26: The Clock is Ticking

It's been 72 hours since Ade was declared missing, and the tension at the community center was palpable. Ayo and Sarah worked tirelessly, coordinating with law enforcement, private investigators, and their internal security team. But despite their efforts, there was no news yet.

At the enemies' camp, in a secluded and abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city, Ade sat on a chair with his hands and legs tied. His face was bruised, and his eyes were tired, but his spirit remained unbroken.

The door to the warehouse creaked open, and a group of men walked in. Leading them was Kunle, the ringleader of the board members' allies. He approached Ade, a cruel smile playing on his lips.

"Good morning, Ade," Kunle said, his voice dripping with mockery. "I hope you've had a comfortable stay."

Ade glared at him, saying nothing. Kunle's smile widened.

"You know why you're here," Kunle continued. "We need some information from you. Security details about the community center. Codes, protocols, vulnerabilities. You give us what we want, and this ends quickly."

Ade clenched his jaw, his resolve firm. "I won't tell you anything."

Kunle's smile faded, replaced by a cold, menacing stare. "You really think you can hold out forever? We have ways of making you talk."

Kunle motioned to one of his men, who stepped forward with a menacing look. The man cracked his knuckles and approached Ade, ready to use force if necessary.

Ade braced himself, refusing to show fear. "Do your worst. I'm not betraying my friends."


Back at the community center, Ayo and Sarah were in a strategy meeting with their core team. The mood was somber, the uncertainty weighing heavily on everyone.

"We've searched everywhere," Bola said, frustration evident in her voice. "We've contacted everyone who might have seen him. It's like he vanished into thin air."

Ayo rubbed his temples, trying to think. "There has to be something we're missing. Some clue we haven't found yet."

Sarah's phone buzzed, and she quickly checked the message. Her eyes widened. "It's from one of our contacts. They have a lead on a warehouse outside the city. It matches the description of where Ade might be held."

Ayo's eyes lit up with a spark of hope. "This could be it. We need to move fast. Let's coordinate with the police and get a team ready."


At the warehouse, Kunle's men had started their interrogation, but Ade remained defiant. The blows were painful, but his resolve was unyielding. He knew that giving in would mean endangering everyone he cared about.

Kunle watched with frustration as his men failed to break Ade. "You're a tough one, aren't you? But everyone has a breaking point."

Suddenly, one of Kunle's men burst into the room, panting. "Boss, we've got a problem. There's movement outside. Looks like the cops."

Kunle's face twisted with anger. "How did they find us?!" He turned to Ade, his eyes filled with fury. "This isn't over. We'll be back."

As Kunle and his men scrambled to escape, Ade felt a surge of relief mixed with anxiety. He knew his friends were close, but the danger was far from over.


Outside the warehouse, Ayo, Sarah, and a team of police officers prepared to breach the building. The tension was high, every second feeling like an eternity.

"Remember," Ayo said, his voice steady but urgent. "Ade's life is our top priority. We get him out safely, no matter what."

The police moved in, their coordinated efforts swift and efficient. They quickly overpowered Kunle's men who were attempting to flee. Kunle himself was apprehended, cursing and struggling as he was handcuffed.

Ayo and Sarah rushed into the warehouse, their hearts pounding. They found Ade tied to the chair, battered but conscious. Relief washed over them as they hurried to untie him.

"Ade!" Sarah exclaimed, tears of relief in her eyes. "You're safe now."

Ade managed a weak smile. "I knew you guys would come for me."

Ayo placed a reassuring hand on Ade's shoulder. "We wouldn't leave you behind. Let's get you out of here."

As they escorted Ade out of the warehouse, the sense of victory was tempered by the knowledge of the challenges that still lay ahead. The enemy had been dealt a blow, but the fight was far from over.


Back at the community center, Ade received medical attention while Ayo and Sarah debriefed with the team. The relief of having Ade back was palpable, but so was the determination to fortify their defenses and prevent future attacks.

"Ade," Ayo said, once things had settled down, "you showed incredible strength. We're proud of you."

Ade nodded, his expression serious. "We need to be ready for whatever comes next. They won't stop until they get what they want."

Sarah glanced at Ayo, their earlier moment of shared emotion lingering in her mind. "We'll face it together. All of us."

Ayo met her gaze, a silent promise passing between them. "Yes. Together."

As the team regrouped and planned their next steps, they knew that the bonds they had forged in adversity would carry them through the trials ahead. Their resolve was stronger than ever, and they were ready to face whatever challenges the future held.