Learning The Art Of Cheating

{Extra chapter because I was bored}

A disjointed voice speaks to me it seems to come from all around me "Hello I'm gonna assume your the Beast of Talwar it's nice to meet you, I've been a fan of your card for a long time."There is a awkward pause in conversation "Ah. Thats surprising most people overlook me in favor of that dammed Summoned Skull or even that over grown lizard Emerald Dragon." "Oh well I will admit Summoned Skull has you beat but I do think that you have a better look to you than the skull." "Thank you. Wait I meant to reach out to you about your Ba as it different that past humans I've met. "Hold up can you explain what Ba is I've heard of it before but I don't know exactly."

"My apologies Ba is the essence of your soul it is harnessed to summon us "spirits" into your world, I believe you quantify it into life points. Ba is used to channel Ka which is the power of the monster summoned if you lose too much Ka the Ba will leave your body and if you lose Ba then the soul will be damaged and you'll lose the ability to maintain the Ka of spirits."

"So what does having a lot of Ba have to do about this, doen't it seem like having a lot of Ba is a good thing?" The archfiend responds to my question "It definitely is but your Ba is actually hard to deal with which is why your other spirits can't manifest themselves yet."

"They are others!?" I wince as I just embarrassed myself by shouting so loud, I hope no one else heard that."Yes there are your Ba is feeding us and giving the others shape when you first got our cards only myself, the ship, and the girl had wills of our own. Only I was able to speak to you due to me being strong enough to forceful channel your Ba so that you could hear my voice."

"I think I understand, so in short I have alot of Ba which allows you all to summon yourselves as spirits to help me but only you can come out because I can't control my Ba." "Yes, you listen so well unlike that angel brat." "Ok so what should we do now." The fiend responds with "You should get your Ba under control, I know how all you need to do is meditate and "feel" your self once you do so then you will have to rein in your Ba. You'll figure it out in no time."

'I did not figure it out in no time it took 4 days constant meditation wherever I went to just be able to slightly hold back my Ba and another week to hold it back completely so that I wasn't leaking Ba like a broken faucet. Immediately after closing up my Ba I was bombarded with noise as I hear and now see Aqua Mador and Shining Angel. They are arguing over which of them is better for my deck while the Magician of Faith, Jowgan the Spirtualist and Ancient Elf are sitting down having a brunch(?) together. On the other side of the apartment I see Uraby and Beaver Warrior play fighting each other or at least I think their playing its overall extreme chaos as I'm getting more and more concerned over everyone's well being a girl sits next to me.'

"Hello master I see that you can notice us now." The girl in question is The Unhappy Maiden "Yes I can and I almost wish I couldn't, no offense of course" "Your fine its pretty overwhelming for me too." "So your one of my first spirits how did everyone just pop into having a will."

"Well we spirits feed on Ba which is won whenever the battle rites are initiated and won but since you had so much Ba leaking from you that you supercharged the process speeding it up by multiple times so we ended up only needing a couple of duels each to awaken."

"Another thing is that you'll have to bond with one of us eventually." "Whats a bond?" "A bond is a connection between the monster and master or in other words a connection of Ba and Ka, it allows for the connected spirit to be with you even if you don't own their card and it increases the Ba and Ka efficiency of both parties involed. The only bad thing is that when one part of the chain is harmed the other feels it to a extent which is the reason why Beast of Talwar is weaker than other spirits like Summoned Skull."

"Som your saying Beast of Talwar had another person he was bonded to and they were injured so Beast of Talwar lost some of its power." "Yes a evil monster who called itself god tried to take over the world once apon a time but was stopped but not before injuring and harming many spirits causing their near disapperance throught the modern world."

"We're getting side tracked, I wanted to ask you if you would bond with me as it would increase your physical capabilies and with your amount of Ba it would allow for me to directly help you during you battles." "You mean you can help me cheat?" "Not cheating but I can reduce your chances of "bricking" as you call it." "Oh thats an instant yes anything to stop me from opening terrible hands"

{Author's Note- This is the point where my plot and the normal YU-GI-OH! plot diverges heavily, as there is around 20~30 chapters of normal YU-GI-OH! plot before things get derailed so be ready.