Chapter 66 Let's Karaoke!

I awoke still spooning Tsubaki and still inside her, now this is how to start your day!

     Tsubaki with a blush turned her head to kiss me and softly said.

     "Good morning Motohama, I am glad last night was not a dream."

     "If you keep saying things like that, I will have to go again, ha-ha."

     "N-No, my belly is full, and Sona will scold me for being late, let's shower."

     Even though she told me that, we ended up with a standing Doggy-style in the shower. Her words are not honest at all. She is a hidden sexual-demon for sure.

     We had a great family breakfast and I told everyone to stay home as much as possible the next few days, and other than dad's work the maids and mom should not go out, for precautions.

     Currently the Student Council is standing at the front gates welcoming in the students as normal. This is pretty boring to be honest, but I don't have to walk to school anymore and be driven by Kalawarna.

     Abe Kiyome came over to talk with me when I flagged her down.

     "Hello Junior Ryu, how may I help you today?"

     She is a bit afraid of the other Devils, but me for two reasons. First my status in Urakyoto, and second the Dragon Aura inside me. As a beast tamer she can detect it well. She has once asked me to go out with her, but I politely turned her down. Anyway the point I was making is, she is deathly afraid of the Underworld and Devils in general.

     "Senior Abe, if you could send these to the little Princess I would be happy, thanks, and here is a permission I got approved for new rackets for your tennis club, thanks."

     "Thanks especially after President Rias and Sona broke the other few, humph."

     Sona and Tsubaki hearing that blushed a bit, ha-ha. Yeah they had a club-funding challenge with a tennis match, like in the anime, and they wrecked the equipment badly, poor Abe.

     After Abe smiled and took the stack of manga, four people or Devils came to me.

     "Brosiff, Motohama, we need to talk!"

     "Motohama brother, we need your help!"

     "Um, H-Hello Motohama."

     "Sup Ryu, like Mat and Issei said, we need a favor!"

     That was in order Matsuda, Issei, Asia, and Saji all excitedly asked me for something?!

     "So, what's up? Why are you guys looking for me so early?"

     Saji talks for the others.

     "The slutty-sluts around your seat ordered a Karaoke Room and invited Asia to come, but we boys got excluded, but they said if The Perverted 4 Horseman all came it would make it and equal ratio boys to girls, and that's the only way we can go, bro!"

     "Then Asia can go alone or not go, right? Why do you guys want to go? The four of you can get your own room and do a private group gang-play, right?"

     Asia turned bright-red, and Issei started yelling at me.

     "Take that back, Motohama! Asia is not that kind of girl! She wants to hang out with her friends, you know! And what Gang-Play?"

     I pointed at scum1 and scum 2, then at poor Asia.

     "I heard you two nuts, invite poor Asia to a Devil's Three Way, remember?"

     Saji heard that, went nuts then jumped on the two idiots, and started yelling at them.

     "Die you two bastards! No one touches my pure Asia but me!"

     While there was a comical dust-cloud with fists and feet flying around the melee, Asia pokes her two forefingers together and says to me.

     "Um, Matsuda and Issei are gentlemen to me and have not done what you're thinking, Motohama, um, please be nice to them. I-I live in Issei's house and he only walked in on me once in the bathroom, but he was a gentleman then too."

     The three idiots hearing her words all stopped mid-punches and kicks, and then Matsuda and Saji both said at the same time.

     ""Issei you bastard, DIE!""

     And the dust-cloud-brawl continued! I smile at Asia and ask her.

     "So do you want to go with the three girls and have fun, or do you really want these three with you?"

     "Um? I-I think more friends is better! So please come with Motohama."

     "Sure then count on The Perverted 4 Horsemen! I shall come along with the fellow perverts."

     "Thank you Motohama, you're a good friend to Mat and Ise! Let's have fun!"

     The three brawlers magically ended their play-fight, and started crying in joy!

     "Plan, let Asia ask, was successful for the win!"

     "Everyone loves Asia, even heartless Motohama!"

     "I am going to get my freak on, on the mic!"

     Matsuda, Issei, and Saji all had a death chill run up their spines when they heard the voice from the side of me.

     "Who just called my Moto, heartless?!"

     All three boys, seeing Momo's look, yelled at the same time and ran...

     """Murderous Momo, Run!"""

     And like they all got a Knight promotion with Godspeed they ran into the school. Momo smiled, while Asia waved goodbye.

     "See you in class, bye!"

     And the pure Asia clumsily ran after her peerage members that totally abandoned her!

     After a long-day at school...

     I ate my wonderful Momo-meal at lunchtime, and I got a paper-cut requiring intensive bedside care. So my day went well.

     When Aika, Murayama, and Katase found out their idea to get me to come and Karaoke got me in, they were in a good mood, sigh.

     Murayama told me if I did not come on my own she would have brought me with a contract, damn, not only am I not getting paid, but I invited my friends along. Yeah, Saji is slowly growing on me, like Black-Mold.

     So now that school ended, I wanted to see Xenovia and Irina in this life. Both of them were in my dream life as well, but the two here are not the same girls I knew and I can't assume the events of the Light Novel will happen thanks to all the changes I have made.

     I was leaning on the low-wall that went towards the Old School Building, and I saw them wearing their cloaks and the hot-ass sexy Church Combat suits.

     When the two Exorcists saw me leaning on the wall with a grin, Xenovia says.

     "Are you the Gremory Devil here to escort us?"

     "Nah, I am a Sitri Devil here to see two broke Exorcists come to cause trouble in Kuoh. Sorry for all of the hassle here in Kuoh. Oh, the building you want is there by the way, see you later Durandal wielder and mimic-user Irina, you forgot we met as kids, too..."

     Both girls took 9000 critical damage, being reminded of their broke pocket! Seeing me walk away Xenovia said.

     "How do the Sitri know we are broke? Is their spy network that good?!"

     Irina prays to God...

     "Oh Lord, please let the Devils have snacks for us at this meeting, to sustain your loyal followers, Amen!"

     "Issei Hyoudou we met last night, and you know this Devil too Irina? Who is he?"

     "I don't remember, he-he, oops."

     I was not assigned any Student Council work, so I met up with Kalawarna and asked her.

     "Miss Warner, do you want to hit the mall for some food-court with me?"

     Kala pointed to a large stack of folders and said to me.

     "I would love it too, student Ryu, but sadly I have real school work to do here, due to the upcoming Parent's Day, sigh, but don't forget you're in my room tonight, alright?"

     I give her a lecherous smile and thumbs-up, then say with my playful grin.

     "They don't call Wednesday 'Hump-Day' for no reason! I won't miss it even if they attack tonight, he-he!"

     Kala grinned and rolled her sexy yellow-eyes at me, and said. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "Scram and go bring me a combo meal back, I am hungry after that CPR, I had to give your manhood, to heal your paper cut, shoo shoo, go!"

     As I left, I saw Riser, his Queen, plus little sister also go into the Old School building for the meeting as well. Good my peerage won't have to run around the city like retards.

     Well I ignore that stuff, especially if they start dueling, I don't want to be there. So I walked a couple of city blocks till I reached the indoor mall. I made my way to the second floor food-court and looked for something tasty.

     Just as I found the noodle shop fast food option I wanted, something that caught my eye.

     Sitting alone at a table stuffing his face with a KFC combo meal, was a man I assumed to be none other than Valper Galilei!

     I looked around, finding this situation to be kind of strange, and at a far distance on the other end of the food-court was Freed standing in line at a pizza restaurant?!

     I quickly moved to a blind spot for security and released my Boosted Gear and took out my Hypnosis App smartphone from Ddraig's space. I put my Boosted Gear away and cloak my aura as well as I can, then quickly move to my target.

     When I got behind him I pressed the Red button to Green and then asked him.

     "Are you Valper Galilei?"

     I see the papers on the table are actually the Kuoh Academy School overview map and he has markings around the Track Field, so yes it is him!

     "Yes I am."

     He nodded with his vacant eyes.

     "Good, here is your Programmed Hypnosis... Make the Ritual take longer, and when it's close to being completed, I want you to ruin the processes, and safely release the energy so Kuoh and the school won't explode, This command will activate when you're half way done with the ritual to reforge the fragments, do you understand?"


     I see Freed is getting his food, so I quickly leave and turn off the phone App.

     Valper Galilei just looked at the Diet Coke in his hand and then continued working on the ritual-lines. He was unaware he even met me. I did make a picture with my normal phone of the two Khaos Brigade members eating to show Rias how harmless Freed was, sigh.

     I decided to skip getting food here due to Freed, so I went elsewhere outside to pick up food for me and Kala.

     The Programmed Hypnosis I did was both incredibly Awesome and Terrible at the same time. Awesome because I assured my town wont go BOOM. Terrible because I cant charge or use my Hypnosis App for anything at all, or I lose the Programed Hypnosis on Valper Galilei.

     Well, I guess I have to just rely on myself and my team to entertain Koconuts!