Final Dance Pt:1

2 Hours Later

Both Bandit Keith and I start heading to the castle I've told Bandit Keith my plan and predictions. Telling him to wait until Yugi and Kaiba duel and to only enter the castle after Kaiba so that he doesn't duel Pegasus. I obviously got some backlash but once I explained that if Kaiba loses to Pegasus thats one less powerful duelist to worry about and if he beats him the Pegasus gets embarrassed and out plan goes by smoother.

'It's unfortunate that I couldn't get Bonz to join but I should be able to persuade him during battle city since he was stated to lose agianst Bekura right before the finals in the graveyard. I should also gain a coulpe other decent duelists before destroying Marik, Bandit Keith is a good start but I'll need to get Mai fully on my side. Speaking of Mai I haven't heard from her in quite some time.'

As both Bandit Keith and I continue to the castle we arive check into the castle with us being told to head to the roof where we see Kaiba and Yugi dueling. Kaiba having 1500 LP and no monster while Yugi has Dark Magician on his field and 2000 LP

Bandit Keith speaks up "So it looks like Kaiba gonna get trashed by Yugi again huh?" "I wouldn't say that Kaiba is desperate to win and Yugi doesn't have the heart to go the far."

"Now that you mention it that Yugi kid atleast why he's not dueling he seems pretty shy." "Yugi has a cheating power like Pegasus, both of them gained power through the Millennium Items which allow them to cheat and win in almost any duel."

"Your telling the truth?" I nod "Which means I was cheated by Pegasus with a stupid Item!" "Yes you were Keith but do keep your voice down the Millennium Eye is Pegasus's item which gives him the ability to read you minds steal souls and insome cases enforce penatlty games which are punishments for losing a shadow game that can completely change you. An example of this is Seto Kaiba he after losing to Yugi was the punishment of mind crush, shadow games use your soul as your LP if you lose a shadow game you usually become brain dead unless your soul is powerful enough to recover or the person who you lost to loses all of their power in a shadow game."

Bandit Keith is still processing everything I just told him I continue to watch Yugi and Kaiba's duel where Kaiba activated Crush Card Virus and has Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon on his field only for Yugi to activate a different named card Target Board which allows Yugi the ability to target Kaiba's Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon with Polymerization to fuse the Mammoth Graveyard with the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon lowering it's ATK points.

Another good point I've gotten that's different is Polymerization and fusion card where if the incorrect materials are used the monsters still fuse but they are a amalgamation and they are weak cards that lose ATK every turn and that they destroy themselves after their ATK reaches 0.

The ending of the duel is the same as in the original with Kaiba threatening his life and Yugi stopping the spirit from killing Kaiba resulting in another Blue Eyes being summoned wiping out Yugi's Cetlic Guardian and ending the duel. Overall it's still a hard duel to watch even if this is like my 6th time seeing it.

Bandit Keith finally speaks up "It's just like you said Yugi didn't have the heart to finish off Kaiba and Kaiba capitalized and took out Yugi in one move. How do you know?" 

"It was predictable I expected Kaiba to go all out since Pegasus is currently his number one enemy. Kaiba's aura showed me that if he lost he wouldn't have forgave himself and that he would've won no matter what even if it mean't dying. While Yugi almost went through with it he couldn't take it and called off the attack showing that even under all the dueling knowledge he still has a heart unlike Kaiba, that's the reason why even I don't what to duel Kaiba.

"So what now?" "Now I wait you duel, I enjoy the show and we truely begin the final dance. Your already here as a finalist I'm not so all I have to do is wait until Yugi gets 10 starchips again and until Mai or someone else comes then I can arive to the castle and be just to late to be a finalist but they should still allow me in. Even if they don't once you start causing problems I'll continue the plan all the same."