Distraction Quest!

3 Hours Ago

'After everything that happened with Mai all I want to do is make sure that the cannon is broken too much so the next thing for me to do is check up on Yugi and see if their still with Mai or with they're on their own.'

"Hey Cyber Falcon can you point me in the direction of ther person with the highest Ba on the island." Almost like a Pokemon Cyber Falcon appears and looks to the northest direction almost to the opposite on Pegasus's castle.

"Thank you your so helpful." I say that as I pet and scratch Cyber Falcon below the beak. As I start to walk towards the direction Cyber Falcon pointed at and I begin to walk and while it takes me nearly 30 minutes to get there I see that Yugi and company are just now setting up their camp and Joey hasn't started complaining about food yet.

'So they're still setting up camp in this spot but they're not near Mai and I can't hear Bakura around though he might me hiding himself using magical BS. Well I might aswell come out its not like Yugi and Joey don't know me.'

"Hey I didn't think that I would've seen you two here." Coming out from the trees I announce my presence. The first one to say anything to me is Yugi after turning around and looking towards me.

"Riku I didn't know you were in duelist kingdom, well I didn't even know that you were a duelist at all!"

"Well Yugi after hearing you talk about it all the time I deicided to give it a try and turns out I'm good enough to get into duelist kingdom." Hearing conversation Joey comes rushing over while being followed by Tristan. "How are you here?" 

"Because Im obviously a good enough duelist to be here the real question here is how are you here Joey, last time I chacked you were getting trashed my Yugi in every game."

"Can someone tell me who this guy is." Tristan speaks up after me and Joey back in forth with Yugi the ever helpful telling him. "This is Riku a person me and Joey have known for a year or two I didn't know he was a duelist or that he was participating in duelist kingdom."

"Well now you do and I'm doing pretty well for myself, I've got 5 starchips and some rare cards to my name." Joey once again yells yet at the mention of my starchip count. "No I don't belive it you have more starchips then me. You now what duel me right now let's see whose the better duelist here and now."

"I refuse. No offense Joey but beating you would feel like taking candy from a baby." "You take that back you-" Aqua Mador interrupts "Someone's coming"

I look to my left and hear grass crunching and leaves shuffling as I see Bakura slowly coming closer towards us.

"Well other than that I've got to set up my camp and fix myself some dinner bye!" "Oh ok bye Riku!"

'Phew that was almost bad Bakura is one of the only people I'm sacred of this early on, I mean he has Zorc in is body and Zorc is a etremly powerful spirit damn near god card level. There's only 3 people I won't mess with in this universe Zorc/Bakura, Seto Kaiba and the Pharaoh.

I will never duel Atem or whatever his name his because he cheats and stacks his deck. I'll never duel Zorc because once you defeat him he'll never leave you alone. While Kaiba is.... he's just built different compared to others plus he's strong enough to break fate and was able to control a god card without winning it in a duel first.

Marik is easy compared to those 3 all you have to do to beat marik is run burn cards and defeat him before Yami Marik gets to do anything or summon out his big chicken.'

Walking back from my near blunder I see a man in a black cloak with a white Industrail Illusions logo on the back with 2 starchip holders with one being full and the other being around halfway.

'Why am I running into everything now?! Like couldn't it have waited until I don't have to hide my deck from Pegasus.' "Oh another victim I see I am a eliminator sent by Pegasus to take back some starchips from the pool. Now duel me and if you lose I'll take your chances of winning the tournament but if you win I'll let you have as many starchips as you could ever need."

"Sorry but I have something more important to do and I've already got 10 starchips (Wasn't Stated but he took some from Panik. Without Mai noticing due to her less than stable mind at that moment.)

"Really you do?" "Yea." "Ok be on your way then if you go southwest you should be pretty close to the castle." "OH ok cool thanks have a nice night." "You aswell good luck against Pegasus."

'Well that was weird I guess Pegasus also hired some actually decent people and not just weirdos with mental issues.'

After another 30 minute walk I finally get back to my tree and as I rest my head on my hammock I feel like I'm foretting something. 'Ehh wasn't important if I forgot it.'

1 1/2 Hour later

"I forgot about Bandit Keith! Why didn't any of you remind me!?" Dream clown speaks up "You didn't tell us when you should search for Bandit Keith you just said "later"."