The Drop Out can Negotiate?!

A Drop-Out's Guide to Saving the World

By: Anno Un

"H-How did it come to this?!.."

Lester's breath came in ragged gasps as he sprinted away. His heart pounded like a war drum.

The massive slimes jiggled and wobbled behind him, slowly creeping it's way towards Lester it's gelatinous body covering the grass under it, absorbing it into it's body

"This is so frustrating!.. How are slimes this strong!"

Lester ran around the grassy plains, 1km away from the capital city of Shtohess

"I told you physical attacks isn't effective against slimes.."

Moss lets out a long sigh- lowering her head into a "I can't take it" gesture

A few minutes earlier Moss and Lester started their quest, their goal to is to kill 10 slimes roaming around the plains outside the city, upon arriving Moss was devising a plan to finish their quest as fast as possible

Upon executing the plan Lester fell short, as he used the sword the receptionist from the adventurer's guild gave him, instead of using Magic causing the slimes to get startled and started chasing Lester

unbeknownst to Moss Lester had lied on his registration form, he can't use any magic, It's only been a few hours since he'd been summoned here in this world he doesn't have a clue on how to use magic.


"Moss! Help me will ya!..."

"Just stay still.."

Moss holds her staff in front of her, her expression stoic as usual

In a fraction of a second Moss Lets out a small ray of light towards the slime, as it hits the slime it exploded causing Lester to get blown away from the shockwave 

Lester tumbles down as he looks at the huge cloud of smoke, his jaw wide open

"Holy shit!.. What the fuck was that! Was that a nuke or something??!"

Lester looked at Moss with awe "how could she be this strong! yet still be an E rank?!"

Moss sighed as she looked at Lester on the ground her expression was one of weary acceptance, as if she had long ago learned to expect disappointment 

"Pathetic.. "

Lester slowly stands up while looking at the huge crater Moss had created

"H-Hey.. Do you think we'll get in trouble for this? you destroyed the slime with a large chunk of the plains!.." 

Lester turns around and sees Moss walking away

"Hey!.. where are you going!"

"I can't believe this.. he's weaker than an average Kid!.. is he really the guy master is describing?" Moss muttered to herself while walking away heading back towards the city

"Dammit... She's pissed at me isn't she?" Lester sighs while nervously smirking before quietly following Moss back to the city, not speaking a word during their trip back

Upon arriving back to the city of Shtohess, Moss keeps on walking towards the direction of the Adventurer's guild

"Yup! She's pissed at me alright!.. dammit what now..." 

Lester Muttered to himself while nervously smirking, he watches Moss keeps on walking without even turning around to see if Lester's still behind her

"Maybe Lester's not the guy I was meant to meet here, He can't be the one!.. in any case I'm not turning around until he's gone I know he's still following me.."

Moss sighed, suddenly, she bumped into a hooded girl causing her to fall on her rear 

"Oh!... I'm Sorry are you ok?.." Moss helped the girl up with Lester just behind Moss

"Y-You ok miss?"

Lester asked while looking at the hooded girl, Lester can't help but recognized the girl he's sure that he'd seen her before

"Wait a minute, is she?..."

Lester's eyes widened in realization as he remembers the girl in front of Moss

"It's you! you were the thief that bumped into me!..."

Before Moss could even react the girl took Moss's hand and took her ring given by her Master Fuyumi

"My Ring!" Moss exclaimed before stumbling down

Lester hurls himself towards the thief

"Oh no ya don't!" 

but the girl was nimble and fast she dodged Lester's attempt on catching her before stepping on his face and jumping on top of the roof

The thief stood on top of the roof looking down at Lester and Moss, the strong gust of wind then blew the hood off the girl, revealing a young woman with red eyes, blond hair and cat ears

She smiled at Lester recognizing him "Say!... you were the Weirdo I bumped!.. Well I guess I'll be taki'n your friend's ring! see ya later weirdo boy!.."

"Hey! Wait!" Lester shouts


Before Moss could even fire off a spell the thief had already ran away through the roofs of the building,

"Dammit she got away." Moss muttered in frustration

Moss slowly stands up and started brushing off the dust on her clothes

"I need to get my ring back.. It's no normal ring and It's really rare.."

"W-wait! Shouldn't we report this to the authorities?"

"If we do she'll already be long gone.. The knights won't dispatch someone immediately the moment they receive our report for a mere ring."

Lester bit his lower lip while looking at the ground

"S-She's right... even if it ain't a normal ring the knights won't just act immediately, her ring would be long gone if we decide to delay"

Lester looked at Moss and wanted to say something, but he hesitated for a moment, and then he spoke

"Y-Young right! in that case! I-I'll help you!.."

Without even thinking of a response Moss answered swiftly

"No thank you.. you'll only get in the way.." 

Moss's expression is that of a disappointed look so deep it barely registered as emotion anymore

"I don't wanna be rude but seeing his display earlier, I know he'll just drag me down.."

Lester grinned nervously, seeing Moss's reaction is Understandable with the display he showed her earlier it would only be natural for Moss to have lost faith in Lester's ability 

"C-come on don't shut me down just like that!... I remember her face.. at least let me help you ask around"

Moss gives Lester a long Sigh, before looking directly into Lester's eyes her gaze serious

"Fine.. but if you just get in the way I'll leave you behind" 

Lester smirks nervously, and can't find his words before speaking "..."

"Yes.. I promise I'll help the best I can.." said Lester nervously 

"I can't just leave Moss on her own!.. even though she speaks harshly I'm still in her party! and she did help me finish the slime quest! It's the least I could do!.."

"Good, for now lets head towards where our little thief friend ran off to"

Moss pointed on her right where the thief escaped to

Lester Nods "Yes!.. Sounds like a plan.."


 Moss took the lead and started walking towards the direction the thief escaped to, as they walk Moss and Lester asked the people there if they knew the identity of the girl that stole Moss's ring. 

after two hours of asking Moss sat on a bench hunched visibly sad, Lester was off still asking for more information about the thief.

 Moss Sighed with all her heart, "Master's Gonna kill me if she finds out I let a Precious Artifact get stolen from me... dammit..." Moss grumbled to herself


"Moss! Moss!"

Lester comes running back towards Moss panting,

Moss stood up as she sees Lester, her eyes hopeful for good news, and yet there's an underlying doubt if Lester has any real useful information

"Did you found out who our thief is?"

Lester took time to catch his breath panting he had ran in a hurry towards Moss after gaining some useful intel

"Y-Yes!!... I told a merchant what the girl that stole your ring looked like and he said that the thief 's most likely headed towards the slums... she's pretty popular the merchant said, she is a notorious thief here in Shtohess that the knights have been trying to catch for decades now..." 

"I see great job Lester!.. Lets go then! Before we lose her again "

 Moss says her tone appreciative

"I didn't expect anything from Lester.. but he's actually useful sometimes" 

Lester gins nervously at Moss's complement 

"Right!..." Lester says before looking at the sky seeing the sun already starting to set

"We need to hurry it up if we want to get Moss's ring back.." Lester thought to himself, as he looked at the setting sun it's safe to assume that Their time to look for the thief is limited

Lester and Moss then started making their way towards the slums, their steps quick and smooth.

Upon arriving to the city's slums they are met with almost destroyed or destroyed homes, and people laying on the ground

Lester's eyes wondered around the road scanning the houses being compacted all together, and the rancid smell of human waste can be smelled in the air , Lester then nervously approached an old man walking by with Moss behind him

Lester described the Thief they were pursuing

"Ah!.. I see your talking about Kate!.. Well I wish you kids luck on negotiating your items back!.."

The old man said his tone is like he's used to seeing Kate's victims asking for her

"Negotiating? you mean we need to pay to get my ring back?" Moss says visibly upset that she needs to negotiate her stolen ring back

"This is beyond annoying.." Moss mumbled to herself while looking at the ground

The old man nods and pointed at a decently large cabin on top of a hill

"Kate's usually on top of that hill where Old man Ralph lives.."

Lester grins bows thankful for the direction "Thank you old timer!.." 

Without wasting anymore time Lester and Moss made their way up the hill the old man pointed to the sun already setting, and the surroundings starting to get dark 

as they arrive they stand in front of the cabin, the walls are old and some of the windows are boarded up

Lester faces Moss grinning nervously "Hey Moss I have a plan!... I'll handle the negotiations ok?"

"Moss is powerful.. but looking at her she doesn't look like the type to be social.. I mean I can't say the same for my self, I'm a shut in neet after all!.. but even so!... with all the diplomacy games I've playd in the past at my disposal I think I can do it!"

Moss gave Lester a doubtful look, crossing her arms

"Are you sure about what your saying?.. if you fail a fight will break out you know.."

Lester gulped while ginning What Moss is saying is right, If Lester fails to negotiate Moss will be forced to take her ring by force, and will result in an all out fight

"Y-Yes! I am!.." 

Lester said tying to sound confident but his lips twitching gives away that he's not to sure himself if he can negotiate Moss's ring back

 "I may not look like it but I am an expert Negotiator! being cooped up inside your room playing diplomacy games all day developed my negotiating skills!, but if Negotiations failed you can take care of the rest.."

Moss still looked unimpressed , and a bit doubtful

"Diplomacy games? what is he on about..."


"F-Fine.. you are the one that got us this far.. so I leave the Negotiations to you Lester.."

Moss said her tone trusting, despite Lester's lackluster performance during their slime kill quest Lester did prove himself by getting them this far.

With a final deep breath, Lester knocks at the cabin door

As Lester knocks at the cabin door nobody answers, Lester continues his knocking louder than the last..

Suddenly The door opens, out comes a buffed old man easily 7'3" tall, He has white strands of hair lining his eyebrows and is bald, wearing a sleeveless vest, and carrying a wooden mug full of booze 

"What do you want?! Stop knocki'n already!.. your gonna bust my door down!" 

Lester and Moss stared at the man amazed by his sheer size

"Damn! this old man's buffed! He can easily give The Rock a run for his money!"


"Y-You must be old man Ralph?.. Umm... w-we got a tip that we can buy back our stolen stuff here.."

Old man Ralph chugged the whole mug of booze before smiling widely at the two youngsters while bringing out a huge Great Sword

"Oh! I see! So your one of Kate's victi- I mean "costumers" 

 "well come on in!.. and of course it's best not to try anything funny.."

Ralph's great sword shined reflecting the light of the setting sun, Ralph then heads back inside the cabin leaving the door open for Lester and Moss

Lester gulped

"Y-Yeah!.. there's no way I'm winning a fight against him!, his twice my size and has a firkin' Great Sword!"

Lester then faces Moss and signals them to enter

Moss then Nods "Right, lets go.."

As they enter the cabin Ralph closed the doors before sitting on the bar like set up on the middle of the room.

Ralph poured himself another Mug full of booze and then drinking it up in one gulp

"GAHH! nothi'n beat booze! right before business transactions aren't I right Kid?!"

"R-right!," Lester grinned nervously before looking around the cabin

 the room was a bit dark, only getting lit up by the setting's sun's rays penetrating the gaps of the boarded up windows

"Stop wasting our time old man, were here for business not a drinking contest," 

Moss said while crossing her arms, her tone Aloof her expression stoic

Lester turned to Moss putting his Index finger on his lips gesturing Moss to stop speaking

"H-hey!, Don't talk to him like that, we don't want to piss him off", Lester muttered to Moss

Ralph stared at Moss Before Laughing loudly

"I see you don't waste time do ya girlie!, well we can't really start negotiations without our seller now can we?"

Suddenly, Kate comes out of a room bursting the door open, getting everyone's attention

Moss stared at Kate the girl who took her precious Artifact

"I-It's her! the girl who took my ring!" 

"Hey! I told you stop kickin' my dammn doors down!" Ralph said

Kate smirks "Sorry old man Ralph!"

Kate then turned to Lester and moss smirking

"Oh! It's you two! didn't actually expected you two to follow me!.." Kate then hurries on over to one of the bar seats sitting in front of Ralph

"Well~~ since your already here!.. Let's talk business! how much are you willing to pay for it?" Kate said 

Lester and Moss sat down next to Kate, Lester then took the lead following their plan

"B-Before I give you an answer, you do have the ring right?"

"Yeah! Of course I do silly!~ "

Kate reached for her robe and showed Moss's ring


"There it is!, well at least now I can be sure that she's not trying to dupe us!" 

Lester mumbled to himself

Kate then hands the ring over to Ralph 

"Hmm.. This ring has cool design and the gem on it could price highly" Ralph said while examining the design on Moss's ring

"Yup!" Kate looked at Lester before smirking

 "If you can pay enough then we'll all be happy!.."

Lester grinned nervously

"W-well the thing is I don't have any money.."

As Lester said that suddenly the room got quiet, and everyone looked at Lester

"Whaa- well it sounds like we have nothing more to discuss!" 


"What does he mean he's got no money!!.. how does he expect to negotiate then.." Moss muttered to herself before quietly sighing 

"No.. calm down Moss, He must have a plan, I just need to trust Lester..."

"Wait hold on!.. I don't have any money but I have things worth Money"

Lester reaches for his pockets and brought his Smart phone out, everyone stared at the smartphone the strange design alien to them

"What is that thing? It's literally just a small rectangular glass!" Moss mumbled to herself while looking at the smartphone Lester is holding

"What I have here is a magical device! that can stop time for everyone everywhere!, It's called! a Smartphone!"

Kate and Ralph looked at the "Smartphone" Lester is holding

"What's that? a smartphone?" Kate said

"Never seen one of those before" Ralph said his eyes curious on what Lester's "Smartphone" can do


Lester then turns his smartphone on opening the camera app before spamming the capture button taking pictures of Kate and Ralph, the flash on the camera lighting up the room and the clicking sound can be heard all over the room


Kate covers her eyes with the back of her hands

"GAhh! that's way to bright!... and what's with all the clicking sounds?!" Kate said

"Stop whatcha' tryin' to do kill me?! don't you go fooling this old man with your dodgy tricks!"

Ralph adds before the bright flashing of Lester's phone cease

"Now hold on..." 

Kate's eyes widened as Lester showed their pictures their appearance captured perfectly by Lester's phone 

"W-wait is that.."

"Those are me and Kate's faces.. What sort of magic is that.."


"What did you just do Lester?.." Moss asked she's curious

Lester grinned nervously

"It's like I was telling you.. It's a Mystical item that can freeze a moment in time, with this unique devise you can capture a moment in time, store them inside of it and look at them later!."

"Fascinating.. I've never seen something like that before.. could it be an Artifact?" Moss muttered to herself 

Kate looked at Lester's smartphone she's really curious she had never seen a devise like that before

"Ohhh whoa! .. that sounds amazing!"

Ralph scratched his head like he's trying to remember something


"Never seen the like.. is that one of the "Lackmia's" I've been hearing about?" Ralph asked while pouring himself another mug of booze

Everyone looked at Ralph 

"What's a Lackmia?" Lester asked

"Well.. It's the name of devises that allows the user who can't use magic to cast spells, using the Mana Nature stored inside of the devise"

"I'm more concerned about the price!.. how much do you think I'll be able to get out of this thing?" Kate asked Ralph 

Ralph shrugs 

"Don't have a clue.. It's the first time I'm dealing with one of these Lackmia's too" Ralph then opened his palm and looked at Moss's ring

"But I feel confident It'll fetch way more than this ring.."

Moss sighed in relief it seemed that negotiations are on their favor

"If Negotiations goes as planned Lester will trade in his Lackmia for my ring... if I get my ring back I should make it up to him" 

Moss muttered to herself thankful that Lester's willing to trade his precious Lackmia for her ring

Lester smiled hearing Ralph's assessment

"Well that settles it!... My Lackmia for the ring! Negotiations complete! thank you for your business!"

Lester then slowly moves his hands towards the Moss's ring

 suddenly, Kate snatches the ring from Ralph's hands

"Hey!..." Moss exclaimed 

"Not so fast.." Kate puts the ring away

"what's the problem?"

"You guys aren't the only one I'm Negotiating with for this ring.."

Lester and Moss looked confused

"Huh? What do you mean by that??"

"It's not like It's just some random grab, somebody specifically asked me to get it from them.."

Kate smiled and hold out both his hands gesturing the number 10

"In exchange for 10 gold pieces! could you believe that?! for a mere ring!"

Moss stared at Kate expression of stoicism had mixed with anger , and gripped her staff tightly

"Dammit.. who could want my ring?!.. it's possible the person who hired Kate to steal it from me knows that It's no ordinary ring..."

Lester noticed Moss and became a bit anxious about what Moss could do.. 

"Ohhh Shit! She's pissed!.. calm down Moss! PLEASE! DON'T BLOW US UP.."

Lester hold out his arm and looked at Moss his expression firm signaling Moss to calm down and to let him handle it. before putting his attention back towards Kate and Ralph

"You've already got a deal set up for it?, I have no idea how much 1o gold pieces are worth to compare"

"Judging by what it could do I say your Lackmia is worth at least 20 gold pieces, actually.. I bet there are people out there that are willing to pay even more!" Ralph said before drinking his booze

Kate's eyes sparked 

"Really!.. That means I can get away over charging for it~"

"Soo when and where are you going to meet this client of yours?" Lester asked 

Kate smiled still overjoyed at the thought of having the chance to over charge for Lester's Lackmia

"Hey no need to worry!.. Negotiations will take place right here~.. If a little thing like me dealt with them along I'd be screwed if the client decided to cheat me.. but with old man Ralph standing there I'd be screwed!.."


*Knock.... knock*...*Knock.... knock*

"The password?" Ralphed asked looking at Kate

"YUP! they're here!... I'll go let them in.."

Kate stood up walking towards the door

Moss then looked at Ralph "H-hey not like it's my business or anything.. but you sure you're ok letting her use you like this?"

Moss asked It's rare for her to care about the business of others but the dynamic of Kate and Ralph intrigued she spoke her her tone aloof, and her expression stoic like usual, she had calmed down since earlier

"Well it ain't like we're total strangers or anything.. I've known her for a long time so I help her out whenever I can.." Ralph said his tone is calm 

Ralph then stood up and grabbed his great sword before sitting back on his chair 

"Hmm.." -Moss

"even I have to smile a little when I see someone who looks like a barbarian standing in front of me"

Ralph laughed

"Well look at where we are.. people around here are desperate just to survive each day, Normally people joins forces with others to keep themselves safe when things gets tough.."

Ralph sighed

"But Kate isn't cut out for that, that's why I gotta look out for her and keep her out of trouble"

"Yep! I was right! It was for me!..."

Kate gestures to one of the seats 

"Over here care to sit down?"

A woman who looked Russian with wavy purple hair, purple eyes, and has a white flower hair clip on her head while wearing a Black long coat reaching just under her knee, with a distinctive white fur collar entered the room, she licked her lips as she scanned the room looking at the people present, as her gaze falls on Lester she muttered

"That attire... could it be..."

Lester stared at the woman, his expression is that of someone who someone saw a celebrity but can't remember they're name

"She looked Russian!.. And I'm pretty sure I've seen her on TV once!.."

Lester shook his head

"No!.. Don't be ridiculous!.. I'm literally in another world!, there's no way a person I saw on TV could be here!..." Lester thought to himself..

"So she was the one who hired the thief to steal my ring? she looks like trouble and a potential enemy.. who would hire someone to steal a random persons ring? in that case... she must know that my ring is an Artifact I better up my guard.." Moss muttered to herself

"There seemed to be several outsiders here.." The woman said, her voice is gentle and calm

Kate smiled 

"Well I'd be in trouble if you duped me!, we weaklings have our own ways on playing it smart"

"I recognized the older fellow but I'm afraid I don't recognize the young man and the lady sitting beside him.." The woman then slowly walks towards everyone with a small grin before sitting down

"They happened to be your rival!~.. So they'll be the other person Negotiating with you today.."

The woman then Looked at Lester and Moss, her gaze intimidating yet her expression is that of a kind young woman

Lester clenched his feeling a bit anxious at the woman's gaze, while Moss holds her Wooden staff tightly

"Dammit! I'm pretty sure I've seen her before!.. but it was such a long time ago I forgot her name!"

The woman licked her lips before speaking

"I see now.. I believe I understand the situation.."

Kate stood beside Old man Ralph

"The girl holding the wooden staff over here is the owner of the ring and she just wants it back, so you'll be bidding against them, I honestly don't care who ends up with it so I'll sell it to the highest bidder and be completely satisfied!"

The woman giggled

"I like that personality of yours... Exactly how much did this gentlemen bid for the Item?"

Lester showed the young woman his Lackmia,

Suddenly her eyes widened for a moment recognizing the devise Lester is holding

"Hmm"- The young woman.

"I'm putting up this Lackmia, It's pretty rare too probably the only one of it's kind in this entire world"

Lester aimed the camera towards the young woman taking her picture and then showing it to her 

"It can capture moments in time, The big muscle man over here said it's at least 20 gold pieces.."

"A Lackmia?"

 said the woman before giggling again, she then turns to Kate

"Well luckily for me my colleague gave me extra funds in case anything comes up.. that way I'm prepared to sweeten the deal.."

"A colleague huh? So that means your not working alone then.." Moss said

The woman nods her slight grin never faltering 

"That is correct.. my colleague is the one who wishes to acquire it"

"Anyways.. so the guy here with the strange clothes named a price that puts him pretty far head on the lead, so what price is your colleague putting on it?"

The woman then pulls out a small pouch full of coins from her coat and pouring it on the table, everyone's eyes widened as Ralph counts the gold pieces 

"Hmm.. 20 exactly.."

"These are the funds that my colleague gave me to seal this deal.. soo do you think they should be enough?" the woman asked her tone calm and her slight grin still etched on her face

Lester clenched his fist, and he grins his shark like teeth showing he's clearly nervous as he looked at the 20 shining gold pieces on the table

"dammit.. she's paying up front... if I were Kate I would just take the 20 gold pieces instead of my phone! so I won't have to sell it after..."

Ralph looked at Lester

"What's wrong with you? Don't you know how to bargain?, stop grinning like your about to eat somebody.. your Lackmia is no less than 20 gold pieces remember?, The way I see it victory is definitely leaning towards the boy"

Ralph then turned towards the woman

"Sorry for all the trouble.. for you and your colleague but you better bag up all that money and be on your way..."

Lester and Moss Sighed

"Sorry miss.. you'll probably get in trouble for this won't you.." Lester said while looking at the young woman

"It's finally over.. I can finally get my ring back..."  Moss lets out yet another sigh, relieved that things worked out

The Young woman's grin gets bigger as she shrugs

"It can't be helped... This kind of situations happens... The way I see it its my colleague's fault for trying to be stingy with the funds.." 

The woman then stood up 

"It ended up in disappointment but business is business I guess.. I can't always expect to be on top." The woman turns around and slowly started walking away...

Moss brings her palms forward towards Kate

"Anyways I want my ring back... Lester.. give Kate your Lackmia thank you for getting it back for me.." Moss's tone was thankful, her usual stoic expression replaced with a satisfied look

Lester grinned but not like his usual nervous grin It was that of a boy who got praised for something he did

"Don't menion it.."

"This is the first time I'm seeing Moss with that expression... Sure we've only been in the same party for a day.. even soo... this feeling.. It's like we've been working for years it's so hard to explain.." Lester thought to himself

As Kate hands slowly hands the ring over to Moss, and Lester his Lackmia

Everyone stopped as the woman spoke before leaving

"Before I go..."

The woman turns around and looked at Lester

"You.. the one with the strange clothes... you don't happen to be from Japan now are you?"

Lester's eyes widened in surprised as she looked at the woman, her expression is that of a kind woman yet her grin is like the grin of a sadistic murderer

"What the fuck??! how can she know a country from Earth?!, is she... Isekai'd here like me!? shit!... I remember now..." Lester's breathing just got a bit faster as he remembers where he saw the woman standing in front of him

Moss looked at the woman with a puzzled expression

"Japan? What are you talking about? I've never heard of such a place.."

"Yeah Me neither.. It sounds like a name of a fruit, where is that place exactly?" -Ralph

Lester gulped as he grinned nervously at the young woman

"B-Before I answer that... Y-you don't happen to be from Russia.. A-Are you?" Lester said while stuttering his hands shaking a bit..

The woman grinned widely her eyes are like the eyes of a sadistic killer staring at Lester seeing him as a prey

"I see... so your one of our kind.."

In response Kate tacked Lester pushing him away

"GAh!.. What's going o-"

"Dammit! Do you wanna die!" Kate shoted

Lester's eyes leaves Kate and back towards The woman His eyes wide seeing the woman already standing just a few feet away from where Lester was just standing before her arms extended while holding a small pair scissors 

"Oh my~ it seems you dodged my strike.. "

The woman sadistically licked her lips, her eyes looking down at Lester and Kate

In response Ralph grabbed his great sword and charged towards The woman swinging his weapon towards her, while Moss casted a fire ball spell

but their attacks where in vain...

The woman with a quick swing of her scissors Moss's fire spell was cut and dispelled and Ralph's great sword reduced to small pieces

Moss's eyes widened seeing her spell just disappear like that

"H-How!" -Moss

"Holy shit! how did she just dispel Moss's Spell just like that!!?.. What's her scissors she's using even made off!?" Lester muttered to herself 

"My sword... what kind of weapon even is that ?!.." -Ralph

The woman grinned her true nature of a natural sadistic killer at full view, she then jumped on top of a nearby table

[Artifact: Sky Splitting Scissors]

everyone's eyes widened as they see the small pair of Scissors grew in size reaching half of The Woman's body size

With ease The woman then took the now huge pair of scissors apart holding it like a double wielded blade with a quick swing everyone ducked as the entire half of the Cabin got Cleaved into small cubes leaving only a few wooden supporters standing

Moss stood up looking at the now destroyed cabin

"Dammit.. she's an Artifact Wielder!" 

Moss exclaimed before taking the ring Kate had dropped when she tacked Lester earlier, slipping it on her finger

Lester stood up his legs shaking a bit from the sheer amount of destruction The woman had caused in just a short amount of time 

"F..F-Fuck... W-Who the hell even are you!.." Lester asked his voice shaky while Kate and Ralph stood there frozen from shock seeing their home destroyed in a matter of seconds

The woman sadistically licked her lips the full moon shined below everyone lighting up the surroundings 

"I my dear.. am Natasha Merr.. I am the Rule Bearer of Speed and just like you.. I am from Earth.. "

Lester Looked at Natasha his eyes puzzled, while his entire body shakes from fear he'd never seen such raw power before

"Rule Bearer of Speed??! What the fuck does that even mean!.. Dammit! I can't think straight!"


As everyone stared at Natasha, their eyes wide with a mix of fear and terror, they're faced with an adversary wielding the power of one of the Rules. Armed with a weapon capable of demolishing anything in seconds, she held everyone in a grip of paralyzing dread. Frozen in place, their minds raced, yet they couldn't fathom their next move.


✔--End of Chapter 3--✔


⭐--Character Spotlight--


Natasha Merr ⭐

Age: 26 Height: Taller than you I would say~Weight: Nothing to be concerned about~Occupation: UnknownBackground: Natasha Merr is revealed to be from earth just like Lester and is the Rule Bearer of SpeedAbility: Speed Bearing the Rule of Speed Natasha can run extremely fast but her abilities' full capabilities are still unknown Personality: Sadistic and cruel, Natasha likes killing and finds enjoyment and satisfaction out of it, and she has a bad habit of revealing her details to her enemies



--Disclosed Artifacts--

Sky Splitting Scissors

User: Natasha Merr

Ability: A pair of Scissors that can grow to half of the body size of it's user and can be taken apart and used as a duel-wielding blade imbued with the rule of "Divisibility" This artifact can slice/cleave/cut anything or anyone using an invisible crescent shape attack in a matter of seconds, Its radius is still unknown




Lackmia: A relatively new invention in Gandoria, invented by an elven scholar living in the woods, It's described as a devise that allows the user who can't use magic to cast spells, using the Mana Nature stored inside of the device (Basically devises with batteries powered by Mana)