CH 8

In the night sky, a red dragon with white fur going down its spine all the way to its tail and deer like horns could be seen flying high above the clouds heading to Osaka with a young girl wearing a black kimono with a gold obi wrapped around her waist riding on its back.

On occasions, I will be asked to hunt down dangerous demons, monsters, youkai, and even humans for the Shinto faction like I am doing for izanami right now. I have been doing these requests for about three years now, ranging from a lot of different people to the gods of Japan, the omniyoji, and the youkai. Amaterasu has me usually dealing with conflicts between the omniyoji and the youkai. Some youkai become addicted to killing and need to be put down, so to speak, same for the omniyoji. The one I'm doing right now is one of the more dangerous ones. It is a demon that has escaped from yomi, and that is not an easy feat in itself. Any being that escapes from there is never the same. Yomi is not like the underworld of the devils it is a dark and evil place where nightmarish horrors lurk and no being who has stayed there comes out with their sanity intact. izanami has asked me to hunt it down before it causes anymore trouble.

I have been given information on this demon. It is blue skinned and about eight feet tall. He lived in the sengoku era, leading his own band of demons to kill and plunder Japan before he was finally killed and brought down to yomi. His strength should be close to that of a high-class being.

My hold on mushu's fur tightens as excitement boils in my body. It has been a while since I fought a decent opponent, I hope this one doesn't disappoint me. i have grown bored of killing the stray devils that hide in kouh and hope this one can provide me with some entertainment at least. 

Mushu's seems to notice my excitement. " Don't be impatient now, just a little more, and we will be above Osaka. " he says in an amused voice as he glances my way.

i shrug my shoulder to Mushu " I know, I know. " I say as I hold up my katana in front of me it is in its sheathe at the moment, but the handle is mostly black with gold, with the guard being designed as a golden sun. The sheathe is a smooth pitch black almost blinding in with the night sky.

We make it to Osaka as we circle high above the clouds. I stand on Mushu's back as I take a few deep breaths as I expanded my senses to cover the entirety of Osaka. I can pretty much see everything going on in the city from the people, the traffic and the animals by their energy. I searched for the demon yet cannot find him after looking for a few minutes.' ughh I didn't think he would actually be able to hide from me. This is unexpected. ' i was expecting to be able to find him easily but it appears he has a way of hiding himself. this is troublesome. 

Mushu turns his head to look at me. " Were you able to find him. " Asks Mushu.

I shake my head. " No, the only thing I could find were traces of his energy that was about it. " I fold my arms across my chest. " I'll need to go down there to get a better look. " 

At my words, Mushu makes a fast descent across the night sky Mushu flies, passing a tall building as I jump off his back and land on the top of the building. He quickly ascends back into the night sky above the clouds disappearing from sight.' alright, time to get started.' I approach the ledge of the building, jumping off and heading in the direction of his nearest energy source.' This place is crowded as always the perfect place to hide. ' I think to myself as I jump from building to building.

I watch the streets of Osaka from a roof being cramped and crowded like usual. ' Nobody would even notice if somebody went missing in that crowd. ' Places like these are a demon's favorite place to hide and plenty to eat.

I look north feeling his energy in that direction. I head over there at a fast pace jumping from buildings as i leave the city coming upon a dark street with few houses. I look over all the houses but stop to look at a specific One as I feel the demon's energy inside. the house seems to have its front door kicked down as the smell of blood coming from inside is overwhelming. " Well, I guess I found his meal for the night. " I head over to the house.

I enter the house and the smell just keeps getting stronger I head into the kitchen and find the floor and walls covered in a pool of blood. I walk around the table in the kitchen and find the corpse of a black haired women laying on the floor. Her body is mangled beyond recognition it is twisted and broken with pieces of her flesh seemed to be eaten from as her skull was caved in. ' this kind of brutality was defiantly the handiwork of the demon. I need to hurry and kill it as soon as possible. '

I look away from the body unfazed. This isn't the first time I came across situations like this there has been many like this before some far worse. " That must have been the wife. " I head into the living room finding the husband to be in a similar situation as his wife.

I look around the living room and see signs of struggling as streaks of blood lead to the back door. ' So he took one with him probably the kid of this family. ' kids tend to be a favorite of demons to eat. there is a faint energy residue of the demon that I can follow. ' If I follow that energy it will probably lead me to the demon. '

I followed the trail for about a forty five minutes and came across an abandoned subway station leading underground. Around the station are talismans and charms meant to act as a barrier. ' So that's why I couldn't find him before. Seems like he isn't just some brute ' the talismans around the subway station is acting as a barrier for the supernatural hiding the demons presence entirely as long as he is within it. 

" this should be more fun than I thought " a smile appears on my face as I unsheathe my katana revealing a beautiful silver colored blade. I descend down the stairs into the subway station, stopping at the barrier. I hold my palm up to the invisible barrier that is stopping me from going any farther. I pour my Ki into the barrier as I begin to undo it. the talismans around the subway station start to sizzle and burn to ashes as the barrier disappears and I pass through and enter. 


In the darkness of a enclosed room there is a large humanoid monster covered by a dark cloak hunched over. surrounding this figure is skulls, bones and mutilated corpses leaving a foul stench in the air. 


*drip* *drip*

*crunch* The sound of bones being chewed as blood drips down echos throughout the room.

*sniff* *sniff*" a human. "*sniff* "no something much greater a demigod" The large creature looks in the direction of the intruder with a savage and cruel smile on its face. It is the blue skinned demon holding the arm of a young girl that is covered in bite marks as blood drips down from his sharp jagged teeth. he drops the arm of the young girl and stands as he leaves the room disappearing into the darkness of the tunnels. 

' He sure wasn't slacking off with his time in the human world. ' I walk down the dark tunnel that is littered with corpses like the ones in the house. the putrid stench showing that they have been here a few days.

As I walk down the tunnel It is suddenly filled with killing intent causing a shiver to run down my spine. I put up my guard as hold my sword Infront of me using Chakra to coat it in flames and Tokui to reinforce my body. 

' he's here. '

At the end of the tunnel is a large blue skinned figure wearing a black ragged coat. He is about eight feet and very muscular with sharp claws. He stares at me with pale white eyes, not moving, just watching me with a crazed look in his eyes like a beast looking at his next meal.

" So, you're the demon that escaped Yomi. " i eye the demon cautiously for any moves it may make. " I will kill you on behalf of Izanami. " I say to him, but it didn't seem as if he bothered to listen to any of it as he slowly walks towards me.

" Yes, yes this is good so young and tender along with being a demigod. " he mumbles in a deep and hoarse voice as he starts to pick up his pace as he goes into a full sprint.

" I CAN'T WAIT TO DEVOUR YOU. " he screams out as he closes the distance with me in a few seconds throwing a punch towards me.

I use my sword to block him, but I am pushed back I regain my footing and take a step forward and use a horizontal slash attempting to cut him. ' That punch of his that I blocked is no joke my arms went numb for a moment. It will probably be wise to avoid blocking this demon and focus on dodging. ' The demon takes a step back just barley avoiding my slash. he just laughs as his fist gets covered in ice. He pulls his arm back and throw another powerful punch. I step to the side avoiding his punch while slashing him on the side of his abdomen as i now stand behind him. The spot where I cut leaves a deep and scorched cut. after cutting him I make some distance between us as I feel energy building up within the demon.

He screeches in pain as reels back his fist as he punches the ground. ice covers the floor and walls all around him as Spikes of ice erupt out of the ice all around him freezing whatever they touch.

I leapt back avoiding most of it, but part of my foot lightly grazed a spike of ice as I was jumping backwards and got frozen nearly immediately. ' Well, he isn't half bad. so far the only thing dangerous about him is that ice. it freezes whatever it touches in an instant however everything else about this demon isn't really special. ' I think to myself as an orange fiery aura begins to cover my body as my foot begins to thaw the ice in a second from the heat now emanating off my body. An immense amount of heat begins to emanate off of my body and starts to melt the ice in my vicinity. the demon now watches me cautiously after seeing that I am able to easily counter his ice. 

I hold my katana above my head as the flame on it begins to grow brighter and brighter. I swing my katana downwards and then vertical as two large, condensed slashes of fire flies down the tunnel at blinding speeds heading straight for the demon.

the demon although caught off guard by the attack acts quickly as He covers his arms and chest in ice as he puts his arms up to block as in this small and narrow tunnel there isn't anywhere to go to dodge Hikari's attack.

*BOOM* My attack collides with him head on causing smoke and steam to arise clouding my vision for a few seconds but disappears to reveal that His arms are burning from my fire and his legs are burnt but they start to heal at an alarming rate.

' Regeneration? huh that's a Suprise. so, he has it too. ' 

the demon swipes both his arms to the side as ice covers his arms and rids himself of the flames. the demon starts to inhale air as his lungs expands.

' A breath attack? well, I'm not going to miss this opportunity. ' I bend my legs and use Tokui to enhance my legs as the demon releases a torrent of freezing ice from his mouth rapidly approaching me filling the small corridor with ice. with a burst of speed, I launch myself towards the demon as I leave a massive crack in the ground where I previously stood. I kept low to the ground avoiding most of his breath as it passes over me as I appear right under the massive demon. I use my free hand to quickly grab his lower jaw and fill his mouth with fire. the demon stops its attack as it reels in pain from the fire but my hold on his jaw remains firm as in the next moment, I muster my strength and with a downward pull, I rip the demon's jaw tearing it off. 

the demon steps backs holding his hands up to where his lower jaw previously was in pain as his regeneration starts to kick in and forms his jaw again. I toss the jaw that's in my hand to the ground as it shatters on impact, and I turn to look at the demon with disappointment in my eyes.

" You know I was really hoping you would at least be a little bit entertaining, but I guess I was wrong. oh well I guess it's about time I stopped playing around now. " 

I take a step closer but stop as I hear the demon speak. " You..." the demon looks at me with first recognition then regret and finally fear as he finally realizes who he is currently standing in front of. " y-your Hikari... the executioner of Takamagahara. " Says the demon full of fear.

" You know me? "

the executioner of Takamagahara is a nickname that Hikari has become to be called in Yomi by its now recent inhabitants thanks to Hikari. Hikari's title is not well known outside of Yomi since all the ones who call her that were sent to Yomi by her hands. her name has spread like wildfire in there to the point that even demons such as this one have come to know of her and fear her.

the reason for such a title is simple many powerful demons, minor gods and evil spirts still persisted into the modern-day Japan continuing there cruel and inhumane acts hidden from mortal view but within a few short years each and every one has been eliminated by the order of the gods and Hikari is the only one they sent to kill such beings.

the demon took another step back scared and filled with regret that it didn't leave when it had the chance. ' I can't win. I need to flee but how? ' the demon watches Hikari waiting and praying for a chance to flee but he doubts such a chance will ever come. the one standing Infront of him has slain beings much greater than himself compared to her he may as well just be an insignificant bug.

I sprint to him with my sword held high. Once I get in distance, I perform a downward slash using all my strength. I cut off one of his arms and leave a deep slash across his chest. Despite all the damage I've caused him he instantly retaliates with a kick to my ribs but i hold up my arm and block it. the kick sends me flying as I crash into a wall and into another wall ending up in a separate tunnel from him.

*cough* *cough* I get up and push the rubble to the side. ' Well that caught me off guard. He Decided to abandon any defense and go on the offensive. If I didn't put up my guard my ribs probably would of have some damage. '

I look through the hole that I was sent through and see the demon turn and run. " HEY DONT BE A COWARD GET BACK HERE. " I yell at him as I give chase jumping through the walls that I crashed through and quickly speed after him twisting and turning down the dark tunnels.

I sprint after him down the dark tunnels. He shoots out spikes of ice trying to slow me down but I either parry them or evade. ' he's trying to flee and hide amongst the humans like I'll let that happen. 'I hold out my hand and a orange ball of ki and Chakra mixed together forms growing to a large size before I shoot it out and it heads towards him at incredible speed.

He turns around and form a large ice blade where his missing arm was. He uses the ice blade to counter ball of fire causing it to explode. *BOOM*

the blast knocks him back into the wall. He stands back up quickly readying himself as running is no longer an option as I closed the distance between me and him no longer giving him the option of running away. I swing my blade at him and so does he. Our blades clashes with each other. I begin to push him back up against the wall as my flames begin to melt his blade. It begins to slowly cut through his sword as worry and fear begin to spread across his face.

I lean in closer to him driving my sword deeper nearly cutting through it. " This is the end for you demon. " as I say that a evil grin crosses his face as he forms another blade of ice in his hand driving it towards my head.

I use my free hand to reach out and grab his wrist stopping the blade of ice just a inch away from my head. " A futile attempt. " I say as I procced to burn his entire arm at extreme heat to the point his regeneration can't keep up.

the demon looks towards me with a pleading look. " s-s-pare me. " The demon chokes out as my blade inches closer to claiming his life.

" Did you spare them as they begged for mercy? " The demon doesn't speak as it knows it would just be futile. " didn't think so. " I say as my katana cuts through his blade of ice and slices through his neck beheading him. I grab his head as his body falls limp to the ground. I swing my sword to the side flicking the blood off as I sheathe my katana.

" ahh well this wasn't as fun as I thought it would be he just ended up being a coward and ran. " I shake my head and sigh in disappointment.

' Mmh there's still signs of life here. ' I head down farther into the station as I still feel signs of life. He probably held some captives here.

I come across a large metal door. I push it open and walk in I see two kids and a girl about my age huddled in a corner trying to comfort the kids." um excuse. " I say not trying to scare them.

" ahhh " the young girl flinches back mistaking me for the demon in the dim light. " Huh wait you're not that demon who are you? " She says scared as she looks up at me.

I hold up the head of the demon showing it to them, but it causes them to flinch upon seeing it. " I'm Hikari I was sent here to hunt down this demon and as you can see, I've dealt with it. " Seeing that the head scared them I pulled it back out of their view.

"You... you killed it all by yourself? " She says amazed as the kids also look up at me.

" Yep, and now, it is time to get you guys back home. "

Their faces darken as tears stream down their face. " We don't have a home to return to that monster killed our parents. " Said the oldest as she held onto the youngest kid that is no older than five.

" Where will we go now? " ask's the youngest as she looks at me with tearful eyes.

I crouch down so I am at their level. Sometimes I wish I could change a person's memory but I can't so there isn't much I can do. It isn't like I can hide the supernatural from them now. " Well, I guess your right about that, and it isn't like you can go back to living an ordinary life again. " I reach my hand out for them to take, and they do. I pull them up, so they are standing." So, I will take you to some people who will look after you guys. "

I carry one of the kids out of the subway station as he fell asleep from exhaustion. As the other two follow behind. As we exit the station Mushu is already outside laying down. " Welcome back I take it was successful. " He says in a joyful tone.

"D-d-d-dragon there's a dragon right there." The girl and kid have shock and amazement on their faces.

 " This is Mushu I promise he is friendly. hop on he will be giving you guys a ride. " I help the girl and kid climb up when they are sitting down, I hand the sleeping child to her.

As I was about to get on Mushu, I spot a crow with deep crimson eyes that didn't seem completely normal on a roof watching over us. I motion my head over to the abandoned subway as the crow took flight flying away. ' With that I can leave the rest to Izanami. ' Izanami uses crows as a way to watch the living world and just like now she was watching me to make sure I did the job. 

I plan to drop them off at the nearest omniyoji clan they will be sure to look after them there. It didn't take long for us to arrive, and we land in the middle of the courtyard. We are at one of the five principal clans of Japan doumon. I came here since they owe me for a favor I did for them. One of the guards runs up and bows to me. " It is a great honor to be in the presence of the princess what can we do for you. " He says with an almost fanatical tone.

This Is way I really don't like to interact with them all that much." yes, I was curious if you can take care of these kids, I happened to rescue them from a demon. " I say as they get off of Mushu and are taken inside the building by servants. " It will be our pleasure. " He says. the kids i rescued turn around and wave me goodbye a smile spreads across my face as I wave back at them as Mushu begins to take flight returning home.