Preparation Pt:2

October 11th 2001

POV [Third Person]

As the cruise ship docks onto a Island multiple miles away from the mainland many teens, adults, and particapants alike disembark the ship to be lead toward a castle in the distance.

Though a certain teen has a better idea as they cut marks into trees on their way toward the castle. Amidst the others there is a group of particular adulescents with strange hair and accents.

After a walk that seems to take forever everyone makes it to the castle where all participants are told the rules of duelist kingdom and given the cards of Glory of The King's Hand and Glory of The King's Opposite Hand setting off the duelist kingdom tournament for the title of King Of Games.

POV [Riku Yulunger]

"This is the life man." I'm currently sitting in a hammock in a tree around 10ft of the ground drinking smoothie enjoying the shade and heat of a tropical island.

"So we're just going to wait until Mai gets us all the starchips needed?" Beaver Warrior speaks up in a squeaky voice. "Yes my friend, Mai is more than capable of obtaining 16 starchips on her own." 'Although she might be in trouble once she finds out that Yugi lost 5 starchips.'

"Though if it comes down to it the starchips aren't needed to continue the plan, they are more of a precuation and a easier way to get into the mansion than a do or die item. I suppose I could get starchips from some else like Bandit Keith after i take him under my wing or one of the eliminators."

"I also have a question." I look to my left and I see sitting in a tree is probably my favorite spirit Rise. "Yes about what?" "Why did you specifically bring us with you, I mean you don't have spirits like Beast of Talwar and Twin-Headed Fire Dragon yet you brought spirit like me. Wouldn't it be better if you brought more powerful spirits and cards."

"I could've but its a precuation for one big a simple monsters are easy to deal with and by using certain cards I can make up a defense against the type of cards I expect Pegasus to use not only that but by cutting down on those type of cards I can enforce a legitimant strategy while keeping my deck more interactive with my opponent.

To summarize and explain in easier words this deck allows for me to easier deal with Pegasus and overpower him even with the Millennium Eye."

"Hey you up there! would you like to duel me. I've got 3 starchips and there's a arena just 5 minutes away." Looking down I see a normal looking dude with black hair, fair skin and brown eyes in other words a background character.

"No I don't want to duel but tell you what if you can beat Mai Valentine I'll give you all my starchips which if you win against Mai and get my starchip you'll be the closest person on the island to becoming the King of Games."

"Just that Mai chick that'll be easy get those starchips ready for me!" I watch as an inncocent man gets sent to have him hopes and dreams crushed since Mai is most definetly going to make him bet all of his starchips before dueling.

"Ahh to easy you all see this is why I say getting 10 strchips just using Mai is going to be easy."

4 Hours Later

After my 2 hour nap and playing uno with Rise, Shining Angel and Dream Clown I finally climbed down my tree and I'm currently stalking Mai. 'Well I wouldn't say stalking just observing what she's doing.'

Mai is currently talking with multiple people over the event and buttering them up so that they bet all their starchips and duel her. "Hey Mai how are you can I talk to you for a second."

As I approach Mai I notice a twitch in her face as the other people around her speak up. "Why would she hang out with you, your probably so guy who got here on dumb luck because Pegasus saw you win some backwater tournament."

"No guys it's fine I know him we need to talk about some business anyway." Mai quickly interjects after I shoot her a look. With her quickly grabbing my arm and dragging me away.

"What are you doing over here?" "Would've it been better if I showed up at night? I didn't know you were into me like tha-" "Shut up and tell me why your here!"

"Ok, ok I'm here for the starchips you know our deal." "Do you know how hard it is to get people to duel you for all their starchips I haven't gotten into a single duel."

"You can stop lying you have atleast 8 starchips on you right now, even if I don't look like it I'm not stupid."

"Fine I'll give you 2 starchips once you give me those cards." "I'll give you one card every 2 starchips and once I get my 10th I'll throw in a extra card or two."

"FINE! Ugh." she hands me 4 starchips bringing my total up to 6 while I hand her 2 cards Icarus Attack and Flying Kamakiri #1 "It's always a pleasure doing business with you Mai."

"Whatever just make sure that the next cards are better than these you got it." "Got it, have a nice night." with that conversation over with I leave Mai and go back to my camp, which is just a hammock in a tree and go back to lounging around.