Inquisitive Arianna

But at the last possible instant, an immense boulder of highly condensed earth mana materialized directly in the sword's path – a desperate shield conjured by the leader's impressive speed and quick thinking as he clutched his staff. 

Surely such a colossal bastion would prove an adequate bulwark?

Ultimately, it amounted to nothing more than a paltry obstruction.

The spirit sword tore through the mound of compacted mana as if it were made of silk, its razor edge slicing cleanly through the dense material with consummate ease. 

But as the blade sundered the roiling energies, the entire construct began to violently vibrate before exploding outwards in a thunderous shockwave of air pressure that slammed into the hapless mage with staggering force.

"Agh!" A thick globule of blood erupted from his mouth as the mage's body was sent ragdolling across the clearing, driven by the sheer concussive force like a broken puppet severed from its strings.

The eruption of wind proved little more than a mild annoyance to Gladius, the Sturdy Body Art's power flowing through his frame and granting him an additional layer of unshakeable fortitude. 

Without so much as breaking stride, he lightly stepped upon the air itself, propelling himself forward in a blurred burst of momentum that left the very atmosphere trembling in his wake.

A keen streak of silver radiance sliced through the forest, heralding the spirit sword's arrival. 

At that very moment, the struggling mage managed to push himself into an upright sitting position – only to be seized by a bone-deep chill, an icy presentiment of his imminent demise creeping up his spine with inescapable finality. 

There would be no avoiding this killing stroke.


In a single, explosive movement, the spirit sword cleaved through the mage's skull in a spray of gore and bone shards. His brain detonated into so much visceral mush as the merciless blade forged onwards, fueled by the unstoppable might of the celestial forces that had birthed it.

As Gladius wrenched his spirit sword free, he immediately sensed the roiling tides of mana swirling around him in a frenzied cyclone. 

The lone surviving mage – the leader of this ill-fated rabble – gritted his teeth so hard that trickles of blood seeped from the corners of his mouth. With a desperate, soul-rending eruption of power, he unleashed an all-consuming torrent of his mana reserves in a bid to forestall the inevitable fate rapidly closing its jaws around him.

The earth itself shattered apart in violent upheaval as innumerable chains of condensed earth mana burst forth, writhing through the air like striking serpents as they sought to constrict and ensnare Gladius. 

Concurrently, a punishing vortex of compressed air materialized, its tornado-like intensity aimed at binding and shackling his movements just long enough for the mage's frantic attack to connect.

Gladius didn't so much as blink amidst this storm of mystic fury.

Icy energies began to glimmer along the length of his spirit sword as he exerted his mastery over the profound Ice Sword Force. 

With a single, sweeping slash, he unleashed a cascading wave of razor-sharp icy sword energy that flooded outwards, engulfing the incoming barrage of attacks in a torrential freeze.

The whip-like chains of earth mana solidified within the punishing frost, their movements stilled before they could so much as brush Gladius's frame. In the next instant, those frozen constraints shattered into a million glittering shards as the spirit sword's edge cleaved through them with nonchalant ease.

Drenched in cold sweat, the mage's chest heaved with the exertion of his struggles, every ragged breath a painful labor. Yet even as his life teetered on the brink of oblivion's hungry maw, he refused to surrender. 

Bracing his staff against the earth, he unleashed another dazzling wave of condensed earth mana – a shimmering, almost liquid barrier erected in a desperate bid to shield his body from further harm.

It proved a futile gesture.

In that same moment, a cruel smile twisted Gladius's lips as he prepared to deliver the deathblow. No respite would be afforded his foe, no opportunity to recover from the relentless momentum of his assault.

The spirit sword lashed out with blinding speed, trailing a gleaming arc of icy light that clove through the air with blistering intensity.


The earthen barrier detonated apart in a spectacular shower of energy particulates, the hastily erected defense utterly obliterated by the spirit sword's overwhelming power. 

In the same explosive movement, a crimson tidal wave erupted from the mage's neck as his head disintegrated in a grotesque spray of gore.

His decapitated remains crumpled lifelessly to the blood-soaked earth, the severed head's expression frozen in an eternal rictus of abject terror and agony even as his life's essence rapidly drained away into the dirt.

A deathly silence descended over the small forest clearing in the wake of that brutal display of power. 

Two mages of considerable strength had been struck down in the span of mere moments, slaughtered as easily as lowly commoners – a horrifying spectacle that would drive even veteran warriors mad with shock and revulsion.

As Gladius turned to face Arianna amidst the devastation, time itself seemed to grind to a halt. 

His calm, calculated gaze locked with the woman's intense look of rapt fascination and awe, an undeniable spark of curiosity and mystique flickering between them like the first flickers of a nascent flame.

"Amazing..." Arianna breathed, her hushed words spilling forth from the very depths of her being. "Very amazing."

The genuine, soul-deep wonder in her softly-spoken praise brought the faintest of smiles to Gladius's lips as he recalled his spirit sword, its brilliance waning in the aftermath of battle's bloody crescendo.

"You were quite amazing as well," he acknowledged, "to kill those two without them being able to react."

A faint flush graced Arianna's cheeks at the unexpected compliment. 

"It was a calculated move on my part," she demurred with a slight shrug of dismissal, as if downplaying her own considerable prowess. "But you? This power I have never witnessed before is a new wonder I'm grateful to behold."

Her eyes positively glistened with the fervent light of fascination, an insatiable thirst burning in those azure depths as she drank in every detail of Gladius's aura, mystique, and might.

 He couldn't help but let his smile broaden infinitesimally at being the focus of such rapt admiration and intrigue from the beautiful, enigmatic woman – a gesture he found surprisingly... pleasant.

A radiant smile of utmost gratitude blossomed across Arianna's delicate features as she slowly rose to her feet, her lithe form carrying an air of poise and grace even in the aftermath of such violence. 

Brushing aside a few stray strands of silken hair, she approached Gladius and offered a deep, respectful nod of acknowledgment.

"You have my sincere thanks, friend," she said, her melodious voice ringing with sincerity. "As you witnessed, I found myself in quite a precarious situation."

Gladius returned the nod, his piercing gaze betraying not a flicker of emotion as he coolly regarded the enigmatic woman before him. "Think nothing of it. I have little tolerance for those who revel in cruelty – they deserved far worse than a swift end."

A faint smile played across his lips as he studied her expression, unable to deny a sense of intrigue at the intensity burning in her azure eyes – a fervent spark of curiosity and hunger for knowledge that seemed to set her very being alight from within.

"It would seem you have questions for me," he observed with an amused lilt, "if that gleam in your gaze is any indication."

Unable to conceal her enthusiasm any longer, Arianna's radiant smile widened until it encompassed her entire being, an open and unabashed fascination etched into every delicate contour of her face.

"Please forgive me if I come across as too forward," she began, the words tumbling forth in an eager rush. "But I must admit, I find your abilities utterly fascinating! You wield no mana, yet your sword cuts through magic itself with consummate ease and even channels the elemental force of ice. It's all so intriguing – a true wonder I've never before witnessed!"

Her cheeks flushed a delicate shade of rose as she seemed to rein in her exuberance, offering Gladius an apologetic look. "But I do not wish to impose or pry into matters you'd prefer to keep private."

Gladius shook his head, increasingly amused by this unique woman's insatiable thirst for knowledge and the open, unguarded manner in which she expressed it – a refreshing change from the constant pity and disdain he'd endured thus far in this strange new world.

"You seem remarkably attuned to the world at large, don't you?" he mused. "I've come to understand that this realm harbors various fundamental forces, with magic being but one facet. In my own journey, I've managed to forge a profound connection with what I believe to be the universal force underpinning the sword itself – the primordial concept that birthed the blade as we know it."

He flexed his hand, allowing his spirit sword to materialize in a radiant flourish of silvery light. "At the very least, my soul can now sense and wield these sword energies, amplifying my power and granting me dominion over this ethereal blade."

Arianna fell silent for a long moment, her expression growing pensive as her gaze seemed to turn inward, a thousand thoughts and theories racing behind her brilliant eyes. 

Then, just as abruptly, she snapped back to full alertness, fixing Gladius with an intense, penetrating stare that bordered on unnerving.

"You are quite correct," she said, her voice lowered to a hushed tone thick with revelation. "We living beings of this world attune ourselves to its myriad forces through our innate spirits – gateways that allow us to study, comprehend, and ultimately wield those primordial energies in the form of magic."

A look of profound understanding blossomed across her features. "So in essence, you walk a similar path – merely one focused on a different universal force. The fact that you can infuse your spirit sword with elemental energies like ice clearly demonstrates your ability to grasp the complex formulas and principles governing magic on a fundamental level, does it not?"