An eye on him - I

The next morning could not have come sooner, but Brandon broke up before his alarm, which was quite surprising because of the state he had gone to bed in. His mind had been working non-stop, so he had made sure to keep the alarm away from him before sleeping.

But, he woke up 30 minutes before the alarm rang. 

This, however, gave him the opportunity to do what he wanted in the morning. Earlier in London, when he was living closer to the place, he worked in an office close to his house, he enjoyed having to himself which he had not been able to do in America. 

At first, he started dipping coffee. Mechanically going through with the procedure that he had practiced for the past decade, then he put away the dishes from the dishwasher like he was supposed to do yesterday after which, he decided to take his coffee in the balcony.