A small house - I

 If she had been impressed after the meeting, Brandon experienced a very pleasant Megan. Something that had also made him encounter a lot of jealousy filled eyes because apparently, Megan Smith was not a very accommodating woman. She was sharp and not, everyone was on her soft side. 

By the end of the day, Brandon wanted to drop dead on the dirtiest looking pavement he had ever seen. For some reason, Manhattan was not very clean, but then he looked around and noticed how people just casually threw things by not even aiming at the bin. It was a wonder how they all were alive. 

Unfortunately, his plans to drop there came to a halt when he remembered he was yet to meet his broker which meant he had to hail another cab to the direction because he was already 10 minutes short. 

"Ah, there you are." His broker smiled. "I thought you were not coming." 

"forgive me, Emilia. I did not anticipate the New York traffic well." 

"Well, all is fine. Come, I'll show you the apartment." Emilia gestured for him to follow behind. "This is a fairly new apartment complex, and the owner has decided to let a few out on rent. It's a small studio, basically, it's going to be a one room set." 

Keys jingled in her hand as she inserted them into the lock to open. She opened the door wide and let him enter behind her. "This is it."  

Bran stepped into the only room he could see. It was small, almost the side of his bedroom, not including the washroom or the wardrobe bag at the Wallace house. It was empty, save for the kitchen that was fully furnished. He checked the bathroom, it was livable and if he had to speak cost efficiently, it was going to be easy to clean. The whole apartment was, but if only the rent was alright..

"The place is very small. And just a few pieces of being let out, what kind of rent is this place going to have?" 

She hummed and checked. "Well, just $1200." 

"Twel—" Brandon stopped himself and looked around. It was indeed a lot smaller than the first apartment he had seen. That was around $5000. This one was cleaner, it did not have mold in comparison to the two he had seen, it also had a good view with the small windows it had and a little balcony. 

$1200 was something he was going to have to pay anyway. 

This place was a lot better than any other he had seen, and for the unforeseen future, it will take a place. He should say yes for the next three years.

"I'll take it." 

Emilia smiled. "Great decision! I have paperwork with me too! Guess who can have this place in his name in a lease by tomorrow." 

Bran smiled in return, feeling slightly excited as he took out his pen. Finally, one thing of the checklist.