Taking A Chance.

As a claw pierces the dark and foggy sky light comes with it showering the world below in an indigo hue. "Holy Shit!"

Getting up I quickly grab my duel disk, water skin, bag sack and I start to make my way towards the claw which is positioned near the west of my little place.

The claw continues to desend with a huge body following it. A Reptile or Dragon like monster comes down from the clouds and even from the distance I'm at it still seems huge. Its body is glistening with a nearly pure white unbothered by shaded light around it, with a slim body, four legs, and two wings each having scales resembling diamonds and a more nuetral brown colored underbelly.

'Its familiar..I've seen that monster before is it Hyozanryu or something like that why is it here?' Noting the slow researgence of the fog I stop thinking and pick up speed towards dragon, which is slowly making its decent.

 While it doesn't take long to reach the landed dragon the fog has covered up a third of the hole the dragon made.

Getting close to Hyozanryu I stop and hide behind on of the many rocks and rubble as I begin to think about my next move.

'I've got to remember I got sent here because a bunch of powerful spirits wanted me dead. Hyozanryu is a pretty powerful card so it would be a stretch for them to also be in on it. Not only that but this is the spirit world I don't think I can trust that many people if any at all. The one thing I should be able to count on dueling isn't really an option since I lost all of my cards and my duel disk is destroyed..'

"Come Out!" A powerful yet slightly broken voice speaks out loud and in my direction. "I said Come OUT!" This time a more angered growl is accompanied by another demand as I give in and slightly show myself to the dragon.

Apon getting a closer look at the dragon I can see the scales of the creature more closely with it giving of a shine but its scales fractured, damaged and some are torn off and seemingly scorched.

"Who are you and what are you doing in a Ruined World!" The dragon speaks as I observe them. "I'm I guy who got trapped here. What are you doing here?"

Speaking back to the dragon I try to make an illusion of clarity as I ask a question of my own. "I am here as I was driven out by those damn fire users. I had to escape here to recover."

'Fire users? That could be like anything.. I need more information before I try anything.' Coming closer to the dragon I try to exude confidence. "I guess that makes sense from your injuries. Though I'm a little confused why'd you go here to hide? If your fighting in a battle or war you should have a main base to go back to right?"

The diamond dragon slightly narrows its eyes at me as I get closer before resigning after coming to the conclusion that it could kill me even if I tried something. "..I did I was leading my fellow dragons against their forces but then ended up leading me into a trap and using a retual they were able to damage me severly."

"I can see that.. So what happened next did you have to retreat and going here was the safest way?" While progressing the conversation I slowly get closer attempting to not put them off with my body language.

"Essentially. Normally they woundn't even be able to harm me due to my scales but their ancient rites summoned a force I couldn't handle by myself. If I had Emerald with me I could've fought back."

Staring the dragon in it face and raising an eyebrow I ask. "Emerald is that another dragon like you? One of your allies?" Nodding towards me Hyozanryu speaks. "Yes their probably the second strongest of use Gem-Dragons that are currently in the war right now. Although were pretty similar in power where I shine in my toughness he's more offensive."

Nodding as I follow along I look up to the sky and see as the fog has closed up by another third. "It seems that a lot is happening outside of this place." Giving the dragon a subtle hint I hope he catches on.

The dragon looks at me and goes ahead with the obvious reponse. "Yes its change quite a lot in a short amount of time. Ever since this place fell I thought that most escaped out to the lower plains safely so why are you still here? And the more that I think about it I have never seen you before so why are you here?"

I wasn't 100% prepared for this question but I quickly make up hopefully believable answer. "Ah. I was sent here by another. Multiple fought against me and lost so they all came at me at once and sent me here. I'm not familiar with this place or the place you speak of but it seems interesting. But to get straight to the point I want you to get me out of here, and if you do I'll help you fight these fire users you speak of."

Not expecting my direct approach the dragon is caught of guard but they respond. "Really? You were sent here to a Ruined World against your will?" Nodding along to answer their question. "And you want me to get you out of here in exchange of your help against the Flamevell's?"

nodding again while processing the new information on the enemies. "Exactly and from what you just said I know exactly how to defeat your enemies the Flamevell's, IF you help me."

The dragon shifts as the stand up straight and look down at me and the approach me standing over me just a foot or so away.

'Hopefully the direct method was the way to go..'