Chapter 44 Riser Finally Gets The Girl!

Later that day, my parents are seeing my 8 Peerage members party off at the train station with our bags.

     My mother is talking with Sona, as my father pulled me over for a chat. He pushed up his glasses like me and he told me.

     "My son, I can't give you much advice late in the game like this, but... Just love your wife and she will love you. It is clear you and Miss Sitri are not jumping into this recklessly and she seems to love you a lot. So, just be the best man you can, even when the chips are down, that's it, and I will see you in a week."

     "Yes, and don't call her Miss Sitri, but daughter. She will like that the most. Also, I will still be Ryu in the human world, but my name in the Underworld will be Sitri as well, so no one doubts my resolve."

     Father and son part as Yura comically pushes the big-ass luggage-cart. My dad seeing that just smiles at his world view changing. I have not told him more than they know from Momo's parents because they have taken it well and overloading them is pushing it.

     Surprisingly they handled Kala being my woman well. I guess they saw her as my older sister for a while before knowing she was a Devil servant. All my parents really know is I am marrying up into higher nobility as a son-in-law.

     A short while later we boarded our Sitri train and Benz Sitri was very amiable with me, due to me joining the family in a week. So now Sona and I will be in the noble-car till we enter theUnderworld.

     Sona poured me a glass of Sitri Wine and a milk-coffee for herself, and then we sat together while I held her shoulder. She then asked me.

     "Are you upset I told your parents without asking you?"

     "I am super thankful actually. Telling them was something I wanted to do, but I had no idea how. Finding out from Momo's parents who are also human seems to have been the best choice. My heart feels lighter now. I don't have to hide you, well except school, ha-ha."

     "By the way dear, I was officially nominated for the president position for the Student Council and naturally I will win, but you knew already when you met Tsubaki and me, right?"

      "You already know this so what are you really asking me dear?"

     "Why did you panic when you saw Tsubaki's eyes? Is it from dreaming of her?"

     "In my dream, her left eye was violet, so when I saw both eyes are the same color, I panicked. I did not know if the what I dreamed was real or fake."

     Sona smiled at my reasoning and said something that I did not expect.

     "Tsubaki has been interested since that very moment. When I asked her to heal you the day you were shot, she said she was worried for you while healing you. Also while you were unconscious being healed, you called Tsubaki's name. And the day you won the chess match with me, her feelings were confirmed."

     "What? I called her name?"

     [Partner, remember when I told you she was healing you? You most definitely called her name as your body reacted, ringing any bells?]

     "Ah, Ddraig just reminded me I did call her name during my healing."

     "Yes dear, and ever since then she has been dreaming of you but you have never once taken advantage of her. She is afraid of overstepping our friendship. So you need to not be so passive with her and just tell her what you want."

     "I want her to be happy. But I told her I am waiting for her?"

     Sona kissed my face and said to me.

     "She is old-fashioned and has a servant mentality. She is the kind of woman that will do anything her husband asks of her, even shameful things. She needs you to take control and be firm with her, like she is with me."

     "So I should just tell her I love her and be my wife? Are you alright with that?"

     "It is what she wants, and like you I want her to be happy. You have to make this decision without my interference, but I support you."

     "This is why, even if I become high-class, I don't want my own peerage, because I love you all too much to be on opposing sides."

     "Change of subject, are you ready for their wedding?"

     "Maybe we should buy fire-resistant condoms for Rias?"

     Slap! My chest was lightly slapped by Sona with an amused but strict look.

     "That is worse than your KFC bucket joke, sigh. Rias is very depressed and I think she is going to suffer with her pride as a Devil. What was her family thinking? She will end up being as weak as a Mid-class strength if depression is in her heart?!"

     "It is even worse than that. I don't know if my dream is accurate, but the Phenex lose much of their status and power if events unfold, so the glorious Riser is just a bit of a waste. But, the only thing that you and I need to focus on is the Sitri, right? Hear, I made you an early wedding gift."

     I hand Sona a handwritten journal, and she starts to page through it. The more she reads the more a few tears leak from her violet-eyes.

     "You truly saw the future didn't you? This is so beautiful, Motohama. I love it so much. But what is the part in large bold red? Why?"

      "If you build your dream in the Agreas territory, it will be used as a terrorist weapon and children will be harmed, so only do it in another domain. Like ours for example. And don't announce it at the Youth Gathering, just give those assholes a generic boot-lick answer. I want to protect your heart, my wife."

     [How To Build a Rating Game School For Dummies]

     Yeah, that's what I named her dream school guide-book to let her achieve her heart's desire. She did not get to do this in the novel, and was left alone by everyone. Not with me around. My wife will have whatever she wants!

     Like a child on Christmas, oh wait, it is still Christmas, Sona just kept reading the book I wrote for her over a couple of months.

     After we passed into the Underworld, Benz asked to inspect the New peerage member, Kala to log her officially into the system.

     "Dear let me keep reading this, and you take my place with Kala, plus it's something you need to get used to, any problem with that Benz?"

     "Not at all Lady Sona, let us go young Motohama?"

     So Benz and I leave the studying Sona in the noble-car and we go to register Kala.

     "Kalawarna, I am hear to do your registration, please place your hand here and answer a couple of simple questions."

     "Sure, I have always come to the Underworld from the Fallen Angel side, so coming from the Devils side is different."

     I smiled while Kala did her information for Identification, and she blushed when the age part was asked.

     For a moment I did a double take at her age, but I am okay in my mind due to memories of long lived races from the world of Gaia. But wow she was around 600 years old! After God died, the Angels could no longer reproduce so...

     After Benz left, Kalawarna hugged me and put her head on my shoulder, and I patted her back from her embarrassment.

     "Sweetheart, it is fine, I am not bothered one bit, actually I think it makes you better. You're very worldly and perfect."

     She then gently bit my earlobe and said in her sexy voice.

     "I still wanted to seem forever 23! Whatever, I still look good and that's all that matters, right?"

     "And your good looks let you fall from that Pride of yours, ha-ha. You know, you actually have been in all three factions of the Bible?!"

     "That's your fault! I would have still been a Fallen if you did not come into my heart. Don't give me that look, I am happy as a Devil with you, now let's drink."

     "Give me a minute, I need to talk with Tsubaki first, can't wait."

     "Motohama, you want to talk with me?"

     "Please come with me for just a minute, thanks."

     Tsubaki nervously follows me to the back car with the kitchen and eating area. I then turn to her and tell her.

     "Tsubaki Shinra, I want you to be my girlfriend and then eventually my wife. Dont say anything, just stand still. If you don't move, then you accept me, and if you move, I won't pursue this anymore."

     Tsubaki was stunned at my firm words, as I leaned in to kiss this woman I have wanted since school started.

     She closed her eyes and didn't move as my lips tenderly tasted hers, and soon she responded in kind. It was not intense and her red-face said it all, her brain stopped working.

     Then I snake my arms around her waist and gently pull her to me. Her eyes opened in confusion of what to do, and I stopped the kiss to say. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "I love you Tsubaki Shinra, and now you are my girlfriend, right?"

     "Yes, but Sona?"

     "Sona wants you to be happy. So this choice is for her best friend to make without King or Queen in the way, and she told me I can love you, so?"

     "Motohama, please take care of me!"

     I forgot she had Queen or Rook strength as she crushed my rib-cage with her happy hug.

     "Let's get back to the others, my Tsubaki."

     She blushed very hard when I pulled her into the servants-car holding her hand, and my girls smiled at her with a look of 'Finally'!

     "Tsubaki has officially accepted me everyone, so please be kind to her and not make it a big deal, but maybe a little clapping is good, right?"

     Clap Clap Clap! The girls took the opportunity to shame poor Tsubaki as she hid behind me with her eyes closed. But I could tell she was happy inside.

     After some time we all settled down and waited for the train to reach our destination... The Gremory Territory where the wedding is taking place. We will be staying at the Venelana Gremory Hotel in their main city, and the event will also be in the hotel.

     When we neared the stop, Sona had finished reading and came to our car and seeing Tsubaki blushing and holding my hand she only smiled lightly and said to her Queen.


     Tsubaki felt bullied by Sona's words and took 9000 mental damage, and Sona seeing that smiled. Vicious!

     "My mother called me and said the security Is at the station and ready to take us to the event for tomorrow's wedding. Let's support my friend Rias Gremory in her happy day and not embarrass the Sitri House, let's go everyone! Oh and we will all wear our High School uniforms to support Rias, fufu."

     Kalawarna asked.

     "What will I wear then, my nurse's coat?"

     "Oh? I actually had High School uniforms made just for you Kala, by request of your man! Thank him."

     She looks at me in shame, and I shrug and say.

     "Trust me, you will look very hot in it, and I would like it."

     Kalawarna looked defeated, and the sadistic Sona looked happy!