Chapter 25 Damn, You're a Cheerleader!

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I did end up sleeping at my own house due to not wanting to move too fast with Sona. Yes she and I are most definitely getting married, and she won't pull a 'Rias' on me, but, she just lost today and so much has happened.

All right it is me, I am nervous as fuck! Even though I had 25 wives in my Gaia memories, they technically we're not my wives, and I did not marry in my dream life as well, sooooo, this is my first marriage!

Personally, I think Sona wants to at least wait till the true wedding night, and I am fine with that. Besides I promised Momo she would be my next lover as well, sigh.

Yes, I did send a letter to Sakura during the week as well, and got one back.

Sakura told me that she felt even more excited for us to spend the school trip together, she even told me in the letter she loved me. It is definitely fast, but this world has some screws loose anyway, but I am sure I will love her as well.

I just felt, I was supposed to be with her. Well I guess that's fine. Yasaka has a kid anyway, and I was just nerd-lusting after her, meeting her in the dream world just made me desire her for her body, I guess.

When Abe Kiyome saw my Kitsune token she looked like she was going to pass out from surprise, but she became super friendly with me after that. I do think she is hot, but that's it.

Her family is a bit nuts, and Abe, like Rias, has a fiance and I hate wedding-breakers personally because of my Gaia memories. Marriages should be valued and not thrown around. That's why I will never abandon Sona.

When I went to bed, I did not set the alarm and due to my new Devil body, I overslept this Saturday morning. I even got up at 11 am!

"Ah, fuck the sun looks annoying to me now, joy! Oh, something I always wanted to try! Amen God! AHHHH FUUCK MEEEE!"

Yes, I am currently on the floor holding my head like a retard! What? I had to know how painful it really is! Yeah that shit sucks.

After a couple of minutes, I then got up and started my day.

My mother had reheated me last night's supper for my lunch, and I thanked her for that. While food went into my belly, I went through my missed messages.

Sona tells me her parents are extremely happy about our development, and have made preparations to send the Sitri train to get us in two weeks for a formal party in the Underworld.

Invitations are being sent to everyone who we have good relations with and a few VIPs that want to meet me for obvious reasons, due to me joining the Underworld, this news is huge!

Why do we need a train when some can magic-circle? It's because only very few Devils are allowed by the Devil government permission to do so. Also even if you could, the first time a new Devil comes to the Underworld, it has to be from the train route. This is how Devils get registered by the Government like getting an identification card.

Issei in the anime broke this rule due to the Devil King inviting him, kinda like a foreign-dignitary, so it was a blatant rule violation really. But when your Rias's brother you can do whatever you want, like have the hottest fucking maid in the world!

Yura told me to meet her at the dojo to pick her up for supper, and we are acting like a date for her dad to give her more reasons why she is always missing. Then we will go all over the town and deliver her flyers to her contractors.

Momo said she will be my first teacher tonight at Sona's house, and then tomorrow will be Tsubaki, and Monday night will be Sona, and they will rotate like that.

I am going to meet with Matsuda and Issei, at Mat's house to play some video games and see his folks, before I pick Yura up.

I was a good boy, returned all messages,and started everything.

Okay! I am just fast-forwarding past games with my two idiot friends, and am now standing in-front of my dojo.

I am wearing bluejeans and a red-button-down for casual, it has some Hawaiian flower prints on it to make it not so plain.

Ding Ding! As I came into the dojo, the midday kids class ended, then after the last little monster left, my Teacher came over to me sitting on the entrance bench.

"Hey Ryu! You skipped last night, and you're not practicing today, you okay?"

"Sorry, I over did some weight training, so I gave myself the weekend off."

"Oh? So you just came to see this old man? Ha ha, or is there something else?"

I scratch my head and ask.

"Did Yura not say anything?"

Ken looked to be in thought, and his eyes opened in understanding.

"So you're the Student Council member she is passing out flyers with, oh did not know you joined it as well. That's good, Yura can use more friends in the Council, yup, eh?!"

The two of us see Yura come down from upstairs, but our looks of surprise is because the tomboy Yura is wearing a skirt that goes to her mid-thighs and a blouse! And the fuck, is that, makeup including lipstick? Yes both me and her father are stupefied.

Yura in her white-outfit blushed at the two of us looking stupid and she said.

"We will be going door to door, so I wanted to try looking more professional, is it bad?"

Her dad shook his head and was surprised she made herself look so, well feminine!

"No dear, you look very professional, right Ryu?"

"Wow! I mean, I think it's very nice."

Yura is really blushing now and it's getting awkward, because I forgot what box I was putting Yura into in my love life, sigh.

"You kids get out of here and go eat before working, and be safe, uh, never-mind if you two get beat up we are all screwed, ha-ha!"

"Bye dad, geez."

"Later Teacher!"

Yura has not lost her blush and I say to her. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

"Since you dressed up today, let me treat you to a nice meal at an upscale deli I found recently? It's kinda formal and casual, kinda how we look."

She nods and I can tell she is nervous as fuck. But is it because of me and Sona, or something else? She definitely is acting funny and not like her normal self.

Fortunately the deli was close, so we got a table no problem due to it being early. So we sit and she hides her face with the menu.

"What is up Yura? You're acting out of your normal behavior, did I do something strange?"

"Motohama, you're marrying Sona, but you're still Momo's boyfriend, um, why?"

I think I might know what she is trying to find out, she like me had human views.

"Maybe you did not see it in the Underworld, but Sona's father has a harem of wives, and Lady Sitri is his main wife. The Devils do this due to low fertility rates, and strong Devils are highly sought after. But the short answer is, I will not abandon Momo, and I will marry her as well, one of these days. Sona will just be the main wife."

"I guess I am still thinking like a human girl, huh?"

"That is a good thing, there are more bad Devils than good, so you will see things that make you upset."

The server took our order then our conversation continued.

"When we first met, I was interested in your determination and drive to get strong. I like when a man gets up even after being knocked down, like those television heroes."

"Thanks, I just need to become something-more to keep my world safe. I don't want to lose anything."

"I hated it when you asked Momo out at the start of school. You did not even want to date her, and I missed my chance... Then when I became a Devil, I understood why you liked her, so I waited."

"For what?"

"I thought you might break up and I could have a chance to ask you out. But when you saved her, she fell for you, and I knew you would not leave her then, so I just stayed friends."

Yeah, I thought so, time to move my boxes I think. But this is not guilt for me.

"So is this why you made yourself up tonight? You do look great by the way."

Blush, I nailed it, I am right...

"I thought maybe, just maybe, you were one of those boys that wanted a harem. And when I saw you with Sona and Momo, I thought...."

She looked shy so I continued for her.

"I would see you as a woman and not just a friend?"

She nodded to me and took a sip of her drink. Do I look to see if she is a Pink-Line? She is looking nervous waiting for my words and the food came and broke the mood.

So we got our sandwiches and before she ate, I did it, I pressed the red App button green and asked.

"Yura, do you truly want me as your partner? And what kind of relationship do you want?"

"I want to be your partner. I want to be your girlfriend and hopefully more. I have wanted to be by your side since you joined the dojo."

I heard enough from her, and I released the App, and she looks at her sandwich and digs in. I look in the relationship lines and she is most definitely a light to mid pink.

"So Yura, how will we explain things to your dad if we date?"

Phht, spray! Yura shot out the sandwich bite she just tore off and into my face!

I just licked my mouth where it struck and said.

"That was the most bizarre indirect kiss ever, right?"

Red in shame, Yura took her napkin and leaned forward to wipe my cheek that took the main impact. She is so embarrassed she might cry I think, ha-ha.

"I-I am so sorry, but you said something out of the blue like that."

"Yeah, so what would we tell your dad? I don't think he will be too keen on me having more than one lover, right?"

Oops, I said the wrong thing....

"L-Lovers.... He he, lover? Ah no, I am so embarrassed, kill me now!"

So we temporarily drop the subject and eat our tasty food, though I think she is still preoccupied.

I paid and we left to do our flyer work. And just like Issei in the anime, we rode bikes to deliver them.

So the way the flyers and contracts work is like this...

Yura has a stack of Sitri flyers for our peerage, and she adds her demonic-power to it to register them to herself.

Then she holds a device made by the Devils, like a Dragon-ball radar from the show Dragon-ball, and it shows all humans with greed willing to make deals with the Devils. But.... (A/N This is in the light-novel, and in the anime it was shown very-briefly as Issei first headed out to deliver, but it was like 1 or 2 seconds.)

"Look here Motohama, see my dots? These are the humans that want wishes I am willing to grant, so no sexual wishes will show. Other Devils that specialize in that take those. So every dot here is safe for me, but for you here look. Just hold and add a tiny bit of demonic-power, yes just like that."

I had a lot of dots on it, and Yura said to me while trying not to laugh too hard.

"Seems your talents are in high demand Motohama, I just hope those are not lonely older ladies, ha-ha!"

"Hardy-Har-Har funny girl, I hope you get a body builder wanting to be a magical girl!"

So we delivered the entire stack and I got the idea.

The reason familiars can deliver for you, is they use your demonic-power as your contracted companion, so they deliver to the right places.

Yura and I park the bikes at Sona's garage and she tells me.

"So that's it for flyers, and tomorrow I have regulars I take care of. So don't laugh at me, okay?"

"Why would I laugh at you Yura?"

She fidgets and looks embarrassed but tells me.

"I dress up like a cheerleader for this guy in University, while he shoots hoops, and I have to make encouraging cheers, so I am embarrassed."

"I am so glad I am shadowing you, and can I bring my camera? I am just kidding, put the bike down, Yura!"

When we closed the garage she looked at me and said.

"I think I will just tell my dad the truth. I am also dating you so we can find out our feelings, and it's not a lie, right."

"Ufufu, Sister Yura, are you going to be my Moto competition? I think that's going to be fun, fufu. But lunch is mine, alright."

Yes, Momo felt the Pink-Line, so she is predisposed to Yura now.

"Momo, is it okay for me to join?"

"Only if you're serious."


"Then no problem, but I need to steal Moto for magic-class, I need to punish my student for being late, Ufufu!"

I look at Momo and instinctively let out.

"Oh, Boy...."

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