22: Filled With Venom

In the prison courtyard, surrounded by high fences and watchful guards, Obinna, the former CEO, sat at a weathered picnic table, his eyes scanning the perimeter. His mind churned with thoughts of retribution. The other former board members, Chika and Emeka, joined him, their expressions mirroring his own anger and determination.

"We can't let Ayo and his team get away with this," Obinna said, his voice a low growl. "They think they've won, but they haven't seen the last of us."

Chika leaned in, his eyes narrowing. "We still have contacts on the outside. People who owe us favors. We can orchestrate something, even from here."

Emeka nodded, his jaw clenched. "We need to be strategic. We can't afford any more mistakes."

As they plotted, their conversations grew more frequent and intense, each one filled with the venom of their shared hatred for Ayo and his team.


Back at the community center, Ayo and Sarah were in the middle of a meeting when Ayo's phone buzzed. He glanced at the screen, his brow furrowing as he read the message. "It's from the prison. They want us to come in for a meeting with the board members."

Sarah looked up, concerned. "What could they possibly want now?"

"I don't know," Ayo replied, his voice steady but wary. "But we need to find out."

The next day, Ayo and Sarah arrived at the prison. The heavy gates clanged shut behind them as they were escorted to the visitation area. The atmosphere was oppressive, filled with a mix of tension and unease.

They were led to a small room where Obinna, Chika, and Emeka waited, seated at a metal table. The guards stood nearby, alert.

Obinna's eyes glinted with malice as he saw Ayo and Sarah. "Welcome," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "We thought it was time for a little chat."

Ayo remained composed, his gaze steady. "What do you want?"

Chika leaned forward, her expression cold. "We want to make a deal. We still have influence, even in here. We can make things difficult for you and your precious center."

Sarah's eyes flashed with anger. "You think you can intimidate us? We're not afraid of you."

Emeka smirked. "You should be. We've already set things in motion. Your finances, your reputation – all can be destroyed, your life as you know will change, even your loved ones will not be spared."

Ayo's jaw tightened. "We've dealt with your kind before. Your threats won't stop us."

Obinna's face twisted into a sneer. "This isn't just a threat, Ayo. It's a promise. We won't rest until we've taken everything from you."

Ayo stood, his expression resolute. "We won't be bullied. We'll continue our work, no matter what you do."

As Ayo and Sarah turned to leave, Obinna called after them, his voice echoing in the small room. "This isn't over, Ayo. We'll see how strong you really are."


Back at the center, Ayo and Sarah briefed their team on the encounter. The room buzzed with a mixture of anger and determination.

"They're desperate," Ade said, his eyes blazing. "We can't let them win."

Ayo nodded. "We need to be vigilant. Strengthen our security, both digital and physical. Ensure our transparency is unquestionable. And most importantly, we need to keep doing the work that has made us a target in the first place."

Sarah placed a hand on Ayo's shoulder. "We're in this together. We'll face whatever comes."

As the team dispersed to implement their new strategies, Ayo felt a renewed sense of purpose. The threat from the vindictive board members was real, but so was the resolve of his team. They had built something powerful, something worth fighting for.

In the weeks that followed, they worked tirelessly to safeguard their achievements. The community rallied around them, offering support and solidarity. And while the board members continued to scheme from behind bars, Ayo and his team remained steadfast, their commitment to justice and progress unwavering.

The battle was far from over, but Ayo knew that they were ready. Together, they would face their enemies, overcome the challenges, and continue to shine a light in the darkest of places.