Duelist Knigdom Here I Come

October 10 2001

POV [Third Person]

On a cruse ship set in the middle of the sea sailing to a mysterious Island there are 3 people having a bout over cards.

A small but cunning and deceitful green haired teen against a taller blonde in a green jacket and even smaller teen with a pyramid hanging from a chain on his neck.

As the green haired youth drops a tin holding cards out of the boat they seemingly fly out and fit the water, but if you had sharp enough eyes you would see that the tin with all cards inside being swept up by some force only leaving behind different cards that the blonde scoops up in his haste.

With the tin flying away only to fly around the other side of the boat and through a open window into a certain duelists room.

POV [Riku Yulunger/First Person]

"Nice work Aqua Mador and Cyber Falcon it was a easy switch around with you two." 'Even though I don't use Aqua Mador or Cyber Falcon in my deck I'm bonded to both of them meaning that they can come and be around me even if I don't have their cards on me. Speaking of which I was forced to leave behind all my extra cards as per duelst kingdom rules, something about stopping players from changing their deck halfway through. Though it's probably a ploy to keep Pegasus knowledgeable about what cards we use.

"Sorry about not using you two but I have plans thats going to require your expertise in the sky and water." Both spirits nod their heads to me with Cyber Falcon screeching out.

'As I turn to look outside I still don't see the Island which I supose makes sense as we've only been out for a couple of hours.' " I might aswell go downstairs and try to look for the main characters, maybe I'll see what spirits they've got so far."

Leaving my room I head down stairs and I see multiple people in the dining room and lobby with me only being familiar with two of the people sitting there Zygor and Derrick with Zygor gorging himself on food and Derrick eating with a dignfied demeanor.

As I leave the dining room and head into the lobby I see many people talking about their plans on the Island with one person who peaks my interest Mai Valentine. Or whatever her name is since I'm ninty percent sure she's hiding her real name as I'm decently sure she is an orphan.

Watching Valentine I see her chatting with men and discreetly gaining more and more information about them and their decks which I also hear thanks to my enhanced hearing. Along with that she slowly brushes off people who don't have useful information or aren't completely willing to tell her anything, as she does so she quickly moves past the group of people and ends up near Rex Raptor.

As I watch Mai talk to Rex and sweet talk him into a duel where using her aroma tactics which I can also smell from where I'm standing, beats him making him give up his room. Atferword I see Mai sneak away and head back up to the where Rex's room should be.

I follow Mai as she is one of the important people I'll need if I want to take over Industrious illusions or defeat Pegasus. "You better have a good reson why your following me or else I'll call sercurity and get you disqualified." 'Ah I've been caught well approach number 3 it is.'"Hello good evening Mam I've come to talk about your car extended warranty."

"Cut the crap and tell me or else." "Ok fine don't be so serious I want to make a bet with you." "What type of bet." I can practically smell her suspicion. "A bet on duel monsters, I know your reputation Mai Valentine your quite the duelist and I want you to do me a favor now I could beat you down but that would be rude so instead I'll play a game with you.

The rules are that we will each show each other our decks then will suffle our decks and take turns drawing from our decks if you guess which card you'll draw then you draw again until you get it wrong the person with the most draws correct will win and the loser will have to do on favor to the winner with no questions asked."

"Why should I agree to doing this with you you have nothing I want and you need me fr something if you want to make a bet make it equal for both sides so I have a incentive to play."

"I'm not finished to give you an incentive if you will you'll also gain 600,000 yen (In late 2001 600,000 yen is around 4975 usd) along with the favor. That you can use to ask me anything including more money or anything else you would want."

"Now you've got yourself an incentive show me the money first and your got yourself a deal." Nodding I open up the duffel back I'm carrying to reveal multiple wads of USD and a couple of yen wads aswell. "Most of it is in USD but around a quater of it is in yen because it's easier to carry around."

"Well that's fine lets get this game started already." After Mai gives to go ahead I proceed to starting the game by shuffling both of our deck making sure to reveal by hands so Mai doesn't assuse me of cheating then I lay both decks face down with both of us taking our first turns drawing.

5 Minutes Later

"I think that this card is Harpie's Brother!" As Mai draws the card revealed is Harpie Lady Sisters. "What but I definitely smelled..." "My turn I think this card is Beaver Warrior." The card I draw and show to Mai is non other than Beaver Warrior.

"Hah! you lost now I think you owe my a favor that I'll take right now."