Chapter 23 Sona, Stop Cheating!

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At this moment Tsubaki came rushing into the room with her royal-blue attack-circle, and froze in horror seeing me in my Balance Breaker Scale Mail.

[Hey Tsubaki, um, sorry about the mess, I don't know where all the papers go, so um, I gotta get to class.]

Tsubaki with her eyes wide-open hearing my voice from the red-armor then asked a stupid but valid question.

"Motohama, is that really you?"

I do a dumb pose with my hands on my hips and say.

"Yup! What do you think, Ddraig and I look good, right?"

To my utter shock, Tsubaki just blushed and nodded. Damn thank goodness I have a helmet on to hide my open mouth. Rias just looked with amazement and said.

"Now I understand why the Fallen Protected you. To obtain a Balance Breaker is a great feat!"

And yes Tsubaki put up a barrier to have normal's ignore this area and event. I hear Sona sigh and tell us.

"Sigh, Now I can't hide you anymore Ryu, the barrier has recorded this event."

I give her a thumbs-up and tell her.

[Sona, don't sweat it, the three factions all know who I am anyway, that's how the kill squads found me. Heaven has spies that tell all the groups who Sacred Gear users are, even the terrorist groups know me.]

"I am the Lord of the territory and no one told me anything?!"

[Sorry Gremory but you are left in the dark about a lot of things about your territory, sadly I would be killed if I told you.]

Her face looks gloomy thinking her brother is really shafting her and making her look like a fool, well he does. The Bael Clan really did shady shit here before Rias took-over. Momo then took my armored arm and smiled looking into my helmet.

"Dear Moto, we are going to be late for class if you don't revert, Ufufu, but you look good in that armor."

[Yeah, I am starting to feel a bit of Stamina loss.]

I think of releasing the armor and Boosted Gear, then it all faded into light particles, and my normal look is back, phew!

"Hey Sona, want me to help cleanup, or go to class?"

"You and Momo just go to class, Tsubaki and I will clean up your event, sigh, you're going to be in a lot of trouble in the future aren't you?"

"That is a definite fact. Do you want me to stop coming on Fridays then?"

"No! Um, That is not what she is asking, right Sona?"

We all looked dumbly at why Tsubaki spoke out at my question. Sona understood her Queen.

"Tsubaki is correct, I am not telling you to stop coming, I just want to know if this is something I need to get used to, the unexpected that is."

I look at her seriously without clowning around and tell Sona.

"All the worlds are going to be very chaotic, and this is only the beginning Sona, but leave it to me. Let me bulldoze all my obstacles including your heart! You are my first step to making us stronger. Let's go Momo."

As I pass Tsubaki I say. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

"See you on Friday, Vice-President!"

Tsubaki seeing me leave like that, she could not help but think how many times she has read and reread the book I gave to her.

Unknown to me, ever since my healing, Tsubaki has been hoping I win.

"Tsubaki, he is gone already, now help me clean up this mess, Rias are you alright?"

"Sona, I feel like I lost something I did not cherish. Why does he want to help you so much?"

Sona picking up tables with one hand and the papers, just said to her friend.

"He is not helping me, you heard him, he wants to Dominate my heart. That is only helping himself. But... I hope he can do it."

Rias sighs and then she tells her thoughts as she helps to clean.

"You're getting a Dragon, and I am getting a Phoenix, but I wanted a Dragon."

Fortunately the school had not been alerted to my accidental outburst, and the day finished without hassle.

I am sure if Sirzechs Lucifer did not know about me before, he sure as fuck does now. Fortunately, I am not with Rias, so his reasons to do anything to me are limited. Though I know she will bitch about Sona trying to get me, and he should ignore her, if my guess is right.

He would only act against me if I joined another faction. Plus I don't know how Serafall will calculate in all of this.

And for the rest of the week, the Gremory left me alone, phew.

Fast forwarding to Friday after school...

Knock Knock! I knock on the Student Council's room like every Friday, and I hear the voice of Tsubaki.

"Ryu please come in."

I enter the room and like always, I lock the door to avoid our games from being interrupted and affecting the outcome. I look around and only see Tsubaki.

"Hey Tsubaki, where is Sona?"

Tsubaki points to the changing room to the side and tells me.

"Sona took a nap to get ready for your game, she will be out shortly. By the way Ryu, why do you always call us with our given names and not our family names?"

Fuck-balls! Yeah, I seem to have done that for like, well the beginning?! It's because first names are common in anime and the US. But I can't tell her that.

"Sorry Shinra?"

She shakes her head and scolds me.

"No its better you use Tsubaki, I just wondered why"

"I know you better by that name, and I like it better. I don't recognize your last name in my mind most of the time."

At this time Sona came out and had washed her hair, so I asked.

"Do you guys have a shower like the one in the ORC room?!"

"Have you ever been in the ORC room before Ryu?"

"No not really, now let's get this beat-down of me over with, so I can go to my Karate class."

So, Sona and I sit at the small chess table like always while Tsubaki gets us drinks. This is our weekly event before her trip back to her home.

Tsubaki then sits between us to watch for illegal moves.

After 26 minutes...

"I call bullshit Sona, stop cheating, set it up again and do it right?!"

Sona and Tsubaki look at me dumbly, but Sona reset the board not understanding my anger.

After 31 minutes...

"Fuck, be serious Sona, you cant mess around, this is not like you."

After 22 minutes...

"Forget it, I will see you next Friday when you're not throwing the game, shit did Rias get under your skin?"

As I stood up mad, Sona grabbed my arm with more strength that I currently have as a human. Her eyes were teary and she said.

"I Sona Sitri vow to my House and family that I did not hold back all 3 games, just ask Tsubaki. You have just improved over the vacation, Motohama. I promise, I won't lie to you!"

I see Tsubaki nod to agree with her King, but my heart is not calm. I know my knowledge of the game improved when I became immune, but it felt too easy, so I took out my phone and put both Devils in its sights to make sure...

The button went from red to green with both of their eyes going vacant.

"Please answer me honestly you two, did you guys rig or throw any of these games?"


Hearing both of their answers, I release the App and go sit back down looking at the board.

Sona sees me not leaving and relaxed, she too is in disbelief, but she sits across from me and looks at the pieces like me, then I say.

"I must apologize for getting mad, it will never happen again. I should have believed you in the first game, sorry."

I bow my head to her because I was wrong and made her feel not-trusted, and it's not wrong for me to apologize for that.

Sona got up and lifted my shoulders then looked down into my eyes. She said.

"You're a proud Dragon, and my future husband, you never have to bow to me again. I understand why you felt frustrated. When you surpass your limits, it is unbelievable. I have been waiting for this day for years, but now that it's here, and three times in a row, I feel a bit like I am dreaming, right?"

I nod to her and then smile a bit seeing Tsubaki with both hands on her chest like she is watching a drama, then I say.

"I read up on Devil culture and politics, but sadly I am a bit slow with things like marriage, so, I did not plan this far. Honestly I thought this day wouldn't happen, so I am at a loss. Do I get on my knee or something or just ask?"

Sona, feeling that warm feeling in her heart from a moment ago, just rubs my face with her super-soft-hand and tells me.

"Every couple is different, so if you want to propose like humans, it's fine, we Devils are multicultural, with a bit of the church feel. As for kneeling, no, you're sitting, I am standing so this is good."

I take both of Sona's hands in mine, and I look into her eyes. Fuck am I already getting married?! I am panicking a bit now.

"Sona, I am sorry I am not the best man for you, but I will have a long time to try and be what you deserve, um, yeah I will try to not embarrass you but please bear with me. So will you be my wife Sona Sitri? Oh and will I take your last name?"

Sona seeing me fidget feels she has more charm than she thought. She could feel my sincerity from before, and her heart is telling her to entrust herself to me.

"You're going to be my husband, so you decide, but my name has to stay Sitri due to me being the next head. I will love you with any name you want, and yes I accept you as my husband."

My heart feels warm, so I know the answer.

"Ryu is, was, my human name. Ryu means Dragon, but... I am the Red Dragon Emperor, so I don't need it. Let me become Motohama Sitri, and show you that you are my number one priority."

Sona all of a sudden had tears in her eyes, I think my words may have touched her?!

Sona closes her eyes, leans in and gives me a soft and hardly touching kiss, like she is wanting to feel the surface on my lips, so I don't rush her. Then after a moment she pressed harder so they overlap gently. Our mouths stay closed but this is her first kiss, and she is memorizing it I think.

She stands up fully again and nods.

"There, we are now mostly official, now the last thing is for you to become a Devil, but I won't rush you. Just come to me when you're ready, Motohama."

Just as she was going to move, I pulled her back and said.

"You let me keep my pride and dignity, I am ready to join you my wife, let's do it now."

"Tsubaki, please."

Tsubaki goes to the open spot in the room and starts to set up the magic-circle, but Sona has not stopped looking at me.

"You really do like me don't you, Motohama?"

"We wear glasses and gotta stick together."

I was unaware I almost made Tsubaki mess up the circle with my words. Thanks to her feeling my heart during that brief moment, her heart is in a mess, but she is very glad I won. This means I won't leave.

"I will take that as a yes then. You don't like to open up I see. That's fine, I will have a long time to make you more assured. I will never leave you Motohama."

"Sona, the circle is done."

Hearing that I stand, and head over there.

Sona holds her hands out and the 8 Pawn Evil pieces teleport to her hands. She looks at me and asks.

"Motohama Ryu, do you agree to become my Pawn and husband?"

I smile at Sona looking super serious, but I can tell she is as nervous as me.

"Till the end of our very long lives, yes."

She then begins to push all 8 Pieces in and to our surprise, 3 of them mutated to show my potential, and my Sacred Gear powered up her Pawn pieces. But in my heart, I thank Pal.

I feel my body rapidly changing and becoming more. Fortunately the change is painless, but I have the urge...

RIP RIP! Two massive black-bat-wings eject from my back and rip my school uniform, yeah the Devil's use enchanted clothing to avoid this, oops.

Both girls look in surprise at my 5 months of hard training, and can clearly see compact defined-muscles, I have been hiding all this time.

But now I hit the floor from dizziness! Thud!

"Ah! Motohama, are you okay, did something go wrong? What's going on?"

Sona rushes to hold me from the floor, but...

"Ha-ha, I forgot my vision would get corrected and my glasses messed with my balance, sorry, ha-ha?!"

"You're like a child Motohama, now give me your glasses, I will fix them, and Tsubaki get him a Devils set of shirts please."

While I see Sona using magic, I try something using my memories of magic from the Final Fantasy world.

I point towards the empty spot in the room and imagine my Ice-3 spell I loved so much.

From my hand came a royal-blue Sitri attack-magic-circle, and then....

The whole area I aimed at became a solid ice-covered glacier! Oops!

As I felt some of my new demonic-power leave me to make the magic, Sona dropped my glasses in astonishment. Tsubaki had walked out and dropped my clothing to the ground, and then both women looked at me stupidly.

"Ah! I am sorry I was trying to make it smaller but... I just had the urge to let out ice-magic. Um, But I don't know how to make it go away, sorry again."

Sona hugged me out of nowhere and said.

"Becoming a Devil of Sitri, normally gives you strong affinity with water, and a very small few can ever use ice, and only my sister can easily do what you just did, and that was your first spell with no guidance!"

"But I studied the books and my imagination is good, so, what do I do about the ice? Won't it melt and make a mess?"

Sona just laughed and said.

"Ufufu, No your ice will last for a while, and Tsubaki will remove it, so don't go around using magic till your body is up to speed, it takes about 24 hours for you to fully acclimate to your body, and you already know about sunlight and everything, right?"

"Yes, I will sunbathe often once my body is up to speed, I have to light-temper daily."

I look at this smart Devil and say.

"Weakness is a sin Sona, and the whole peerage needs to spend time in the sun, not just me."

Sona's instinct was to disagree, but remembering I will be her husband she believes in me.

"Then I will have the girls do outside chores like the school gardening during the day. We will need this in the future, right?"

"Most definitely."

Tsubaki cleaned up my mess, Sona fixed all my glasses I had on me, with transitions for sunglasses, and then I dressed in my new devil school uniform.

As I was going to leave for home, Tsubaki stopped me.

"Please wait Motohama, I got a chocolate cake to celebrate if you won, let me get it."

While she was in the other room, Sona fixed my tie like a wife would, and she said.

"My Queen believes in you, and she was confident you would win. So be nice to her, she is awkward."

"Yes dear."

Her hands finished the tie and she said.

"That sounds nice to hear, but please not around the humans."

"Yes dear."

"Okay that's enough already."

"Yes dear."

I am only doing it because she is turning redder and redder, so fucking adorable!

Then as the sun was going down, the three of us ate the small cake together, and my heart felt warm, even as a Devil.

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