40: The Temptation

Ade was in his office, surrounded by a flurry of activity as his new team settled in. Despite the progress, a sense of unease lingered. He had left behind a strong team at the community center, and now he was trying to build something from scratch. As he pondered over his next move, Mr. Michael walked in, a confident smile on his face.

"Ade, how are things progressing?" Mr. Michael asked, taking a seat across from Ade's desk.

"We're moving forward, but it's a lot of work. Building a team from scratch is no easy task," Ade replied, his frustration evident.

Mr. Michael leaned forward, his tone conspiratorial. "I have an idea that might make things easier for you. Why not entice some of the core team members from the community center to join us?"

Ade looked up, surprised. "You think they would leave Ayo and Sarah? They're pretty loyal."

Mr. Michael smiled. "Loyalty can be swayed, Ade. Everyone has a price. We offer them huge salary packages and attractive allowances. Make it worth their while."

Ade considered this. He knew the core team members well; they were dedicated, but everyone had needs and aspirations. "Who do you think we should target?"

Mr. Michael pulled out a list. "Start with those who handle critical operations. If we can get them on board, it will create a significant impact. Here, take a look."

Ade took the list, recognizing the names immediately. He felt a pang of guilt but pushed it aside. This was about proving himself, about stepping out of Ayo's shadow.


Later that day, Ade called one of the core team members, Tunde, who was responsible for logistics at the community center. Tunde was known for his efficiency and dedication.

"Hey Tunde, it's Ade. Can we meet for coffee? I have an interesting opportunity to discuss with you," Ade said, trying to sound casual.

Tunde was surprised but agreed. "Sure, Ade. I can meet you in an hour."

They met at a quiet café, away from prying eyes. After some small talk, Ade got to the point.

"Tunde, I know how hard you work at the community center. I have a new venture, and I want you on my team. We're offering a substantial salary increase, full benefits, and allowances that you wouldn't get at the center."

Tunde leaned back, taken aback. "Ade, I appreciate the offer, but my work at the community center is more than just a job. It's a mission. Why are you doing this?"

Ade sighed. "I need to build something of my own. This is my chance to prove myself. I respect what we did at the community center, but this is about my future."

Tunde looked thoughtful. "I need to think about it. I have responsibilities and commitments. But I'll consider your offer."

"Take your time," Ade said, handing over a business card. "Just know that the offer is open, and we'd be lucky to have you."


Back at the community center, Sarah and Ayo were discussing their upcoming projects when Tunde walked in, his face troubled.

"Hey Tunde, everything okay?" Sarah asked, noticing his expression.

"Yeah, just had an interesting conversation with Ade. He offered me a job at his new company with a significant pay increase," Tunde admitted.

Ayo and Sarah exchanged worried glances. "Did he now?" Ayo said, his tone neutral. "And what did you say?"

"I told him I'd think about it. I wanted to be upfront with you both," Tunde replied.

Ayo nodded. "We appreciate your honesty, Tunde. We understand if you need to do what's best for you and your family. Just know that we value your work here immensely."

Sarah added, "This place runs on the dedication of people like you. Whatever you decide, we'll support you."

Tunde smiled, feeling a bit lighter. "Thanks. I'll let you know my decision soon."


Meanwhile, Ade continued his efforts, meeting with other core team members like Chioma, the head of community outreach, and David, the finance manager. Each conversation followed a similar pattern, with Ade offering lucrative packages to lure them away.

Chioma, however, was more resistant. "Ade, I admire your ambition, but the work we do at the community center is too important. It's not about the money for me."

David, on the other hand, seemed intrigued. "I'll have to weigh my options, but your offer is tempting."

As the days passed, the tension grew at the community center. Ayo and Sarah knew they had to act fast to prevent further disruption.


One evening, after a long day, Ade sat in his office, contemplating his actions. Mr. Michael walked in, sensing his hesitation.

"Feeling guilty?" Mr. Michael asked, raising an eyebrow.

"A bit," Ade admitted. "But I need this to work. I need to prove myself."

Mr. Michael placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "You're doing the right thing. This is business. Don't let personal feelings get in the way."

Ade nodded, though a part of him still felt conflicted. The imprisoned board members' plan was taking shape, and he was right in the middle of it, but at what cost?


In the prison, the convicted board members were pleased with the progress. Kunle smirked as he heard the latest updates.

"Everything is going according to plan. Ade is our perfect pawn," he said, a malicious gleam in his eye.

"Let's see how long Ayo and Sarah can hold out," Obinna added.

The game was on, and the stakes were higher than ever.