CH 13


It was just her and Akeno in the ORC club room. Rias was sitting in her chair contemplating what had happened earlier today between Hikari and Issei. She already sent everybody else home for the day.

Akeno came over to rias and put down a fresh hot cup of tea for her. Rias drank the tea and sighed loudly as she massaged her head. *sigh*

" What's troubling you, rias? " Says Akeno, concerned for her master. Rias looks at Akeno with a weary look on her face.

" it's Hikari. Something about her just doesn't make me trust her. " From the very beginning when I first met Hikari, it was obvious from the look in her eyes when she looked at us, and even now, she doesn't care for us and dislikes us to a extent. I just can't wrap my head around. Why? We haven't done anything to her to cause her to act like that to us.

Akeno nods her head as she puts a finger to her chin as she thinks. " I agree with you, rias. I get a bad feeling whenever I am around her. " Akeno from the beginning didn't like Hikari too much mostly because of her lack of respect for her master rias. Akeno believes that even if she is a representative of the Shinto faction, she should treat rias with more respect as she is the heir to the gremory clan and sister of the current devil king.

A sly smile spreads across rias face as she holds out her hand and summons her familiar. A small batlike creature with a round body and two black wings appears.

Akeno claps her hands together as she smiles. " ufufufu, you going to spy on that little brat, Hikari, aren't you rias. " Said Akeno with a little venom in her voice as she spoke of Hikari while she had a sly smile on her face.

She shrugs her shoulders as she chuckles. " Well, if she has nothing to hide, it won't be a problem. " says rias as if it is a matter of fact. she has had suspicions about Hikari and is hoping to confirm them.

" It is as you say rias. " Akeno places the palm of her hand against her face as she has a sadistic smile on her face. ' Oh, I so hope we find something so I can punish her. ' Akeno licks her lips as she is lost in her imagination.

Rias looks at her familiar. " I need you to keep an eye on Hikari for me, okay? " Says rias in a soft voice.

' I know she is up to no good, and I plan to find out what it is. ' The familiar nods and uses its bat wing to salute rias before flying out of the window and heads to Hikari's residence.


It was late at night as I lay in my bed thinking about the events earlier today. " Great, now I need to come up with a plan on how to deal with rias and her group tomorrow. " With rias and her servants suspicious of me and me becoming the de facto leader of this group of stray fallen angels has put me in a tough position that can really harm my position and smear the reputation of the Shinto faction, so I need to move and act carefully right now.

I grab a pillow and hug it tightly as I lay on my bed. " Issei is simple-minded, so what if I use the nun to draw him in. knowing how they act Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko will probably help him. " Her servants are all close with each other and will most of the time help each other out.As I have watched them over my time here, I came to one conclusion is that rias is too soft on her servants and will not try to put them in actual danger. That has made them weak, and rias won't let them attack the fallen while she thinks they are at full force.

" Hold on. I never had the chance to tell them that I killed one of the fallen and most of the exorcist. If she knows that the fallen are not at full strength anymore, she will probably take this chance to go on the offensive. " She may see their weakened state and take this opportunity to wipe out the fallen angels.

I grab my phone and start to text rias. first, I sent an apology for the way that I acted. Not that i really am I just need her trust me a bit. I then told her about the skirmish I had with the fallen that ended up with me killing one fallen and most of the exorcist with the exception of the one that attacked Issei.

The night continues to go as I formulate the perfect plan for rias. Tomorrow, I will put my plan into action. I have ordered the fallen to come over to my house, so I came to inform them about what they will be doing and train them to properly take on rias servants.

With the plan made up in my mind, I lay back down into my bed snuggled up under all the blankets as I drift off to sleep. Silence takes over the room with the only sound being the wind brushing against the windows.

*jingle* *jingle* 

I'm brought out of her sleep by the light sound of bells coming from outside my window. I watched as white mist entered my room through a small crevice on my window seal. It traveled down to the floor on my room next to my bedside, slowly forming into the shape of a small white fox with fluffy fur and red markings, and it has large red doe eyes.

*jingle* *jingle* The sound of a bell rung again in the room as the fox is fully formed. It was wearing a bell around its neck as it held a small scroll in its mouth.I get up quickly, throwing off my blankets as a smile spreads across my face as I pick up the small white fox and hug it. The fox nuzzles it head against my chest happily.

" kumo, it's so good to see you. " I say happily. This little fox is Shiori kumo, a messenger fox used to carry messages in the spirit world it is also the one responsible for carrying the letters and reports between me and my mother. Shiori kumo is currently the youngest messenger fox, not even a hundred years old.

Kumo stopped and looked up at Hikari. ' Hikari, I got a message from Lady Amaterasu. ' The fox's mouth did not move but spoke directly into her my head the voice was that of a young child. I nod and set kumo onto my bed and grab the scroll from her.

I walk over to my desk and sit down as I open the scroll and begin to read it. ' It has been a while since I have heard from Mother, I wonder what she wrote for me. '[ Hikari, it is good to be writing to you again. I am sorry I could not send this to you earlier, but the youkai factions have begun to split apart with the appearance of tamamo-no-mae. She was the original leader of the kitsune and had a large following that went into the shadows once she was sealed. They are now emerging from hiding, trying to take control of the youkai faction. They are on the edge of erupting into a civil war, so most of my focus has been on that at the moment. I also got your reports about the rulers, but there has yet been any substantial reason to remove them as of yet. Please keep an eye on them and kouh I cannot allow any more problems at the moment.

Ps: Thank you, and love you. ]

I stare at the letter for a bit, rereading it. I figured something like this would happen within the youkai faction, but I expected it to die down, but it seems it hasn't and has only grown into a bigger problem. Whenever tamamo-no-mae got sealed into the stone, Amaterasu made yasaka the new leader of the kitsune, and the tamamo-no-mae family was turned into a subsidiary clan to serve yasaka She is also an Amaterasu shrine maiden, so Amaterasu has more direct control over the youkai. When tamamo-no-mae ruled the youkai, she was one of the few youkai to achieve ultimate class with her power alone, whereas yasaka needs to use the Kyoto leylines to reach ultimate class. Before yasaka came into power, the youkai were ruthlessly running amok across Japan, causing death and destruction until she got sealed. When her seal broke, it caused a lot of youkai and her bloodline who still see her as their leader to try and usurp yasaka. It hasn't quite reached that point, but there is a good chance it will. The seal me and the omniyoji used on her will not hold her for too long and will break again soon. The seal that was originally used to hold her has been lost to time. There is a very good chance I will be ordered to fight her again, whether it is to seal her again or kill her but I won't know for sure until i get the order.

I open the drawer and put the letter in there as I grab a piece of paper and begin to write the letter to my mother.

I don't want to worry my mother anymore than she already is so I lie and tell her that things are going fine here in kouh and that there are no problems. That is a lie since soon kokabiel will be here trying to start another great war. I finish writing the letter and lean back in my chair as I stretch. I look at kumo curled up on my bed asleep. ' Maybe it won't be a bad idea to call for

some help. ' I look at my phone and am hesitant to call for help. I am confident in my abilities to fight kokabiel and win, but I am not sure if I would be able to protect the two heiress at the same time. I have someone I could ask for help but he is quite a troublesome person but he would be the perfect person for the job. ' I'm good for now but it might be a good idea to call him later if things get to problematic. '

" Kumo. " I gently nudge the fox awake.

*yawn* the little fox yawns and stretches as she looks up at Hikari who is holding a letter in her hands. ' Finished Hikari,' asked the fox as it tilted its head to the side.

" Yes, I am, could you deliver this to Mother for me. " The fox gets up as its tail starts to sway back and forth. ' Leave it to me. ' says the fox with pride.

With that settled I gave the letter to kumo and she left to go deliver the letter to my mother. I headed back to sleep, unaware I was being watched. Outside of Hikari's house was a little bat like creature sitting on a branch watching Hikari through the windows.


It observed everything from her talking about the plans and the letter from the fox. It had a prideful smile on its face at a job well done. Unknown to this familiar was a long snake like creature covered in red scales higher up in the tree, slowly descending down the tree sneaking up on the familiar. The familiar seeing that it has nothing else to see it stretches its wings and prepares to take off so it can go report to it's master.

The bat creature begins to take off into the air but is attacked by a small red dragon. *squeak* *squeak* The creature struggles and screams for help as it is being held tightly within then the dragons claws.

" Sorry but I can't have you go and report back to your master. " Mushu opens his jaw wide revealing sharp rows of teeth to the small bat making it struggle even more trying to get out of his grasp to no avail.

* squeak * * squeak * * squeak * 

Mushu pulls his head back and looks at the familiar with a questioning look. " what do you mean you wont? "

* squeak * the bat shakes its body side to side.

Mushu looks at the scared bat in his grasp debating on whether it should accept the deal. it offered to not tell rias in exchange for its life. ' hmm should I? if i do kill this little bat it will definitely draw the suspicion of rias to Hikari even more but letting it live is a even bigger risk. '

after thinking for a few more seconds the dragon looks down and smiles at the bat in his grasps. " Rejoice for i have decided to spare you. "

the bat squeaks happily that at the words of the dragon as relief washes over it's being but stops as it feels the dragons claw pressing against its head as foreign energy flows into its body.

Mushu retracts his claw and looks at it. " I've made a contract with you, and I'll know if you break it. as soon as I know you broke it, I will kill you and that master of yours understand? "

it nods it head up and down vigorously showing that it understands. 

" good now scram. " Mushu lets go off it and watches as it rushes off into the night sky. seeing it disappear from his sight. 


I was sitting in my room at my desk waiting for my familiar to return from spying on Hikari. I impatiently tap my finger against the wood of the desk. As I was in my thoughts I turn to the window as I hear the familiar flapping of wings. 

I stand up and walk over to the window and stretch out my hand as my familiar lands on my hand. i look at my familiar with an expectant look hoping to hear some good news. " so have you learned anything about Hikari? " i ask the small bat.

the bat shakes its head giving me the answer i didn't want to hear. " I see thank you for all you work. " I say as I dismiss my familiar and watch as it disappears through a magic circle.

* sigh * I walk over to the edge of my bed and lay down as I rest my hand on my forehead. " Maybe I was wrong about Hikari and I'm just being paranoid she has helped us out multiple times. "

I think back to all the interactions we had with her and i can say i have been a bit rude to her despite her helping us out multiple times especially with saving Issei from the priest and even me from the stray devil. 

" i guess i really do owe her a apology. " I close my eyes as I drift off to sleep.


The morning came around with Hikari waking up really early in the morning. She was outside in her backyard, training her swordsmanship welding a wooden sword. she was wearing black shorts and a black sports crop top. She had a slim athletic build with muscles showing proof of her training throughout her years along with a few prominent scars running across her body that are usually hidden. Each slash was a blur as she swung. her stances changed in one fluid motion after the other it was graceful and elegant, not a single wasted movement. The level of her swordsmanship has reached the level of a master able to compete with some of the greatest swordsman in the supernatural.

The training was repeated for thirty minutes, only stopping when raynare, donaseek, and mittlet showed up. " We are here. " Said raynare as she and the other fallen approached.

" Ah good your here, we have a lot to cover in a short amount of time. " I said as I walked over to the tree and sat down.

" So, what's the plan. " Asks mittlet.

" Well, first thing first is you will not be doing the ritual to gain the sacred gear from the nun. " I say with a serious voice as I look directly at raynare.

" What, why? It will give us a massive boost in power. " Said raynare with suprise and a bit of anger in her voice as she glared at Hikari obviously not happy what I said.

" Cause there is no need for it, and you will listen to me raynare. " I said in a stern voice that left no room for negotiations. Raynare growled under her breath. She took a step back and nodded her head.

" Alright, now let's begin raynare. Take this and set up this barrier up around the church. Also, I need you to manipulate Asia's mind so she will head to issei and then take her back from issei. "

I hand her a paper that has instructions on how to set up a powerful holy barrier able to keep out high-class devils. I modified it to counter rias power of destruction specifically." Also, you are not allowed to kill any of them except for the nun. I don't care what happens to her, but only after issei has been dealt with. " The only reason I say that is cause issei is the weilder of the boosted gear, and sacred gears react to emotion and will. Seeing Asia killed will only help him get stronger instead. Raynare took the paper and went off to complete her task.

I look at the other two fallen. " As for you two, I will be training you guys to fight Kiba, Koneko, and Akeno. "

Mittlet raises her hand up and speaks. " Um, I don't think we will have to worry about Akeno fighting."

I look at her curiously. " Why? "

" it's just that most of the time, the queens will never leave the side of their master so if Ria isn't going to fight, I don't think we need to worry about her. " Mittlet goes to explain.

I take in mittlet words and agreed with her as that bit of info slipped my mind.

' She is right. I don't think there was a time I hadn't seen Akeno next to her. '

I nod my head at her as she is right. " Thanks, mittlet if that is the case, this will make it much easier as now you will only have to fight Kiba and koneko. "

I point at donaseek. " I will train you to be able to fight Kiba, and you mittlet will be fighting koneko. " With the plan in motion, I begin to train them.

For donaseek, I perfectly mimicked kiba's fighting style. Even though he is fast and has a good bit of attack power, he doesn't have a lot of stamina and low durability. " All right, first up is you donaseek. "

I get into position about five feet away from him and hold my wooden sword in front of me. He just nodded as he summoned a spear of light and put up his guard. I start by rushing at him with the same speed as Kiba. I sent a flurry of fast strikes, which he was able to block most, but still got hit in the shoulder and waist.

"Ughh." he flinches in pain as my sword strikes him making him stumble a bit but he quickly regains his footing as he goes on the offensive and advances towards me.

I pause in my attacks, which he uses to counterattack with a wide slash. I easily evade his attack and make distance between me and him. He spreads his wings and uses them to dash towards me. He sends a vertical slash at me, which I evade, then a downward salsh, which I parry, knocking him off balance. I pull my arm back and thrust my wooden sword at his chest, knocking him down.

" Not bad. You got the right idea about going on the offensive. If you stay playing defense against him, it is the same as surrendering. " I walk over to the down donaseek and place my hand on his chest, healing him.

He sits up and checks where he is hit amazed that it no longer hurts. " Amazing you were capable of healing magic. "

I shake my head as I set my sword down and go over to mittelt. " Not healing magic but Chakra. " I say correcting him." now donaseek I want you to look over the fight we just had and figure out what you could do better. "

" I will. " He begins to do as I say replaying that fight.

" Well then, I guess it's my turn now, huh? " Says mittlet in a cheerful voice as she summons a pink spear of light. I crack my knuckles as I approached her. She also gets into a stance, ready to fight.

' I don't even need to use anything to match Koneko's strength. My base strength is already greater than hers. ' I clench my fist repeatedly trying to figure out how much strength I should limit myself to for this training exercise. I clench my fist one last time. ' yeah, that's about her strength. ' 

Mittlet spreads her wings and takes flight as she throws her spear of light at me. ' I already know how that servant of rias fights. If I just maintain my distance and whittle her down using my light spears, I should win. ' The spear of light flies at fast speed towards me. I step to the side, avoiding it as it strikes the ground. Mittlet kept up this tactic for a while until she slipped up, which allowed me to grab her, and once I did, it was over for her.

Mittlet is currently lying in a small sized crater groaning in pain." ughh whhyy. You didn't have to slam me that hard, did you? "

" haha your right. i didn't, but you deserve it for trying to look down my shirt. " I say with a sly smile on my face as mittlet face blushes. The reason she slipped up was cause she kept trying to take quick glances down my shirt during the fight, granted I wasn't wearing a bra right now. I crouch down and poke her cheeks. " I hope the view was worth it. " The only thing heard from mittlet was a light fit of giggles coming from her. I couldn't help but smile at mittlet she may be weird and a coward at times, but I have grown attached to her as a friend. For the rest of the time, i spent training donaseek and mittlet in a short time frame they didn't get stronger, but they gained the necessary experience to fight them on even footing with the devils. Later in the day, mittlet and donaseek left to go to the church to help raynare set up the church for the upcoming battle, and I got a call from rias telling me to come to the club room.

' Well, I guess it's beginning. ' I grab a black hoodie and put it on, not bothering to change out of the clothes I was wearing as I head to the club room.