"I'll play Destiny Board in your end phase and it effect will activate automatically putting another trap card from my deck to the field the Spirit Message E!"

Looking towards Yami Bakura the two letters D and E hover above his head glowing a ghastly blue. "I'll explain what will happen to you in few turns. During every single one of your end phases another spirit message will be put on my field and if all 4 of the spirit messages are on my field you automatically lose the duel!"

"Oh, that's it? I thought I was in trouble! Hurry up and take your turn."

"Ha! Your courting death and you won't win. I'll draw then I'll summon The Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams (1300/1800)! Next I'll flip up my D.E.S Lacooda(500/600) and use its flip up effect to draw another card! I'll change my Dark Necrofear to attack mode and I'll attack your Dark Blade!"

"Stop I'll activate my trap card Nightmare Wheel! I'll equip it to your Dark Necroface and it can't attack!"

As the trap is flipped up a the physical form of Nightmare Wheel appears and Dark Necroface is inserted onto it. "Fine I'll use the effect of D.E.S Lacooda to flip it face down and I'll end my turn!"

"My turn! I'll draw giving me 500 life points from Solenm Wishes." Drawing my card I notice that the spiritual pressure of the Shadow Realm is starting to effect me.

Riku 1500--->2000

'This is bad I don't have the near cheating powers of my spirits not only that but the shadow realm is starting to suck my energy. I mean it makes sense I'm not a main character with absurd durability although it isn't effecting me as much as I thought it would.'

"The effect of Nightmare Wheel will activate dealing you 500 lifepoints in damage!"

Yami Bakura 900--->400

"See even if I cant get through your monsters this duel will end by my Nightmare Wheel before your spirit board will be completed. I'll then tribute using my Dark Blade and summon The Creator (2300/3000)!"

"I'll use The Creator to attack the D.E.S Lacooda face down!" The Creator fires down a lightningbolt and instantly fires the facedown D.E.S Lacooda. "I'll just end my turn end my turn."

"In your end phase another Spirit Message is put onto my field! I'll draw and I'll go into my battle and I'll use The Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams to attack your monster! Before the attack I'll use a monster in my hand Juragedo (1700/1300)! It will summon its self to the field while giving me 1000 life points!"

Yami Bakura 400--->1400

"This is the it for you! I'll activate Juragedo's effect to tribute itself to give The Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams another 1000 attack and I'll continue the attack destroying both of our monsters."

As The Creator is destroyed the shadows around me get closer as the thickness of the dark fog increases as we spend more time in the Shadow Realm. "What was that about the duel being over before my spirit message!"

"Hurry up and end your turn already!"

"Fine I'll end my turn go ahead."

"I'll start and I'll draw a card increasing my life points by another 500!"

Riku 2000--->2500

"Next I'll use the spell card Reasoning which has you choose a level and I send cards from the top of my deck until I get a monster and if you call the level wrong I get to summon the monster! Choose your level!"

After a couple of second of thinking Yami Bakura speaks. "I choose level 4!"

After Yami Bakura chooses a level the top cards of my deck start to get excavated and I lose Cold Wave and one Bait Doll when I then excavate the monster card Gradius. "I called it right you lose!"

"Fine I'll then activate Frontline Base and I'll use its effect to summon out my Starship Support Platform! Then I'll summon my Starship Roulette Bomber! I'll use both of my monsters effects to equip Starship Support Platform to Starship Roulette Bomber giving it 500 attack and roll a dice and get a effect based on the result."

A dice appears next to my monster and it rolls and lands on a 6. "Really!... Since I rolled a 6 Starship Roulette Bomber destroy's itself and I get to add one "Union" monster from my deck to my hand but I don't have another one."

"HA! It seems like your cards don't even want you to win if you give up now I'll give you a painless death."

"Shut up the effect of Starship Support Platform summons itself from the graveyard and puts Starship Roulette Bomber back into my deck. I'll end my turn."

"Again during your end phase another spirit message will be put onto my field!" behind Yami Bakura the spell and trap cards now spell out D.E.A.T. "My turn I'll draw and..."

"This is amusing. You've lost I'll activate the final Spirit Message H meaning you lose!"

As The Spirit Message is spelled out completely Yami Bakura smiles as throught the effect of Destiny Board he wins.