Chapter 37 Rias and Riser's Engagement Party, Sigh!

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"Motohama Ryu! How dare you embarrass us like that, grabbing that poor girl's breast in your run?!"

     I am currently getting scolded by my parents in-front of Momo's parents, and I can't even defend my actions, because when she put my right-hand on her breast, I reflexively squeezed, but I was also confused at the time, sooooo....

     Momo held my arm and defended me after hearing my father.

     "Mr and Mrs Ryu, you're both mistaken. I clearly saw her move his hand and my Moto did not expect that. That girl Mai is a trickster in class and bullies my Moto. He is innocent this time, because I clearly saw it! Plus you saw how she pressed herself on his face instead of getting off, right? Would a girl that did not do that stay on top of Moto?"

     Momo's father said to them.

     "If Momo said he did not do it, then I believe in my future son-in-law! Hah-aha!"

     Even if he did not believe me, he would suck-up to me for being the future Boss's husband! Sona for the win!

     Plus when my parents heard him call me, son-in-law, they looked like winners! And they just patted me on the back for not making it a big deal on the track, wow two timing parents.

     So Murayama would not get thrown into a locker full of Matsuda-shit, I explained everything to Momo, so she wont get her back. Momo understood I was only protecting my first regular client, so she forgave her. Plus she laughed that she was building my pervert-reputation in school.

     Later I was ambushed by Issei and Matsuda, and was shaken with questions...

     "Holy fucking hell Brosiff! You grabbed Murayama's jugs right on the fucking track, your amazing, Motohama!"

     "Mat's right! So how did they feel? Firm, Soft, or in the Middle?"

     I see the two look in anticipation and I look at my right hand, and I do a grabbing gesture, and I put on a thinking face.

     "The perfect mix of soft and firm, and very elastic! I give her a 7 out of 10 on the [I wanna suck on them titties] scale, so that's it!!"



     Then Matsuda said to us.

     "Come on guys, I made a great peephole before and it's in the women's stall, he-he, it's the best show, I saw two hotties peeing today already, he-he!"

     "Yes, I wanna see some boobs! Let's go see Motohama! Show us the way Matsuda, ha-ha!"

     "Yeah, I am not really into watching girls pee and shit you know, it's kinda not sexy."

     Well the Perverted Trio reluctantly made it to the back side of the rest room and I decided to play a prank on them.

     While they did not see me, I cast a spell with Demonic Magic that caused them to either see their mother or a woman with a dick depending on the situation in the stall, he-he.

     20 minutes later...

     "Fuck man, our gym teacher has a bigger dick than me! Why does this school have so many men dressed as women?! This is a fucking scam!"

     "Out of all the women in the school, why did my mom use the bathroom, sniff!"

     "You guys just had some bad luck, I saw Rias Gremory!"

     "Fuck you Motohama!"

     "Fuck you Motohama!"

     No I saw no one, but the look on their faces is priceless! Fuck, speaking of Rias Gremory, I have to go to her stupid party next week, sigh.

     Well that was the end of my 4th Sports Day if you count the dream world.

     And now another boring week passed in a blink of an eye.

     This week, Tsubaki, Yura, Tomoe, and I have been doing one hour of team sparring, while Sona has me use all four promotions of Rook, Knight, Bishop, and Queen.

     When I am Promoted to Queen I can easily take on all three women. I have been using the promotions to feel them in my body to help perfect my Illegal Move Promotions.

     But like Issei in the story, I cannot use the Illegal Queen yet. I can only unlock it once I have experienced entering Juggernaut Drive and that's dangerous for my life and sanity. Well until I can deal with the hostile Past Users negative emotions.

     I explained to Sona and the girls that my Illegal moves have to stay hidden if we want to use them in Rating Games. If they are exposed it might get banned from the Rating Game.

     And Momo has finally calmed down and is not coming for wake up sex every morning, that is good because it won't be as special if it's too often.

     On a side note we still have substitutes filling in for the missing Mr Andrews. Seems his family in England needed him home for an emergency in the family. Other teachers are now being vetted more thoroughly after his departure.

     October time is coming and the weather is starting to cool, and this is time for many fun events including the big School Trip for the Second Years to Kyoto.

     Well it's now Friday and we are now going to get ready to go back to the Underworld exactly two weeks later, sigh. Blue is replacing me at home so my parents won't get suspicious of my absences from home.

     Only Rias is more depressed than me right now.

     Worst of all is the fact we are riding the Gremory Train, ugh, kill me now! We however won't be going to our own Houses but staying in rooms at the nearby hotel for the event. This is at least better than traipsing around the Underworld.

     So, I am currently sitting in the servants car with the two peerages, because the riding in the noble car seems to only extend to the Sitri train, sigh, but I don't have to look at Rias's face while she whines like a baby. Poor Sona.

     Most of the peerages are giving me strange looks, why?

     I am eating a bucket of KFC chicken I bought on our way to the train station! Yura, not knowing my joke, is beside me chowing down on a drumstick with a smile.

     I pass her another napkin to wipe the grease off her fingers and Kiba laughs and asks.

     "Sooo, why the bucket of chicken?"

     "Because it's finger licking good! Right, Yura?"

     My sweet Yura, just clueless, plays along while Kiba holds in his laughter.

     Yeah, him being a guy, he does not have to worry about Riser doing Night-crawling into his room as his wife's servant, but Koneko, Akeno, and maybe Gasper will definitely join in Riser's harem!

     Sadly this is the truth about servants in the world of the Devil. The last 500 years have seen an improvement in how well servants are treated, but overwhelmingly, servants are beaten, killed, raped, and many other darker things.

     This is why Devil Nobility looks down on all servants. Unless they are one of the rare few with strength and power, but they are like winning lottery winners, very rare.

     And until I get noticed, even my status as husband to Sona will be secretly mocked, so how do I fix that? Simple, Domination! Get so strong every Devil will have to lower their head. This is how Devils work, strength is everything.

     Tsubaki had brought me some Gremory Whiskey that was on the train, and I smiled at her for that kindness. She then said to me.

     "When Sona is not around, just consider me your Queen as well Motohama. And thank you for helping me choose that Kimono for the party. I was going to wear a normal dress till you recommended it."

     I look to Tsubaki on my left and tell her.

     "Well you're like Akeno over there, a true Japanese beauty so having an excuse to wear our home traditional outfits that bring out your beauty is a must I believe. You really can't wear your Kimono around the house, so events where there is no fighting are perfect for it. If Sona did not say no to it, I would wear a matching one myself, but I have to wear this stupid school uniform, sigh."

     Yeah she focused on the 'your beautiful' and 'I wanted to match with you' part the most. Well how do I know what's going on in her mind?

     Well others also ate some chicken with us so it did not get awkward. Then I asked the painful question.

     "So what are you all going to do when Rias and Riser marry? Move to the Underworld, or stay in Kuoh?"

     Akeno answered and said to my peerage. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "Rias promised us that she wont let Riser touch any of us, also she said she will only marry him if he comes to live in the human world while she finishes university. Sigh, This is not what Rias expected to happen at all, and this sudden push to marry early has made things difficult on us. We can't even challenge him to a Rating Game or break the engagement. So Riser will move to Kuoh with us."

     I am speechless at how this developed! Riser is moving to Kuoh? Fuck because I did not take the Rias route I have to see fuck-face in person, shoot me now!

     (A/N Do remember some of the guessing of how things will go and what actually happens differ based on his knowledge, but reality is different. Riser, as a son-in-law marrying, can't go sleep with Rias's servants without her permission, just like Rias can't touch Riser's servants. But Motohama thinks Riser is going to do it. So keep in mind this stuff when Motohama is telling his story to us. I as the Author know how things actually work in Devil society in DxD and I also know Riser is not a bad Devil, but most human-readers hate him by default. So does Motohama. Thanks for understanding.)

     Sona does not control Kuoh at all, only the school during the day, but Rias is in charge of everything else, and that's why I don't piss her off. But I thought Riser would live in the Underworld for sure, not come make Kuoh his home, fuck nuggets!

     "Is it not great! You said you were his fan, right?"

     "His fan in spirit, I honestly have not seen any one of his games yet. I was a human after all, but he does play professionally so gotta respect that!"

     Fuck that, the games are all rigged by the high ranking nobles with King Pieces and players take fake losses all the time, its so rigged. Only the number one champion earned his spot.

     I see Saji on another couch looking butt hurt about his King getting married, and he lost her before their love could bloom.

      Well this fun situation definitely proves I killed canon for sure, now I am just left with FUBAR!

     Koneko said to me for the first time talking to me ever.

     "You seem to drink a lot for a high-schooler?"

     I downed my glass and smiled at the little Loli and said.

     "It reminds me I am still alive, and it takes the edge off my mental stress. Our Devil bodies are fortunately designed for drinking and other sinful hobbies like smoking and even drugs if one wanted too. This is the one advantage to a Devil body. Angels can't enjoy this stuff sooo."

     Swish! At this point I see the two Devil Heiresses come strolling in after we passed into the Underworld gate.

     Sona and Rias look at this situation of a half bucket of KFC and our two peerages having a lively discussion, then Sona sighs.

     "Really dear? A family bucket of KFC on this day of all days?"

     Rias looked amused and picked up without asking a wing and started to eat it. So I defend myself to Sona.

     "Then should I be offended if a Devil drinks a glass of water while around us? They are not real chickens are they? I cannot eat one of my favorite foods just because someone's skin is too thin right?"

     Rias hands the bucket to Sona and says.

     "Try it, it's good!"

     Sona took Tsubaki's spot on my side and declined.

     So I ask Sona.

     "So what are our plans for the weekend, dear?"

     Sona pushed up her glasses and told us her peerage.

     "We will return immediately on our Sitri train that is still at the station waiting for us. I have too much to get ready to stay in the Underworld for too long. School has too many events for us to participate in."

     I nod my head at her plans. I see in her eyes she does not want to be here, and oh, I realized, she wants to spend time with me before school and when I looked into her eyes she blushed, nailed it!

     Sadly this was the most exciting thing that happened in the Underworld! We went to the Engagement Party... No challenge, no Rias refusing, no drama finding me?!

     Yeah, Riser and I never even came close to each other or got provoked.

     He was super happy, and sadness was in Rias's eyes, but also defeat. Her parents really forced her by threatening to pull her from Japan.

     The only bad news... Some of Riser's Peerage is coming to Kuoh schools, sigh. It was confirmed that Riser and Rias will live in a mansion built by the Gremory, and it seems Riser is getting the canon mansion that Issei got.

     The upside? I can shove Riser into many incoming bad guys, he-he! Sacrificial Chicken!

     Fuck he might even die, that might even solve some of Rias's problems other than her loss of purity, but none of my concern.

     When we returned Sunday afternoon, Sona asked me over to her house for some time alone, called it!

     I get to have a private date with my wife Sona, my weekend is turning out fucking great!

Hey Guys if u like the fanfic and want to read ahead or just want to support take a visit on my patreon.

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