Chapter 39 The New School Nurse Is Sexy!

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As I hoped for Sona, Tsubaki, and I watched a couple of Disney classics and had a private movie time in her entertainment room. Sona did not want to neglect Tsubaki and I loved the extra company. I had an amazing beauty on each side, and I held the popcorn bucket for us all...

     That night I left for my Devil duties. We were there already and Blue was still taking my place, so I didn't have to go home till morning.

     Shortly after I went on my Devil jobs, Sona and Tsubaki began to do their paperwork for the end of the month progress for everyone. Then they heard it...

     Knock Knock! When they do their Devil work they put up the barrier to repel normal humans, so whoever is at the door is supernatural.

     When Sona and Tsubaki neared the door they felt the presence of the Fallen Angels! Cautiously, Tsubaki opened the door and then they saw their visitor!

     "Sona Sitri, we need to talk..."

     Tsubaki and Sona looked at each-other in shock, and then stepped aside to let their visitor in...

     The next day, Monday morning.....


     Slap! Fuck that one was bizarre?! Ah, no Momo wake up today, welp time to run!

     So this morning while I ran, I met up with Yura and the two of us did a few laps around the park near our home before giving her a kiss and splitting up for school after her request. This has been our normal routine the last two weeks.

     "Hey Motohama, I talked with Momo, and she said I can eat lunch with you today. She said she had some Devil work to do for a new possible peerage member. So can we go to the University for the food there? Plus I would like to see the University at lunch time, so in the future I can know our school."

     "Plus we can be openly affectionate right? Yes I would love to go with you Yura, let's meet at the front gate at lunch start. Looking forward to it."

     She blushes and nods.

     "I want to hold hands and eat together very much, so I will see you then, bye Motohama!"

     She ran with spring in her step. She really is adorable, and hard to imagine as a front line Rook!

     I made it home to start my day and sent Blue back to the familiar forest so he could have fun hunting for a bit. He likes the peace in my town, but Dragons still need to battle some equal prey.

     My parents are still on cloud-9 from Friday about the implication of their new daughter-in-law. Damn, I still don't know how to tell my parents about me and the supernatural? This is really hard to explain, but I still have time before anything big happens.

     Meeting up with Matsuda and Issei we plan our new scams!

     "Motohama and Issei, I think I have a new idea!"

     "If it involves peepholes in the girls toilet, I am out!"

     "Yeah, didn't you look at that dick too long last time?!"

     "Fuck you guys! I was just shocked and had to look at her, or his face! Now I don't ever want to see that teacher again, gag!"

     Ultimately his plan was to use a telescope he brought to climb a tree and peep on the two Occult Research hotties in their Old School House building, sigh, that won't end well!

     "Your a fucking genius Mat! I am there count me in, and I am good at climbing trees, he-he, boobies!"

     "Count me out, I have seen both naked already and I have somewhere to be at that time, so I wish you guys luck. Oh and take pictures if you can, ha-ha!"

     Matsuda with his dumb-smile holds up his new camera with a telescopic-lens! Oh he is becoming a professional stalker!

     "This Turbo 2000 will fill the Rias and Akeno spank-bank for years to come, plus I can use it as blackmail or sell them for Yen, he-he, I am so smart, right?"

     Well there is no chance in "hell" his plan will work, but for once, I hope his plan works, just because it's at least well thought out. Well if they were normal women then it would.

     "Well I hope you do well, and if you actually do it I will pay you big! I will give you xxxx¥ if you get good shots!"

     "Shit Mat! We can play a lot of arcade games with xxxx¥!"

     With my friends' minds filled with Yen signs and titty-slings, we made it to school.

     I wave to the Sitri girls and I see a slight smile on Sona's face and I don't like that smile one bit! And so my head spins around looking for a Magical Girl!

     I see the girls covering their mouths because they all damn well know who I am looking for! The only person on the planet that can make me flee like a rabbit, Serafall Leviathan!

     I just headed into class embarrassed and then the day started. Momo made it at the last minute like normal. Then the Teacher came in...

     Slide! In walked in a middle aged American woman in her late 40's and a normal teacher look. She wrote her name on the board and greeted us.

     "I am Miss White and I am your homeroom and new English teacher. I am the permanent replacement for former teacher Andrews. Any questions before attendance?"

     A few obligatory questions like where she was from, which she said Las Vegas Nevada in America.

     Also that happens to be controlled by the Fallen Angels by the way, go figure.

     She was slightly out of the boys strike zones, so she did not threaten the girls or interest the boys, so that means learning can happen.

     After that the day went on as normal until it was finally lunch time.

     Chime Chime Chime! And with that I said goodbye to Momo who had obligations to attend to. Then I hurried to the front gates to meet up with my girlfriend Yura.

     We met up no problem and held hands as we went to the University food court. The University is one block away from the High School, so sometimes students eat there for lunch. Many eateries there are operated by the students. Plus if you're into coffees this is the place to go for a pick me up.

     Yura and I got some hamburgers and ate in the shade together while feeding each-other fries and talking about what her dad did recently. Teacher is in fact going to marry his long-time girlfriend next year! This is great news for me and Yura, due to the guilt of not being around him as much, thanks to our Devil duties keeping us busy.

     Before we left I held Yura and we kissed for a while and just enjoyed the quiet school atmosphere.

     "I know I don't say it often, Motohama, but you know I love you, right?"

     "Every time I get punched in the gut by you, I can feel it in my soul, ha-ha! Yeah, and I love you too. Now let's get back, Yura."

     We wanted the day to just go on, and I almost skipped with her, but she is in the Student Council so it's not good for her.

     Back in school in math class...

     Slide! A student from the student council handed the teacher some paperwork they needed, and then he told the teacher something else that caught me by surprise. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "Please send student Motohama Ryu to the clinic for his checkup in room 1-7."

     After the messenger left, the teacher said to me.

     "Ryu, you already know this so go to the clinic for your checkup, see you tomorrow."

     I am very confused about this because in my years in my dream and this year, this is the first time I have or seen someone other than Issei from the story get called to the nurses office?!

     "See you later after club Moto."

     With Momo's words I got my bag and left for room 1-7 and I do remember coming here in my dream, so I am familiar with it. When I get to the door I can tell there are Devils in there so I go in.

     When I came in and closed the door to speak, the two Devils in the room surprised me but one more than the other.

     "Hello I was ca-"

     As the air caught in my lungs, Sona said to the open mouthed me.

     "Dear, I would like you to meet my newest Knight that has just joined our peerage. I think you two know each other well, correct?"

     Yes, Sona my brain understands and comprehends but why is Kalawarna sitting in the nurses chair with a white lab-coat on and looking hot as fuck?! And she is a Devil now?!

     "Nurse Kala, it seems my Motohama here is suffering from brain malfunction, please see if you can fix him, I need to get back to class, mwah, goodbye dear."

     Sona kissed my cheek and then left locking the door behind her. I did not see her face, but my money is on a huge fucking smile is plastered on her lips for sure!

     Kala stood up and came to me feeling my forehead and said.

     "Seems you're suffering from a bad case of stupidity with a dose of forgetfulness, right?"

     "Kala, are you really a Devil now?! Are you alright? Who bullied you? Are you feeling fine, and what's up with you being Sona's Knight?! Crap I need to sit down I think."

     I sat on one of the beds and she rolled her chair to sit in front of me. Kalawarna then extended her bat-wings, then created a yellow-light-spear and explained.

     "You already forgot one of the things you said to me in the park right? You said I could join your peerage as a Knight. So I did, and I can't undo it. I am officially a traitor to the Fallen Angels and a Sitri Devil."

     I take her hand closest to me and hold it while asking.

     "Is your body feeling okay, are you hurt, or is there any discomfort."

     She squeezed the hand holding hers and said.

     "Motohama, just relax, I feel fine. Other than my wings changing and gaining the drawbacks of sun, prayer, and light damage, I am mostly the same. I am even more light tempered than most Devils and I didn't pray to God before anyway. And as far as light poisoning, getting stabbed is painful even as a Fallen, now it's just worse."

     I look into her yellow-eyes and ask seriously.

     "Other than me, why did you become a Devil? Oh and I am thrilled about it, just worried for you."

     We let go of our hands and she leaned back in her chair crossing her long and sexy legs.

     "Azazel told me one of his spies heard about our meeting in the park, and it was going to cause me and you a lot of problems. So Azazel said to join you and it wont start a fight. However if it was leaked a Fallen and a Devil got along too well, then trouble between the factions would happen"

     She tapped my shin with her high heeled shoe, and continued.

     "He also told me the Reincarnation System would work on me like past Fallen Angels. He said they don't make it public knowledge for the few that change. He even said Half Fallen become Devils all the time, in fact you are in school with one he said."

     I nod because he is talking about Akeno and that's how I knew even Fallen become Devils.

     "Azazel also said... Take good care of Kalawarna and prove your friends with us. And if you hurt her, he-he!"

     Kalawarna and I smile at Azazel and his ways. So I ask a dumb but necessary question.

     "You and Sona?"

     Kalawarna moved the hair from her eyes and smiled.

     "Motohama, now that's girls talk and I won't tell, but it's only good for you. I like her and the others, well that Tomoe and Reya are less interesting, but the other girls and I get along well."

     "Wow, I was the last to know?"

     "Seems so. Oh and by the way, I will be moving in tonight with Precious."

     Motohama.exe has stopped functioning Clt+Alt+Delete!

     "Momo's father and Momo already 'talked' with your parents about letting the new School Nurse board at your place, nice right?"

     "Shit is my alarm clock about to wake me up?!"

     "Ha-ha, Your very imaginative Motohama. Do you not want us there with you?"

     "Hell yes I want you there! Um? I meant sure it would be fun right, he-he?"

     And that's how the Kuoh Academy School Nurse moved into my home and never left!

Hey Guys if u like the fanfic and want to read ahead or just want to support take a visit on my patreon.

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