Flaming Spirit!

Tommy goes first after the automatic coin flip goes off. "My turn I'll draw and I'll summon my Molten Zombie 1600/400 in attack mode and then I'll set one card face down and end my turn."

"My turn I'll draw! alright Tommy I'll show you how to really make a first turn! I'll activate my Frontline Base and then I'll use its effect to special summon one "Union" monster from my hand!" Tommy being the child that he is speaks up. "I've never heard of "Union" monsters before!"

"Your going to learn today! I'll summon my Starship Support Platform then I'll normal summon my Starship Roulette Bomber and I'll use both of their effects equipping Starship Support Platform to my Starship Roulette Bomber increasing its attack points by 500!"

"Next roulette bombers effect goes through rolling a dice." A holographic die floats up and rolls landing on a 5. "Since a five was rolled I give one monster attack equal to its level times 200! I'll choose my own Starship Roulette Bomber giving it a total of 2800 attack!"

"Now I'll use my Starship Roulette Bomber to attack your Molten Zombie!"

Tommy inturputs me as he flips up his trap card. "I'm not the only one who will be taking damage. I'll activate my face down Backfire which means that if a FIRE monster is destroyed and sent to the graveyard you take 500 damage!"

Riku Yulunger 4000--->3500

Tommy 4000--->2800

"Fine I'll set 2 cards facedown and i'll end my turn!"

"OK! I'll got it now I'll draw!" Tommy smirks at me with a different smile than usual as his Ba goes through a change and a dragonic silouette appears behind him. "Your finished! I'll activate Polymerization and I'll use my Fireyarou and my Hiita The Fire Charmer to summon my Vermillion Sparrow 2300/1600!"

As the Vermillion Sparrow is summoned sucessfully Tommy Ba flares up once again with a second silhouette appearing next to him. 'Riku. Your friend has a couple of pretty powerful spirits one of them is almost as powerful as The Creator.' A voice speaks in my mind that I recognize as Rise or The Unhappy Girl/Maiden.

"OK Tommy not bad but even the fusion monster isn't strong enough to defeat my roulette bomber when its boosted up this much."

"Hey let me finish! I'll first normal summon my Blazing Hiita 800/1500 then I'll use the Vermillion Sparrow's effect along with Blazing Hiita's effect!" By now Tommy's Ba is blazing and seemingly expanding like a growing flame. "I'll use Vermillion Sparrow to deal you 400 life points for every FIRE "Pyro" or "Spellcaster" I control!"

Riku 3500--->2700

"Blazing Hiita will then tribute my Vermillion Sparrow to summon my Tri-Horned Dragon 2950/2950 from my hand! Then I'll use Tri-Horned Dragon's effect to destroy your Starship Rouulette Bomber!"

Riku 2700--->1300

'Because of roulette bombers effect I lost life points equal to half of its attack points.' "Not so fast I'll be acitvating Starship Support Platform special summoning it and shuffling back Starship Roulette Bomber into my deck!"

"It doesn't matter! Your finished I'll use Blazing Hiita to destroy your starship then I'll end this with Tri-Horned Dragon!"

"I'll activate one of my face down cards! Michizure! which means since my Starship Support Platform was destroyed I can destroy one monster on your field and I'll choose Tri-Horned Dragon!" Tommy after seeing his Tri-Horned Dragon be destroyed starts to pout. "No way! Fine I'll end my turn."

"Well in your end phase I'll activate my other trap Solemn Wishes which gives me 500 Life Points every time I draw! Now its my turn I'll draw and gain 500 Life Points and then I'll activate my Pot Of Greed letting me draw another 2 cards and gain another 1000 Life Points!"

Riku 1300--->2800

Tommy after seeing my life points increase has a even greater pout than before. "That's not fair you just healed almost all the damage I gave you!" I proceed to laugh in his face.

"Sorry but I'm doing what I have to do to win. I'll summon Shinning Angel 1400/800 then I'll use Shining Angel to attack your Blazing Hiita then I'll end my turn."

Tommy 2800--->2200

Tommy's Ba has gotten under control and is back to being embers from the inferno it was at. "I'll draw then I'll activate my Pot Of Greed drawing another 2 cards!"

"Oh you finally got that card like I told you. and I see that you no longer need an explanation on what it does."

"Shut up! I'll then banish one FIRE monsterto summon my Spirit Of Flames then I'll tribute it to summon my Flame Cerebrus 2100/1800 then I'll use it to destroy your Shining Angel and I'll end my turn.

Riku 2800--->2100

"My Shining Angel's effect activates special summoning one a LIGHT monster with 1500 or less attack from my deck and I'll summon my Gradius 1200/800!

"My turn I'll draw and I'll get another 500 Life Points due to Solemn Wishes!"

Riku 2100--->2600

"Now I'll tribute my Gradius for Zaborg The Thunder Monarch 2400/1000 and I'll use its effect to destroy your Flame Cerebrus. Now I'll attack you Directly and finish this duel!"

Tommy 2200--->0