His eyes fluttered open again, but Brandon did not try to keep them open for long.
Why should he try when he knew that they were going to get closed any time soon anyway?
They were right about the concussion. He was in and out of it, the entire night and the next day as Killian told him when he had woken up in between the meals.
This time, however, he did not feel it.
His eyes remained open, there was no trace of sleeping in between them, which could only mean one thing.
"I told them to cut down on the morphine."
His eyes went to his bedside where Killian was sitting in a much more comfortable chair than last time. He must've had it ordered here.
"You did?" it had to be the order of a doctor, no? Killian could not order something like that.
He nodded, closing his laptop and giving Brandon his attention. " you don't need morphine anymore. The doctor said, they don't want you getting addicted to it."