Chapter 1 : Dogeza to my Smartphone!

Motohama Ryu, that's me. I am just your average teen going to his first year of high-school, with my two best friends Matsuda and Issei.

I am just average at everything, my looks, my grades, and my family. But what am I bad at? Everything that deals with real life girls, sigh.

But I am currently laying in my bed with a towel on my forehead to help me recover from this fearsome illness I had. I have been unconscious for two days with a bad fever. But...

I was having a very long and bad dream.

My two best friends were actually Devils, and Issei actually became a Dragon! Both of my friends had harems of the sexiest women on this Earth. Well they were all Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels, and Youkai! Fuck those turds!

And me? I was a piece of shit in the end. I really did some terrible things in that dream. But I did have two girlfriends at once that let me have sex, so that was awesome! I even had a couple of babies too.

But Matsuda got our world caught up in battles with other worlds along with Issei, and I was killed in the crossfire, game over.

"That is a future I definitely don't want to live in!"

My vision is very blurry due to me not wearing my glasses. Yeah my vision sucks. Both of my parents also wear glasses, and are from a traditional Japanese family. Mom stays at home, and my dad is an accountant.

I put my glasses on, and then reach for my Smartphone. I check it for missed messages, missed calls, plus the time.

I was greeted with the time, 1:22 pm, and it seems I had 69 missed-texts from my two idiot friends.

The wallpaper on my phone is of course, Momo Momozono, my favorite porn-star, sigh, she was in Matsuda's harem in my dream too. She was a Devil.

But something on my screen caught my eyes, a new app that clearly was not there before I fell ill! It's called the... [Hypnosis App!]

"Shit did I get this downloaded from the Loli site I joined?"

Pressing the App icon, it then opens with instructions on its use. it seems to tell me the following information....

[Welcome new user of the [Hypnosis App!] This application is installed on your device to help grant all of your wishes in this life. The way you use this App is very simple with a few restrictions. First you just open this App and point-it at the desired target or targets, then press the button!

The duration of the Hypnosis will depend on the number of targets you have under hypnosis. You can only have one use of hypnosis active at one time. The moment you select a new target the previous active commands stop and the target resumes its normal activity.

While a target is under the effects of active hypnosis, they will have no memory of the encounter when they resume their normal activity. You will know if a target is successfully hypnotized when the App is functioning.

If the Host, you are asleep or unconscious the effects of active hypnotism will halt and reactivate when you are awake once again.

WARNING: The longer a target remains in a hypnotic active state, the less effective it will become in the future, so keep in mind some commands may be rejected if the target has been under the effect for an extreme period of time.

WARNING: If you choose to use the power of this Hypnosis App, you will be given a set of memories from a previous host that successfully gained his wishes. If you do not accept the memories, then this App will vanish. You will still be you, my Master. The memories are to guide you and help to make fewer mistakes by learning from another senior.

Please regularly inspect the Hypnosis App for any future updates, and User, have a nice day!]

I doubtfully look at this App and wonder if this is a joke, or if it's Sacred Gear? Well Issei and Matsuda both have them! So is this like Issei's previous users of his gear? And is this being calling me master like Ddraig the Heavenly Dragon in his Sacred Gear?

I am unsure if this is what I truly want?! B-But does that mean I can have a harem like my friends? I won't have to die? Would Dream Matsuda and Issei get mad if I married a few of their wives? Oh I am so tempted!

I looked at the screen and I noticed the erotic-picture of Momo Momozono, pointing at the app telling me to choose her and press the button!

I get to the floor and put my Smartphone down looking at Momo Momozono's image and say. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

"For you my love Momo Momozono, I would even sell my soul! Here I come honey!"

I then Dogeza to my Smartphone! While doing that I press the [Accept] button to gain the memories!

As I begin to pass-out from 100 years of memories being thrust into my normal human brain, I hear knocking at my bedroom door! But it all goes black...

In walked two teens with concerned looks on their faces as they saw their deathly-sick friend pass out on the floor in a Dogeza position with my finger on the Smartphone!

When the two concerned boys saw my finger was firmly planted on the naked Momo Momozono's image, they both grinned!

"Crap! Matsuda, take a picture of this with your camera, so we can show the hot-chicks in Kuoh Academy, he-he!"

Click! Click! Click! With mad skills, Matsuda with a grin, took many great angled shots of my messed up position.

"Man, I knew getting this camera for the club would come in handy, he-he, but who knew it would capture this amazing scene, ha-ha!"

After the photo shoot was over, Issei asked Matsuda.

"Well he won't be watching this new porn with us now, so should we put him back in his bed?"

Matsuda pulled Issei with an evil-grin and left the room, then he said.

"Hell no! If we do then he will know who took the pictures, right? Plus won't it be funny for his mom to see him like that, giggle!"

Issei and Matsuda gave each-other high-fives, then went to find my mother to tell her, I wanted her help.

No, one day I do find out about this, he-he!

Spoiler-alert, I do get my revenge!

A while later...

My mother came in and found me on the floor and helped my groggy-self back into the bed. Fortunately my screen timed out and she did not notice the naked porn-star, phew.

My head hurts a lot as I process all of the memories from this man from another world! Wow what a past he had, damn.

Now, to summarize who's memories I merged with...

He first started out as a human from my Earth from the United States, and was tormented by a time-looping villain! No wait! He came from a different Earth, oh and one that had my life as a fictional character in it, fuck.

Well he too was sent as memories to a Final Fantasy world called Gaia! Damn, I have played those games too! Well the person that got the memories was a man named Kris Tempest, and his memories are what I am reliving right-now.

He was a half-elf that became an Elf and made a harem of the world's hottest women, and oh shit, I remember it as my own memories... Does this mean I am not a virgin anymore, well in my head I guess.

Soon tears fell from my eyes, as I remembered all the tragic things that the world had in it. Those poor women and their sad backstories. All of the children I had but not really, now that I am still me, Motohama Ryu. But...

It seems he did not die when my memories end, but he saved the three worlds and was living happily after, well that's what Pal told me.

As I had woken up in my bed again, I looked at my phone and saw the time was 7:11 pm, and the Hypnosis App was still there. I say to it.

"Hey there Pal, right? Well you really do grant wishes, but my world is in even more trouble than that World of Gaia."

I see the App is not talking to me like normal, so I smile.

"Okay! So my only quest in this world is to find the other App user and defeat him or her. Also, you really chose the weakest human on the planet to give your power too you know. Shit with these memories, I feel old now, sigh."

I then sit up in my bed and ponder.

"So that dream I had of my other life when Matsuda was a devil does not seem to match-up with the memories that Kris gave me. It seems Issei was the main reason, the other universe invaded us, sigh."

I pick up my bathing supplies, and go down for a shower to clear my mind.

"Well I am super weak and don't have to get involved too much with future events, well according to the memories of the anime and light-novels."

I now soak in the hot-water in the tub, and continue my thoughts.

"Now that I have Kris's memories of how to use the Hypnosis App correctly, I won't go around making Pink-Lines of fate and love, willy-nilly. Yeah, I am only human and I have had my fair share of sex in my other life memories, so, guess I will stick to masturbating for a while."

I get changed and head to the kitchen for some leftover-food, due to my stomach feeling empty.

"Well I think I will live longer, if I avoid that red-head, Rias Gremory that looks like the Amazon wife in my other-world-memories, damn she was hot!"

I realize that even though I have a mature set of memories, being a teen makes my body feel funny, sigh.

"Hmm, This beef-steak is good! Oh, it seems I have learned to talk out-loud too, that won't get annoying, nope!"

While I was eating my microwaved leftovers, my mother came in and felt my forehead.

"Motohama dear, are you feeling better? I am worried."

Actually, I think I died when I had that dream of my future life in that Matsuda world, and the Hypnosis App revived me, damn.

"Mother, I feel better now, thanks for taking care of me, see, I have a big appetite now, so don't worry anymore okay?!"

She smiled, gave me a big hug then said.

"Good, I did not want you to miss going to your new fancy school next week. And son, your friends, um, try not to let them get you in-trouble in this school like the last, ha-ha."

I remember how we always got slapped and other-things by women and girls we peeped on, sigh....

"Don't worry mom, me and my Pal, will try and do good things in this world if we can, promise."

SLAP! I felt like a future-me just hit me, from a pit of troubles!