The Isekai'd Drop Out

A Drop-Out's Guide to saving the world

By: Anno Un

In the dimly lit room, Lester Alon, or Lester For Short sat hunched over his computer, the glow of the screen casting shadows across his cluttered space. His room, a chaotic mixture of discarded snack wrappers, tangled cables, and neglected laundry, bore witness to his years of seclusion. The sound of gunfire and digital explosions filled the air as he immersed himself in the virtual world, his only refuge from the monotony of his existence. Lester sighed as he heard his own stomach rumble. He looked outside his window; the shine of the moon entered his room. Lester pushed himself upright and put on his favorite black tracksuit.

"What a drag... I hate going outside," Lester muttered.

Lester left his room and headed outside, walking down the dimly lit street. He made his way towards the nearest convenience store, entering without wasting time. He headed towards the chip aisle, grabbed a couple of chips and a soda. As Lester grabbed the soda from the shelf, he cut his finger on a small metal piece poking out.

"Great... How wonderful," Lester grumbled.

He sighed and picked up a pack of band-aids, then headed to the cashier to pay for his items. Lester's attention drifted to a couple, both students from his nearby high school, clinging to each other.

"That'll be 140 pesos, sir," said the cashier.

With a sigh, Lester's attention drifted back to the cashier, and he paid for his items. He headed outside and applied the band-aid to his cut. Suddenly, Lester's vision swirled, and for a moment, people with cat ears walking around appeared before quickly returning to normal. Lester looked around, baffled by what he saw.

"I guess after Spending all day holed up in my room gaming, anyone would start seeing things" Lester said to himself while rubbing his eyes.

As Lester opened his eyes, his vision a bit blurry from all the rubbing, his eyes widened as he found himself standing in the middle of the street. Walking around were people with cat ears, some with bunny ears, and some even had horns. Lester looked around the city, baffled. The structures resembled those from the medieval period, with stalls selling fruits, swords, and other items surrounding him.

"Holy Shit...W-Where the fuck am I??!" Lester exclaimed, panic evident in his eyes. He quickly calmed down and stepped away from the busy road.

"This stuff obviously isn't fake," Lester said, sweat dripping from his face as he grasped his current situation.

"Wait..." Lester grins nervously his shark like set teeth in full view

"Does this mean... I've been summoned into another world?!" Lester's voice is muffled by the sound of carriage wheels rolling on the hard stone road, his excitement is evident yet there's a hint of Anxiety in his voice , As Lester calms down he begins to walk around

"It's safe to assume that this is a fantasy world complete with the typical medieval culture", Lester Muttered to himself while looking around his surroundings, Fascination, Excitement and a bit of anxiety etched on his face, carrying his plastic bag holding the items he bought from the convenience store earlier he strolls around the city

"A realm where demi humans are commonplace", Lester mumbled to himself while looking at the Demi-Humans walking around the city "And probably stuff like wars and adventures too." Lester Grins nervously his bad habit kicking in again

"And here I am!" Lester's thoughts were Interrupted when suddenly a girl with cat ears bumps into him carrying a small bag

"Outta my way Wierdo!" The girl shouts while running away from a knight with fox ears clad in Iron armor

"HEY! STOP!" other people looked at the knight as he shouts panting from all the running stops before continuing his pursuit

"A thief? Should I help???... N-No....I don't know this place It's best if I avoid trouble", Lester continued his stroll around the city occasionally stopping at the stalls to look at unfamiliar fruits native to only this world

"Hey!, Buddy. Those are some weird clothes. are you a traveler?", Lester Turns around and looks at the man running a fruit stand he then walks closer and stares at the Unfamiliar writing on a piece of cardboard above the fruits

"W-What are these?", Lester asks the Man with a puzzled tone

"They're Sunsettias, They're all Fresh just got delivered this morning!" The Proud Store owner said

"They Understand me, though the question is", Lester reaches for his pockets and shows the man 80 pesos in coins

"Huh? What Kind of Money is that?", The man gestures to put Lester's money away "You can't use that Junk here in Shtohess, so that means you're flat broke?", The Man Sighs "Scram! Quit interferin' with my business!" The man shouts at urges Lester to leave immediately

"Whatever... I'll just try to gather some information for now"

For a short while Lester wonders around the city and makes his way towards a building with yet another unfamiliar writing the walls are pink and it has no doors, as Lester enters his eyes widened to see girls washing their hands, looking at mirrors and some just got out from inside the stalls, The girls screams and slaps Lester her hands engraved on Lester's cheeks

"SORRY!" Lester yelled before dashing away from the building, "Dammit! It's soo it's so annoying not understanding any writing here!" Lester muttered to himself while strolls the street holding his cheek, He then stops in front of a building not even bothering to look at the signs on it but the design of the building it has a beer drawing on it indicating that It's a tavern,

As Lester enters the tavern his eyes widened as he sees the room only being occupied by tough looking Lizard men's playing cards and drinking beer

"This place is for demi-humans only pal.." says one of the lizard men carrying a barrel

Before Lester could even speak he is pushed out by another lizard men entering the tavern, His eyes getting poked by one of it's scales

"Ow! My... eyes..." Lester stumbles back holding his eyes before unintentionally walking off the bridge and into the water below

Lester climbs out of the water and now finds himself sitting on a crate tucked away in a dark alley way his clothes wet and is placed on another nearby crate basking under the sun to dry.

"My luck just keeps on going down hill.... first the bathroom, now I fell off a bridge.." Lester sighs as he talks to himself before standing up stomping like a child acting like himself when he loses a game.

"Wasn't I summoned into another world?!.. what gives! where's my protagonist status?!" Lester exclaims and then sighs sitting back on top of the crate hunched "Dammit".

Lester then reaches for his pockets and pulls out his phone surprising him that It's still working "What? my phone still works." Lester scrolls through his contacts before seeing that there's no service.

"Not that It's good for nothing!" Lester prepares to throw his phone but is hesitant, in the end Lester tucks his phone back on his pocket, before reaching for the plastic bag inside is a bag of chips, soda and a pack of band-aids he bought from the convenient store.

"what kind of low-level starting gear is this... not even a basic sword or some pocket change.." Lester Sighs and opens the bag of chips and starts eating it.

"And besides, if I was summoned here, where's the cute girl who summoned me?..." Lester asks himself while chewing his chips and drinking soda.

"Also.... Who even brought me here?.... Normally Isekai Protagonists would be reincarnated or like summoned by a high ranking mage, but not me, I just appeared here with no warning, This is BS" Lester finishes his bag of chips and gulfs down the can of soda before throwing it all away.

"I'm flat broke.. I need money what a drag...".

Lester leaves the alley way and is met with a building It's doors wide open and people carrying carrying swords, magic staffs, and some battle axes leaving and entering the building.

"This building!... this has to be it!... The Adventurer's Guild!" Lester's eyes are exited but with the hint of anxiety, he had only seen this place in his video games but now here he is standing in front of a building full of Demi-human adventurer

"I'll register as an adventurer and just take low level quests! easy money!" Lester excitedly enters the Adventurer's guild inside is a big room filled with adventurer's carrying their equipment's, standing in the middle of the guild is two big metal statues of a female elf mage with her staff and beside her is a human male his sword stuck to the base and is standing gallantly

Lester looks around the guild before heading to one of the receptionist "H-Hello... Umm I-I wanna register as an Adventurer Please!..", Lester nervously asks while grinning his bad habit kicking in his intimidating shark like teeth in full view.

The receptionist's eyes widened for a moment taken back at Lester's appearance his strange clothes and red eyes as well as his intimidatingly shark like teeth only making Lester look like a villain

"Oh! erm... Yes Please Fill this registration form up..", The receptionists hands Lester a registration form

Lester takes the registration form and begins to fill it up, "Name?... I don't think I wanna use my real name here, a new world new name I guess! Goodbye Lester O Alon, And hello Lester Ishigami!", Lester fills up the registration form up but leaves the Type of Magic out

"Erm.. Excuse me.. Umm What does Type of Magic mean?", Lester asks nervously trying his best not to grin

"Oh! It means what type of magic you mainly focus on, It'll help you find parties to join in, there's Attack, Defense, Support, and Summoning if your registering as a mage you must have the ability to use all types" The Receptionist's smiles and informs Lester

"I See.. I don't even know if I can use Magic, I guess I'll just register as a warrior or something with an attack type Magic.. dammit I'm going in blind here.." Lester finishes filling out the form and hands it to the Receptionist

"Thank you!" After a few minutes The receptionists Then take's Lester's picture, after examining the picture the receptionists asks "W-why are you grinning on your picture? this is supposed to be a formal pic.."

Lester Grins his bad habit kicking in

"Oh.. W-Well It's because I have a bad habit of Grinning when I'm nervous or anxious S-Sorry about that Should we retake the picture?" Lester Nervously asks

"No.. It's fine Here!... That is your Adventurer's ID!.." You are currently Ranked E since you are newly registered!.. The Highest ranking quest you can take is one rank above your own.. " The receptionists Bows "Thank you and stay safe.." The receptionists gestures towards the Quest Board "you can take quests from the quests board over there"

Lester Bows "Y-yes! Thank you for your help" Lester then makes his way towards the quest board, other Demi-Human adventurer's gathered there scanning the board for quests, as Lester Scans the quests board with puzzled look in his eyes on what to pick since he can't read any of the writing on the paper pinned on the board.

"What a pain...I guess I'll just have to guess on what to take here I'll use the illustrations as guide.. I'll avoid ones with large drawings of monsters.. or like ones with skulls", Lester Sighs

"Being Illiterate is such a pain in the ass..", Lester Muttered to himself quietly

Lester keeps scanning the quest board and spots a quest with slimes drawn on it, The reward is 20 copper pieces "This looks easy enough, I don't know what's written on this flyer but I'm guessing I need to kill slimes? if this world isn't that different to the MMORPG's I played in the past then slimes should be the weakest Mob here.. alright! I'll do this one" Lester takes the flyer and heads back to the receptionists handing the flyer over

"I-I'll take this quest Please!..." Lester asks nervously.

"Oh! your back already?.. alright then this quest is all yours!" The Receptionists Stamps the flyer before she starts to scans Lester's strange attire her eyes a bit worried

"If I may ask are you planning on doing the quest with that getup...? do even have something to fight with? a short sword? or like a dagger?" The receptionists asks her tone is a bit worried with a hint of curiosity

Lester grins nervously seeing the receptionists scan his entire body

"W-well N-No I don't cuz I don't have the money to even buy a rusty old blade.." Lester laughs nervously while also Grins nervously he's a bit embarrassed since he's taking a Kill quest with literally nothing he can use to kill the slimes with

The receptionists smiles "I see.. Wait for a moment please I'll be right back!..." The receptionists leaves and heads at the back

"Huh? Where she going??" Lester looks at the receptionists looking for something at the back

The receptionists then comes back carrying an old iron sword, before putting it down in front of Lester "Please Take it... This is just an old sword left by an adventurer years ago, I supposed giving it to you wouldn't hurt!.." The receptionists smiles at Lester urging him to accept

Lester's eyes widened for a moment surprised and a bit hesitant to accept the sword from the Receptionists

"Y-You sure I could just have this??! just like that??!" Lester grins nervously before taking the sword, "It's lighter than expected!..."

"Yes! please keep it.. And also.. Since It's your first time being an adventurer and you seemed like you have no experience in combat... I would recommend you to party up with someone else"

The receptionists points at a human girl wearing a black robe inside is a white puffy buttoned dress, she also has long, waist-length dark green hair, styled with a straight cut and bangs. she also has green eyes and is staring at the ground with a stoic expression

"She also just registered a few hours ago before you arrived, She's an E rank mage who is skilled in Attack, Defense, support, and even Summoning magic but has no experience in combat like you, soo I recommended her to form or join a party, why don't you join her? being in a party would make things easier specially when your new to the adventuring gig"

"She want's me to team up with her? She looks like she isn't even interested in adventuring!.. this'll be tough.." Lester is a bit anxious since he'd have to communicate with the girl

Lester bows at the Receptionists "Y-yes! T-Thank you for all your help! I Apricate it!" Lester Grins nervously before turning around and slowly walking towards the girl

"Shit I need to think what do I say to her??! I didn't sign up for this! talking to girls is on a whole different level than talking to a guy!!.. alright alright calm down... just come up to her and Introduce yourself Lester!"

Lester stands in front of the girl grinning nervously his shark like teeth in full view

"H-Hello! I-I'm Lester Ishigami! E rank Adventurer! I'm a warrior who can use Attack magic!.. The receptionists said your looking for party members?" Lester says his voice a bit shaky due to his anxiety to talk to other people

"C-Can I join your p-party!?" Lester asks while grinning nervously, The girl Isn't reacting or acknowledging Lester's presence and is still looking at the ground with a stoic expression

"S-she isn't even looking at me!"

The girl sighs before standing up and meeting Lester's gaze still having a stoic expression, her green eyes darting at Lester's red ones "A warrior who can use attack magic?... I don't believe you.. I say you just lied about the type of magic you use.. you don't even look like a warrior " The girls tone is aloof as she scans Lester's strange attire

"Dammit she's good!.. I mean I am still wearing my tack suit but still!.." Lester's grin intensifies as he looks at The girl her eyes aloof and her stoic expression only added to Lester's anxiety

"In any case I guess you can be useful as bait... I'm Moss Briar Ranked E mage like you I hope you, a pleasure to be working with you.. Lester Ishigami.."

"Moss Briar.. She's cold as ice.. and quiet Intimidating.. But if she could make the kill quest much more easier then I have no choice but to team up with her..."

"Yes!.. I'll do my best!..." Lester says his voice a bit shaky as he grins at Moss, his eyes nervous yet exited,

Without wasting anymore time Moss turns around and starts heading outside carrying her wooden staff, her movements smooth and calm, her expression still stoic. Lester Slowly followed her his eyes filled with excitement his first quest as an adventurer with his ally Moss Starts now....

Character Spotlight

Lester Ishigami 

Age: 17

Height: 5'6 

Weight: 60? I think so..

Occupation: E Rank Adventurer (Former High School Drop Out)

Background: Lester Dropped out of school For reasons... and became a shut in neet before getting Isekai'd into another world

personality: Lester is shy and timid around girls but acts normally when talking with Guys, Lester also acts Immature when he's alone, raging when losing on a game or when things isn't going his way


Shtohess- The capital of the Demi-Human Republic mainly populated by Demi-Humans

Magic Types - The type of magic that an individual mainly uses there's Attack, Defense, Support, And Summoning