Chapter 46 Green Goblin vs Red Dragon!

When Riser and Rias stepped out to come for their ceremony, the sight they walked into was not what they expected at all.

     Riser was irritated his fuck-time is getting delayed, and Rias was saddened that the wedding was not called off, even with her big-brother here, but instead they were having a duel for another wedding instead of hers?! Why is she so unlucky?

     Grayfia is getting the prearranged Rating Game field ready for the match. And when she was done setting up the perimeters she explained the rules and risks involved, including: no side can contest, protest, or make a peep if an 'accidental' death occurred, I was adamant about this.

     First, the Rating Game Field usually pulls the targets away before fatal damage can affect the body but it's never 100%, this is the Retirement System. That's why I hate teams that sacrifice on a dime.

     Second, my life now and the me in the Dream World was not the murder-hobo type. But, the me from my Gaia memories killed all men who lusted after my wives. Leave no threat to your women and children if you can, and kill every last one before they take your love!

     It's taking a short while so they can set up monitors to view us live while we are in the game field. We will be fighting in an arena just like the one in the Riser vs Issei at the end of season one.

     The Sitri are giving me advice and good luck on my match. Sona then says to me seriously.

     "When you fight its enemy territory, you may be promoted at will! Now play big and show our competition we are not pushovers. Win and I will give you a reward dear. Show them my sister is not the only Ice user of the Sitri!"

     "No, Ddraig wants to spread his might some, so we will be brutal."

     Momo said seriously.

     "See Sona, that's the face he made when he saved me, fufu, poor pointy-ears."

     I see Riser is over giving advice to Zephyrdor Glasya-Labolas. Guess they must hangout once in a while. Honestly I did not expect Riser to pal around with him, or he just hates me, meh, doesn't matter. I will make Riser happy in the future.

     [Partner is your head in the game?]

     "Yeah, Ddraig I am just in the zone. Also how many boosts should I stick to?"

     [Seven comfortably, but eight if things look tight, and I would avoid going too high after that for a while. You don't want to hit a Burst and go flat.]

     "Yeah, all of that is upper High-high and early Ultimate-low, so pushing it will be tough, but that's with Queen promotion."

     "Dear if you're done talking with Ddraig, the Ultimate Queen Grayfia is waving for you to come to the portal circle."

     I give my group a thumbs up with the Boosted Gear and walk to one of two magic-circles on the ground, one for me and one for goblin.

     Grayfia in her serious maid mode tells the both of us before sending us in. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "When I send the two of you in, stay put and don't attack each other till I give you both the countdown, failure is forfeiting the match, and you may ask to be forcefully retired if it gets too bad for you. Now have a good match, good luck to both of you."

     As Sona and I looked into one another's eyes, silver-light covered my view and I am now in a stone-stadium like a Colosseum. And where there would be a spectators box is an image of the room watching us. I see my Sitri group in one image there.

     [I am Grayfia Lucifuge of the Lucifer Group, and I will be the arbiter of this one-on-one match between King Zephyrdor Glasya-Labolas vs Pawn Motohama Ryu of the Sona Sitri Group.]

     "Promotion to Queen. and..."

     [Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker, Scale Mail]

     [Both sides have been told the rules and we shall begin very shortly.]

     "Is your red armor supposed to scare me low-class? I will try not to kill you, ha-ha!"

     [Prepare to fight in 3...]

     Zephyrdor throws up 4 Defensive magic-circles in case I launch a ranged attack. His one strong point is his mastery over defensive barriers.


      "I see God, I slay God, I see Buddha, I slay Buddha, I see Devil, I slay the Devil!"


     Zephyrdor, hearing my chant of some sort, watched his defenses carefully.

     From my right-hand my royal-blue magic-circle came my Masamune sword, and I took a charging stance.


     I, using my Queen speed, rush the grinning Devil behind his 4 defensive-circles and aim the point of my sword to his most prized location, his dick! My Gaia memories of arena battles made me vicious in all attacks. I don't need to use boosts for this first strike, because this strike is to drop his calm.

     As I approach for my stab two things happen, first I extend my Scale Mail Dragons Wings ready for my retreat! Second the moment my Odachi Masamune was to hit his shields, Ddraig's voice was heard automatically...


     And like a joke, my sword pierced through all four shields obliterating them and running through his privates and out his exit! I for a brief moment held the stance for effect as the Goblin looked in disbelief at what he saw?!

     On the outside, Sairaorg Bael cried out in shock because he saw the fact nothing stopped my strike, not even body armor! Even the body he trained for years can't stop that attack!

     "Incredible! Just amazing, ha-ha!"

     As I pull my blade back and out of his stunned body flicking the blood from the blade, I fly up and say...

     [I kill God!]


     He finally felt the pain from his dick and ass, and with tears in his eyes formed his magic-attack-circle and launched many orbs of demonic blasts that I started to evade due to...


     Granting me a boost of x 256! Bringing me to Ultimate-low in power for a short while!

     [I kill Buddha! [Ice 2] Winter Tempest!]

     From up high my large Sitri attack-circle glowed royal-blue, and many large Ice shards like massive pillars shoot to the ground all around Goblin Boy, and each one is about 30 feet long 10 feet wide!

     Zephyrdor thought he avoided the attack by dodging the direct hits from the giant-ice-pillars sticking up from the ground, but then he noticed the ground rapidly start to freeze around each ice-spike!

     Snap! Everyone heard my fingers snap like Issei does with his Dress Break, and the real show began!

     While Zephyrdor was breaking his feet from the growing-ice, he noticed all the pillars surrounding him all shattered at once and then his body was covered in that growing ice and it clung to him, slowing and chilling him to the bone.

     [I kill the Devil!]

     Zephyrdor Seeing my opened hand glowing ready to fire a blast at him grit his teeth and threw up more Defense-Circles and was yelling to Forcefully Retire!


     That was the very last thought Zephyrdor had in his short life, why?

     I see his many stacked Defense-Circles and I activate my Hypnosis App to stop his words, as I shoot my Dragon Shot at his head.

     [Dragon Shot!]


     Because he was briefly hypnotized he could not dodge, so the blast went through all of his protections and hit him cleanly in his forehead, and before the light of Retirement could save him, his body turned to ash...

     As I floated down to the ground and released my Balance Break, I heard Grayfia's announcement.

     [The winner is Pawn Motohama Ryu of the Sona Sitri Group.]

     The outside was silent and no one knew what to say. He really killed him through the Retirement System. That means the attack was too overwhelming and sudden.

     [An investigation like normal will be conducted into the death of King Zephyrdor Glasya-Labolas. But as it stands it is accidental and within the agreement, Please wait patiently for the final conclusion, but for now this game is over.]

     I am once again covered in silver-light and brought back to where Grayfia and the others are. I bow to Sirzechs then go to Sona's side without so much as a smile or a word. She only takes my hand that I hold.

     Only Momo had ever seen my cold-killing-eyes before, and many had different thoughts.

     Rias had a chill up her spine watching this Perverted Trio execute a High-class devil almost as strong as her cousin, like pulling weeds, and wished she found me first.

     Riser rubs his eyes in disbelief, and thinks the ice was something like Serafall Leviathan and wont look down on it in the future when he goes to Kuoh.

     Saji's asshole puckered in sheer horror at the thought of fighting me in a Rating Game.

     Sirzechs, despite the bad-end for his sister, is glad the Red Dragon is on the Devil side and strong, and totally worth giving him a Mid-class promotion for sure.

     Akeno's panties are ruined.

     Goblin's family is eating shit, and cannot openly say anything.

     Some of the Devils that did not want me to marry Sona, came up with justifiable good reasons why it's a great idea now?!

     Venelana with a sinking feeling in her stomach, put on a smile and announced.

     "Now that the excitement is over, let's all celebrate Riser's and Rias's union please let's continue..."

     As we took our seats and I am still holding Sona's hand, I whisper to her.

     "I hope I made you proud, my wife."

     Sona strongly held my hand and hid her happy feelings from onlookers, while telling me.

     "As long as you come back to me, I am proud of you."

     While Rias and Riser reluctantly exchanged vows, Sona and I said to one another.

     "I love you Sona."

     "I love you Motohama."