Chapter 33 Strength Matters!

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Rough Estimate Power Levels: Each major Class increase is 'roughly' 10-x more powerful than the last Class of strength. So a High-class-low is 10x stronger than a Mid-class. Ishibumi Ichiei the creator of DxD really messed with power scaling but this is the closest you're going to get. I use this in my story.

[Human-class (low-mid-high)] → [Low-class (low-mid-high)] → [Middle-class (low-mid-high)] → [High-class (low-mid-high)] → [Ultimate-class (low-mid-high)] → [Devil King-class* (low-mid-high)] → [Transcendent-class* (low-mid-high)] → [God-class (low-mid-high)] → [??Pal??] : [*AKA: Devil King = Satan / Transcendent = Super Devil] 


     The train ride to the hotel hosting our Party is in the Old Capital of Lucifaad, and this is Sirzechs domain. This is the same hotel that had the youth-gathering fight in the anime. It is a popular resort hotel for all youth related events, like the Youth Gathering and wedding parties like this one.

     The reason we Devils throw these events is to socialize (drink, party, fuck) and make connections. Also this means we don't have to invite every asshole under the fake-moon to our wedding, and it stays a small family event.

     In the noble-car are me, Sona, and Rias. In the servants-car there are our peerages. And in the back party-car are our parents. Yeah, I want to be in the last car too, sigh.

     "Hey dear, where is the Sitri Wine?"

     "No, drink whiskey, that stuff is too strong for an important event. I will let you have some on the way home, alright?"


     Rias, seeing our comedy skit, covers her mouth and giggles.

     "Ufufu, You too look like old married couples already. That sad face you put on Ryu is priceless."

     "No, I am very sad, that wine is the best!"

     Sona with a caring smile, poured me a large tumbler full of normal whisky with ice. Then she handed it to me as she sat next to me in her beautiful royal-blue-dress.

     "Here my dear, now just be happy with this for now and tonight I will let you have the good stuff."

     Rias not wanting to be outdone says to me.

     "We have a really nice Gremory Whisky my father loves, should I get you some next time?"

     Yeah, I drank that once in my dream and it was the bomb, but I don't remember much after?

     "Thanks Lady Gremory, that would be great!"

     "Rias, I will send over some servants to get a case of it, so don't worry, thanks though."

     Rias just smiles and asks me.

     "Ryu, how strong are you now that you're a Devil?"

     "Haven't tested it yet, but I guess maybe Low-class-high. But with my Boosted Gear that value changes greatly."

     Of course I'm lying, I am actually Mid-class-mid, a major leap up. With 3 stacks of [Boost] I enter High-class-low. Which is as strong as Rias and Sona.

     "Wow, I think that's about where Kiba is at the moment."

     Well he has been training for years and has a Sacred Gear, so if he is not there he would suck balls. But this life might be different with missed opportunities not handed to him by Issei.

     "Well Boosted Gear is considered a mid-tier Longinus so it makes sense."

     Sona taps my shoulder and says politely to me and Rias to get us to stop.

     "Dear, Rias and her peerage will be one of our opponents in youth rating games next summer, so don't tell her everything."

     "Sona dear, don't worry, there is only one thing to remember... Strength matters! In front of overwhelming strength, plans are useless."

     "In Rating Games strength can work againstyou."

     "Yes, like in maps, large scale destruction is bad, I am aware. I know your style dear, just point and target, and I shall eliminate."

     Rias watching us makes her hate that shemissed me. Then she thinks of Riser, and Saji.

     The rest of our train car ride was quiet, and after a while we made it to the underground station for the magic train.

     This city is more modern like an oldermetropolis, where the Devil Capital Lilith is very modern.

     Our two families wait for the security to make sure the outside is clear, then we all get off. Both peerages follow their kings and we follow the parents.

     The Gremory train is parked here so they will take their own train home after the party. This also puts me on alert for Serafall danger, and the parents and Sona just laugh at me being nervous.

     Our two groups walk together and we draw attention from the media, but the two groups of security keep them farther away this time. And soon we entered the front doors of the main Resort Hotel controlled by Sirzechs.

     The staff have waited for Lord and Lady Sitri before opening the event hall so they can inspect and then greet guests. Oh, crap that means me, sigh.

     Sona says to me as she sees my face when we enter our party hall.

     "And that dear, is why I refused you to drink the heavy stuff, your job is too greet with me."

     "Sona, where are the Emergency Exits?"

     "Stop it Motohama, sigh, you make it sound like my sister will do something stupid."

     When I looked at her with dead eyes she blushed, not believing her own bullshit.

     Thankfully, Sona and I stood at one end of the door and Lord and Lady Sitri were on the other-side, to greet the older devils, so Sona and I are responsible for the younger generation.

     The Gremory are inside already finding good spots to sit and start the festivity. A couple of older Devils came by, said hello to mother and father and briefly said hello to us. Then someone I recognize from the anime comes to the youth side to greet us.

     Seekvaira Agares, followed by her Queen, stops in front of us and both women push up theglasses in a comical way, lightly smile and the newcomer said.

     "Congratulations on your engagement and soon to follow the wedding. Honestly you're the first in our youth Devil age range. And hello Red Dragon Emperor Ryu."

     "Thank you for coming, next in line for the Arch-Duke position, Seekvaira Agares. I have heard only good things about you, please enjoy yourselves inside."

     Seekvaira looked at me and then to Sona, who looked amused at me being so calm with her like I already knew about her.

     "I will thank you."

     The pair went in, and of course the Arch-Duke is not coming in person, because he is like the Devil Sheriff and has to stay neutral.

     A few low ranking nobles with good relations to the Sitri also are greeted by us, but they are not even worth mentioning. We also greet the age group of Riser, which unfortunately included, you guessed it...

     Riser and Ravel Phenex, plus his hot Queen.

     "Riser greets you Sona Sitri, friend of mybeloved."

     "Sorry we dropped by unannounced, geez, my brother wanted to see Rias again, I hope we are not bothering you Lady Sitri."

     Sona lies...

     "Not at all, please enjoy yourselves."

     Sona looks pissed because they never once acknowledged me and just went to crash. Well it looks like their Mother and Father are also here, so maybe they were invited last minute. She looks to see if I am upset but I just smile.

     "You were ignored?"

     "That's good because Motohama does not like to talk to third parties.  Motohama will just ignore the interlopers."

     After a while I asked in a gloomy low voice.

     "Will Diodora Astaroth be coming my dear?"

     Sona sensing my stormy emotions tells me.

     "No, he is not one we have close ties with, why?"

     "Never turn your back to him, Ever."

     Sona does not ask but remembers my words in her heart.

     "I won't, dear."

     After hearing that, I smile again, I really love how trusting she is and does not get too nagging.

     Shortly a large young man and his hot Queen approach with confidence, you guessed it! Sairaorg Bael and Kuisha Abaddon.

     In his deep voice he greets. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "It is good to see you again Sona and this must be your betrothed, the new Red Dragon Emperor?"

     "Greetings Sairaorg Bael and Kuisha Abaddon. I am indeed this generation's Red Dragon Emperor, and I am also the one lucky enough to marry this perfect Devil, thank you for coming."

     "What, you even know my Queen?"

     "The power of [Hole] is what warns me to remember her, but not in a negative way."

     His Queen looks surprised that a reincarnated Devil knows her ability, but she then looks to Sona, a strategist. She probably taught him all kinds of things.

     "Motohama Ryu you're interesting, and I want to face you next year so get stronger so we can do battle! Congratulations again."

     Sona points inside and says.

     "Your cousin Rias is inside over there."


     After a short while, both Lady and Lord Sitri came to us and said.

     "We have greeted enough so let's go in and toast to you both."

     So we both follow mother and father into the main stage to do our toasting, apparently the 2 Devil Kings have arrived and are coming in now, damn!

     I keep looking for the Exits and windows to jump out of and Sona takes my hand and asks.

     "Are you that afraid of Serafall?"

     "I would rather face Great Red than your sister when it comes to you dear!"

     Then suddenly like a death-march the main doors open, and in walks two Devil Kings and my body stiffens in fear, no seriously, I don't want to die to, cute and hot!

     Sirzechs Lucifer, a tall male Rias, with super cosplay clothing is walking side by side with Death herself!

     Serafall Leviathan is in her female black-business-suit. Her hair done in her twin-tails and a gloomy look in her eyes! Fuck Balls!

     When our eyes met, all that bravado of having thick-skin went out the window like I am going to do in a moment! No, in real life she is scary!

     Serafall smiled and then pointed at me and said.

     "How dare you trick my little sister into a marriage she does not want!"


     [Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker]



     My Dragon wings had extended and at a speed 128 times faster!


     A red-streak blurred across the hall over all of the stunned Devils, creating a sonic-boom, as I shot out the window shattering the glass!


     Serafall was stupefied at my reaction.

     "No, I was joking with him, promise! Zechs said it would be funny!"

     "Bring him back now! This was your fault."

     "I will get him now, ha-ha, Dont be mad So-tan!"

     With that in a blur of her own she vanished from that spot, and Sirzechs said to everyone with an embarrassed laugh.

     "Sorry everyone, that really was my fault, I did not know the Red Dragon Emperor could get away so fast. Sona sorry for spoiling this for you."

     Even Rias was covering her face in shame for her brother's joke gone wrong.

     "No it's fine, my Motohama, fears nothing but my sister. He just can't face her, sorry for that."

     Strangely not many Devils in the room blamed me for bailing like that, but only being afraid of Serafall, that's a strange fear.

     Sirzechs greeted Lord and Lady Sitri and apologized again.

     Soon the door opened and Serafall wasdragging in the Scale Mail, me, by my tail and she said in a cheerful voice!

     "Sona, Sona, Sona, I caught him for you, see and he is not hurt!"

     [Unhand me you scary Magical Girl!]

     Serafall hearing the magic words I should not have said did her magical transformation!

     SparklePoofMagic Girl Clothing!

     "Now Red Dragon Emperor, have you learned your lesson for capturing Princess Sitri! Now I will banish you to the afterlife! Sparkle, sparkle, sp-"

     SMACK! Sona with displeasure on her face just hit her sister over the head and stopped her finishing attack!

     Serafall rubs her head looking wronged but seeing the face of her sister and her parents, she realizes she messed up big, oops.

     "So-tan, see he is fine he is-"

     Serafall jumped out of her skin when she saw the cowering Scale Mail on the ground was frozen completely in ice, and she definitely did not ice him, right?

     "No, No, I didn't do that Sona! I prom-"

    She stopped talking when she noticed everyone was giggling or holding in their laughter, so Serafall looked around and realized she was tricked, that little bastard me, was hiding behind her mother with a grin. She was speechless.

     Serafall then stepped on the statues lower half turning the whole thing to snow and blowing away and my smug smile vanished as I felt my balls retreat in fear.

     I heard Riser's voice...

     "Ha Ha, Riser is so glad he came!"

     I say to Sona.

     "Can we toast before I die?"

     Serafall looked wronged hearing my words and she pointed.

     "I was only joking with you, and you made me chase you down, this is your fault."

     "Any threat from the Great Devil King Leviathan is one I cannot ignore! Look around, does anyone blame me for bailing out the window?"

     Lady Sitri, not at all amused with this situation, points to her older daughter.

     "Please apologize to him for scaring him, I spent all this time telling him not to fear you and what was the very first thing you did? Prove me wrong, sigh, let's toast already!"

     Finally we settled down and I ended up having a lot of fun after I realized she was not going to kill me, but when she grabbed me after fleeing, I thought I was dead.

     How did she catch me, well Ddraig said its because she is Ultimate class, and I did not Boost enough, or use my Knight form.

     Once the toasts at midnight were done everyone started to mingle, and I didn't leave Sona's side!

     "Sorry dear, you were right about my sister."

     "Shh! Dear she can hear us, oh crap!"

     Serafall and Sirzechs came to me and Sona....

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