.


A sharp ray of frost, faintly taking the shape of a miniature sword, lanced forth from his blade's arc, smashing into the wall and instantly encasing it in a thick layer of ice!

"Ahh..." Gladius let out a long sigh, equal parts pained and exhilarated, as sensations both excruciating and euphoric converged upon him. 

A freezing cold seeped into his sword hand, and when he gazed upon it, he found it encased in a chunk of ice. He could even feel a numbing sensation coursing through the room, a wave of dizziness threatening to consume his mind.

Yet, strangely, he did not feel physically exhausted. Mentally taxed from straining his sword sense to such extremes, certainly, but his body still thrummed with vitality, as if he could run marathons with consummate ease.

A wide grin split Gladius's face as the realization of his achievement washed over him. 

He had done it! 

A sword that could exude the worldly force of ice, a blade capable of harnessing the fundamental elements themselves!

As he had always maintained, a sword was more than just a weapon. It was a passion for life, a philosophy that could grasp anything within its reach and bend it to the wielder's indomitable will.

Of course, Gladius knew he would never have come this far without his profound connection to the world itself, his attunement to the primordial forces that shaped all creation. 

But now, it was clear that the road ahead would take his swordsmanship to even greater heights, propelling him toward the razor's edge of true mastery.

Gladius's heart raced with exhilaration over his newfound discoveries, but he swiftly reined in his excitement. 

Danger lurked in every shadow, especially with tomorrow's impending journey into the treacherous depths of the Ashen Woodlands alongside the Ember Forge and Gale Academy mages. He needed to be prepared for any beast that crossed their path, as well as the mages themselves.

Infusing the icy concept of the Ice Force into his sword force had not only strengthened his connection to the Sword Force but had also opened his eyes to a deeper comprehension of the Magic Force as a whole. 

However, to truly master this fusion and alleviate the lingering backlash of dizziness and fatigue, he would need to practice relentlessly.

Of course, Gladius had no intentions of neglecting the Sturdy Body Art, but his primary focus would be on the versatile Ice Ball Art, enhancing his arsenal with a chilling array of new techniques. 

Without further ado, he took a swig of his healing vial, the restorative liquid instantly dispelling the icy shards clinging to his palm and the numbing sensation in his arm.

Revitalized, Gladius immersed himself in comprehension once more, the chilling embrace of ice and the weighty force of power intertwining within his spirit sense. 

Time became a fleeting concept as he surrendered himself to the rhythmic dance of his sword, slashing again and again with unwavering focus.

Each stroke of his blade radiated a frosty burst of cold, the edge glistening with the luminous shine of ice as it unleashed sharp streaks of icy sword force, cutting through the very air itself. 

At other times, the spirit sword simply blazed with a brighter silver sheen, but the power behind each sword slash surpassed even Gladius's mightiest strikes – these were sword slashes amplified by the Sturdy Body Art, imbued with the sheer force of his indomitable will and physical might.

Sword slash after sword slash, a relentless barrage of steel and ice. Shards of frost burst across his palm and arm countless times, but Gladius fell into a routine of swiftly healing himself before diving headlong back into his frantic practice, driven by an almost manic fervor.

The world around Gladius blurred into a haze of motion and cold as he lost himself in the endless cycle of slashing and healing. He was oblivious to the passage of time until the first rays of dawn brushed against his face through the room's window. 

As the sun rose, Gladius took a deep, steadying breath, surveying the aftermath of his night's exertions.

The entire room was in utter disarray, a chaotic canvas of ice and destruction. Patches of frost clung to every surface, the ground splintered in numerous places, and the atmosphere carried a biting chill that would make even the hardiest soul shiver uncontrollably. 

Yet, Gladius felt a sense of grim satisfaction wash over him as he beheld the evidence of his progress.

His crazed, all-night practice had yielded remarkable results. His sword ice had reached a level that would strike terror into the hearts of any foolish enough to threaten his life. The Sturdy Body Art, while not as developed, had still granted him a tangible enhancement to his physical might, his muscles now thrumming with a newfound vitality.

Naturally, wielding the force of his sword energy felt distinctly different from gripping a blade of cold steel, but Gladius couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected discovery. 

Despite his inability to absorb Mana directly, the force of converted Mana had still flowed into his body and Innate Spirit Sword, fusing deep within and becoming an extension of his very being.

This realization filled Gladius with a sense of elated triumph. It was a clear sign that he could indeed use Mana conversion into Sword Force to nurture the growth of his Innate Sword Spirit, even if the process differed from how mages cultivated their own Magical Innate Spirits.

His achievements were great, but they had come at the cost of leaving his room in a state of utter disarray. 

While typically indifferent to the plight of most people, Gladius wasn't completely devoid of sympathy. He could understand the common mortal staff workers already had it hard enough in this Magical World without having to clean up his messes.

With a casual flick of his sword, a brilliant silver glow radiated from the blade, and when the luminescence faded, all traces of ice had vanished, reduced to tiny particles that dissipated harmlessly into the air. 

Glancing back at the window and noting the morning light filtering in, Gladius knew the mages would be waiting for him. There was no time for further delay, so he swiftly exited his inn room and made his way downstairs.

In the lobby, Gladius's gaze quickly found the gathered Ember Forge and Gale Academy mages, exchanging quick pleasantries before their imminent departure. 

As he approached, the mages turned their attention towards him, their expressions ranging from dismissive to amused.

"Hmph." The woman mage let out a silent huff, her arms crossed defiantly as she pointedly ignored Gladius's presence. 

The sting of rejection still sizzled within her, a matter of wounded pride. Even genius mages would typically vie for her attention, so it was utterly unthinkable that a mere youth like Gladius would blatantly rebuff her advances without a second thought.

The lanky Ember Forge mage chuckled upon seeing Gladius, his tone laced with amusement. "Yo, did you have a good night alone? I mean, I would say it's more prudent to make connections and all, but the look on her Chess's face was just too damn funny." 

His rising laughter prompted the shorter Ember Forge mage to join in with a snicker, their mirth only serving to sour the maiden's expression further.

She locked her piercing gaze upon them, an intense heat smoldering in her eyes as she snapped, "Shut the hell up, you idiots!"

"Oh, how scary..." The two mages halted their laughter, raising their hands in mock surrender, though their lips still curled into amused smiles, undaunted by her fiery glare.

It was at this point that the stern-voiced leader of the Ember Forge group intervened, his commanding tone shattering the light-hearted atmosphere. "Alright, that's enough. We have no time to waste on childish antics."

One of the Gale mages, a grizzled veteran with a face lined by years of battle, nodded in solemn agreement. "He's right. If we're early enough, it may be possible to catch the beast lurking around the tree while it's sleeping. Any advantage we can gain would be to our benefit."