A run to the shop - II

"Move out of my way!" Brandon rushed through the thoughts of people that are not yet to disappear. Did people not have to work in New York? How come everyone was free enough to roam in the streets after lunch hour? 

Do they have a shitty boss like I do? 

He focused more on getting through the crowd of people and rushing towards the building where he worked. Stepping in, he rushed through the reception, directly into the lift and pressed the button to the floor of the CEO. 

The entire lift was filled up to its Brahm, and he was probably the last person who could fit in. Nothing was heard in that small crampy place, except for his breath that he was trying to get in control. 

He failed. 

Rolling his eyes at that, brand decided to not focus on his breathing and how it may have come across to the people in the lift. He was the last one to remain in the lift and get off on the top floor. When he stepped out, the silence got to him, and he felt the need to correct his appearance. 

There was something about this role, a different kind of the entire building. Something that said, and every step on this would be noticed. 

He moved towards the first reception on the right side of the left. 

"How may I help you?" The redhead who did not have a name tag, asked him with a full smile. Smile was too much at the moment, because she had stretched her lips in a line. 

"I was asked by Mr. Archer to bring him a sandwich." 

"A.." she paused, "a sandwich?" 

"Yes." Brandon nodded. 

The red head pursued her lips and sat back in her chair. "Mr. Archer called you to bring him a sandwich?" 

There was a tone he did not need to put any more attention to know anything about. 

With a smile on his face, he said, "I have work to do. A job in finance is quite demanding, and I don't have the time to go get a sandwich. Perhaps if you could ask him, you would get both jobs done sooner." 

Her mouth farted a little bit before she threw a smile at him and picked up the telephone on the table. Pressing the button finger, she waited for a minute or two possibly. 

"I see." She whispered, for keeping the phone down. 

"So?" God forbid, but if he had said that there was no such thing done, Brandon was going to March inside and throw a chair at him. The entire inheritance scheme be fucking damned. 

"Follow me." 

He turned around just in the nick of time to see who had said that, it was Killian's secretary.

The attitude was the same she had currently was the first time he had met her. Following her, stopped when she did, and she opened the door for him. "Please." She pointed towards the gap between the doors, urging him to go inside. 

She did not have to say it again, Balance was already on his way inside. His eyes landed on the man sitting behind the desk, staring at him like he was the sandwich, and not the thing he held in his hand. 

"Here," Brandon resisted the urge to slam the sandwich on the table. Instead, he placed it very gently on the surface. "The sandwich you hacked into my computer for." 

Killian nodded. "Thank you, Wallace. Are you going to get back to your work now?" 

"Yes." I get paid for it, obviously, I am going to get back to my work. 

"Good. why don't you bring your work here?" 

Brandon blinked. "What?" 

"You heard it." Killian's eyes twinkled with mirth in them. "Bring your work here."