Chapter 20 The 2nd Term Begins!

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     It has been almost two weeks since we returned from the trip to Kyoto.

     Issei and Matsuda have a stick up their ass for what they witnessed on the train-platform. Matsuda said in his exact words...

     "Brother Issei, don't worry, Motohama just used his money to pay that hostess to rub it in our faces! Motohama, that was pretty dirty to do to us man!"

     So I said to him and Issei...

     "Sorry guys, you're right, I just wanted to make you jealous! Sorry-Sorry!"

     Nailed it! Yeah that is a better story, he-he!

     No, they are not avoiding me because they are mad, but because they bought soooo much porn with the money I gave them, that they just can't stop watching. I think they forgot about the summer homework we have, sigh.

     A couple of new Hypnosis App updates to touch on has happened in recent days, the first being the Black and Pink lines feature.

     When I activate this part of the App, I can see my name on a map-like background with lines touching my name. There are three Pink-Lines to mention.

     One of them, which has to be Momo, has half of its line faded off , I guess to show she is in the Underworld and not on Earth.

     The second Pink-Line is pointing to Sakura towards Kyoto, but it too has some fade, showing she must be in the Back Alley.

     The Last Pink-Line has frustrated me to no end! It is in fucking Kuoh! But every-time I get close to it it moves away from me. By process of elimination, this must be Kalawarna!

     But why is she avoiding me? Well she is pink so it's not for anything bad. So I left her a note on her abandoned home's door when I knew she was around. I wrote...

     [To my Guardian Angel. I am sorry to cause you trouble. I just know I miss our time together. I won't try tracking you down anymore, but be safe. PS Mofu Mofu Precious for me. Your friend Red Dragon Emperor!]

     Well the second and most amazing thing is my immunity to my Self Hypnosis.

     Sadly I can't learn new books or topics on the Internet, but all of the knowledge I learned subconsciously is now learned like photographic memories. Normally this would just be like being able to open a page and reread the information, also like a web browser stuck on a few sites only, but because I learned it by reading it with-out hypnosis, the information is like I studied for years.

     So you really want to know how this will affect next Friday's game with Sona, right?

     Before Self Hypnosis, I had less than a 1% chance of beating Sona!

     Using Self Hypnosis, I had a 10% chance of beating Sona!

     But now with the immunity to Self Hypnosis, I have a 50% chance of beating Sona!

     Yes, even with the ability to pull up book data on the game while I play with Sona, she has natural talent and a lot of experience! So my 50% chance is better than most anyone can hope for. Sona is just that good.

     I ate lunch a few times with Teacher Tsubasa to keep my promise with Yura. I even met his girlfriend, and she seems to be a nice lady.

     My father seems to be loving his new job a lot, and even has lunch with Momo's father, so I think that is good for me. And my mother has been extra kind to me lately due to having such a beautiful girlfriend. Yeah I heard her mumbling about weddings and kids when she thought I did not hear her.

     I can't send any letters to Sakura right now because Abe is still on holiday, but I already wrote one and will hand it to her on Monday.

     My training with Ddraig has been going really well, and I would say I am as strong as the Light Novel Issei during the Peace Talks episodes. And no I can't use a Balance Breaker, but I can transfer my Boosts to others and even my senses. I have not done it, but Ddraig assures me I can blow up mountains now with my Boosts up.

     And that's my current recap to this sunny Saturday morning. Then I received what I have been waiting for...

     [Momo: Moto, I am back and have missed you terribly! ♥]

     [Motohama: I have been waiting for that message, I missed your cooking. :P No seriously I missed you too.]

     [Momo: Have you been a good boyfriend?]

     [Motohama: Not by normal relationship standards, but I miss you greatly. A lot has happened to me while you guys were gone. Love and War.]

     There was a pause for a while. And I feel I may have messed up. Sigh, I am an ass even after my dream life and Elf life.

     [Momo: Sona wanted to talk, so I gave her your information. Are you okay?]

     Then a new person joined my chat group.

     [Sona: Skip the Love, what about War? What happened while I was gone?]

     [Motohama: I blew up a Grigori base, killed 3 Fallen Angels, killed about 20 Stray Priests, and robbed them for lunch-money. Yeah that sounds about right. Oh and threatened Azazel to back off, Almost forgot that one, he-he! Oops.]

     [Momo: ....]

     [Sona: ....]

     [Motohama: But I did get all my Summer Homework done! So I did something productive too.]

     [Momo: I am not going to ask about the Love part, so I will see you tomorrow at noon, Moto? For a movie?]

     [Motohama: Bought the tickets already dear!]

     [Sona: I need to tell Rias, but I will leave your name out of it. Did you make any progress on your chess practice for Friday?]

     [Motohama: ....]

     [Sona: Rias wants to recruit you, but as you expected she used 4 Pawn Pieces and not the Rook. If she had made him a Rook, she could have poached you. Hurry and beat me.]

     [Motohama: Momo is Sona blushing right now?]

     [Momo: No, Sona would never do that....]

     "Phht! I can imagine Sona glaring at Momo right now to not say it! Aw, then both left the chat group already. Hmm? Must be because Rias is there."

     Well the rest of my day was practicing my Karate and working out, then an early bedtime as usual.

     After the unwilling protagonist slept...

     At Sona's mansion,inside her private steam-room for important secrets.....

     Four beautiful naked women are seated in a lavish-steam-room, and are talking about the craziness that has been going on in Kuoh over the break.

     "When I contacted my brother he told me he already knew about the incident! And he did not think, I as the Lord of this territory needed to know?! I was so mad at him. But he said he was contacted by Azazel himself with an apology for the incident."

     Sona asked, kinda knowing already.

     "But what were the actual details? Just a fight, that's all they know?"

     Rias shook her head and thought, then said.

     "They sent a kill squad to eliminate a dangerous Sacred Gear user that was too weak and posed a threat, but the target hid his skill and killed the entire squad. He blew up half of the club and the next two businesses and 9 parked cars with a beam of royal-blue-light, how strong was the Sacred Gear to destroy three buildings in one blast?!"

     Akeno added something interesting.

     "The Governor of the Fallen Angels also said, they are no longer hunting that user."

     Tsubaki and Sona looked a bit surprised that the Fallen are letting Motohama go just like that? But they figured it was the threat he promised. So Sona inquires more.

     "Any clues of what Sacred Gear or who the user is?"

     Rias said with irritation.

     "No, those damn Fallen Angels erased all traffic and security cameras for the entire day! No, they are actually hiding the Identity of the user! But why? And my brother is fine with it, and even told me to not investigate anymore?!"

     Tsubaki guessed.

     "For the Devil King to get involved, it has to do with the security of the Underworld!"

     The four women sat in silence until Rias said something that petrified both Sona and Tsubaki.

     "I bet the Sacred Gear user might be Motohama Ryu! Now I want him more. What ability does he have?"

     Akeno tells her King. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "He was in town during the event. But a week later he and his two friends went to Kyoto for two days? This is suspicious."

     Rias with excitement asks Akeno.

     "What does one have to do with the other?"

     "A trip like that would cost normal students a bit of Yen, but he paid for it all. The person that eliminated the Kill Squad robbed the place, so...."

     Rias stood in excitement and her boobs comically jiggled.

     "Akeno you're a genius, Ufufu! Oh no wonder I like him!"

     Sona sighs seeing Rias is going over the deep end again.

     "Why did he go to Kyoto?"

     Sona is desperate to throw her off even for a short while. Sona even for a split second thought about throwing the next chess game, but she dismissed this due to the Devils Weakness.

     (A/N Devils Weakness: This is a real condition for Devils in the DxD world. Most fan-fictions forget about this IMPORTANT fact about Devils. Three notable Devils suffered this in the anime and light-novel, The first was Riser, the second was the Devil defeated by Sairaorg Bael, and the third was Rizevim Livan Lucifer! When a Devil loses its pride or it feels weak, their actual strength and demonic-power plummets and they are riddled with nightmares and fear. So if Sona throws the game her pride will be damaged and she will suffer this fate. PS This condition can be reversed but it's tough, Issei helped Riser in the anime-extra and LN.)

     Rias, not knowing shit looks to Akeno for a clue.

     "Well there seems to be some grey area there, but what I did find out was he and his friends checked into your family's Hotel. However all three boys split up but Motohama Ryu only came back for his bag in the morning, he never slept in his room. But the cameras on the train show him kissing a Kitsune woman with his two friends watching in shock, so it's assumed he spent the night with her? Well that's just what I assume anyway. Perhaps she used charm magic on him."

     Sona shook her head and said.

     "I can confirm that level of charm magic won't work on him, I have tried (he asked her to test things on him), sigh. But knowing him, he may have gone there with a purpose I don't know about."

     "Oh no! Crap are the Youkai trying to honey trap him to their side? I need to work fast then! Akeno can you help me with this?"

     Cough! Sona let out a warning because Rias is going in her strange direction again.

     "He is still Momo's boyfriend, so don't use your body to seduce him. I don't know what the Kyoto thing was, but that and my friend trying it are two different things. Momo might get hurt if you do something irreversible. I don't mind you asking him to join you, but don't put him in a bad spot with tricks."

     Rias pouts and says like a scolded child.

     "Fine! I won't go too far, just a tease at the most."

     Tsubaki just grins thinking about Ryu, no, Motohama's playful side. Deep down she is waiting for a good show.

     Sona, seeing her Queen's face asks.

     "Tsubaki, why do you have that expression on your face?"

     "Suddenly I feel like Friday will be a fun day. Hmm? I will order a cake for that day just in-case."

     Rias and Akeno had no clue what nonsense Tsubaki was spouting, but Sona felt like her Queen just cursed her to lose her chess-game.

     After that the four women had a slumber-party only an Ecchi-anime would produce.

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