My personal life - II

There was a light jump in his step as he walked home. The day had ended on a good note and Brandon was sure that he was going to receive a big bonus sometime soon. 

He did well today. 

On his way home, he stopped by a pizza shop. The one he had heard good reviews about, came on his way from the Metro Station, and no one thankfully, had mugged him. 

Balancing the box in one hand, he pulled out his keys to unlock the door. Dropping his bag on the floor, he moved inside to put the pizza box down before taking off his coat. 

His eyes caught the movement in the apartment, holding him completely, and staring at the figure, moving in the kitchen. 

"You." He said, frozen at the spot. 

"Me." Killian gave a killer smile before his eyes landed on what Brandon was holding. "You were in the mood for Italian?"