The Drop Out's a Rule Bearer?!, (Extra: The Drop Out's Manga)

A Drop-Out's Guide to Saving the World

by: AnnoUn

"M-my head.." Lester said slowly stirring awake

Lester slowly sat on the bed and began to look around his hair was a mess, and his eyes were still droopy, he was in a room with one bed and a single chair on his right with Moss's black coat hanging from it 

"W-what happened... H-how did I get here?" 

Lester was confused. The last thing he remembered was their encounter with Natasha.

Lester slowly began to stand up, his body still sore.

Suddenly, the door opened. It was Moss. She was wearing her long white dress, which was usually hidden under her black coat. She was carrying a basket of apples. She looked at Lester with a stoic expression, but there was a hint of relief in her eyes.

"You're awake... It's about time you've been asleep for a while" 

Moss spoke her usual aloof demeanor returned 

Lester's eyes widened in surprise he then grinned seeing Moss safe

"M-Moss!... you're alright!... how long was I out?... I-I can't remember much..."

 "You were out cold for 2 weeks... The guys that saved us said you Overclocked you used your ability too much and blacked out... "

Moss sat on the chair next to Lester's bed and picked up an apple before placing the basket on the ground.

"Two weeks..." Lester mumbled. 

"What exactly happened.. who saved us? All I remember is you getting hurt, and then I thought Natasha was going to kill me. After that, I don't know what happened next."

Moss peeled an apple for Lester while recounting parts of their encounter with Natasha that Lester doesn't know.

"After awakening your abilities, you lost control and became a completely different person. You fought Natasha and almost won, but you wouldn't have if you hadn't overclocked."

Lester looked perplexed he had no memory of what Moss was describing

"And then After you blacked out 2 strangers wearing the same white cloak showed up and helped us out... they said they were Rule Bearers like you"

Moss started recounting what happened to the two rule bearers that helped them

Two weeks ago, Natasha, known as The Rule Bearer of Speed and a member of the mysterious organization called the Black Garden, retreated, thanks to two strangers who introduced themselves as Yin and Mira. Both are rule-bearers, but their abilities are still unknown. They helped Moss and Lester.

Moss remained doubtful and wary of Yin and Mira as she stood in front of Lester's unconscious body, holding her staff.

Yin noticed Moss still being doubtful of their actions

"Seems like Fuyumi was right"

Yin said before smiling widely

Moss was surprised to hear her master's name

"You know my master?..." 

Moss asked still skeptical of the two

Mira adjusted her glasses before speaking her tone aloof and direct to the point

"Correct, your master, Fuyumi Nara, sent us. She was expecting Lester to resonate with his ability today. We were sent to retrieve and bring him back to our headquarters."

"They don't sound like they're lying since they know my Master's and my name... and if they had any ill intent, they would have already done something since I'm in no shape to fight," Moss thought to herself, still looking uncertain about trusting Yin and Mira.

Yin smiled and giggled a little,

"Well Fuyumi did warn us that Moss would act like this... and she was right!"

Yin reached for his pocket and threw Moss a map

"Here's your official invitation to join us," Yin said in a carefree tone. 

"We won't force you to come with us. The map there shows our location. If you're ready, just come and pay us a visit! Unlike the Black Garden, we from the Order of the White Rose don't force rule bearers and powerful mages to join our ranks."

"The Order Of The White Rose?..." - Moss 

Moss looked at the map Yin had thrown. inside the map is a red X marking Yin and Mira's HQ, which is far away from their current location, the capital city of Shtohess.

"As for Lester... just let him rest... he overclocked it'll be at least 2 weeks before he wakes up... anyways.. see ya later..."

 When Moss looked up from the map, Yin and Mira were nowhere to be found.

"They're gone"

 Moss sighed.

 "If they're telling the truth, Master could be in their headquarters. could she be a Rule Bearer as well?..."

"Come to think of it, the markings she showed me on her forehead were similar to Lester's. So, her being a Rule Bearer isn't too far off..." 

"Hmm... I'll decide later when Lester's awake. As of right now, both of us need to recover."

Moss gazed at Lester's unconscious body. 

"Master's predictions have all come true so far. I found the person I was looking for... It's a good thing I didn't abandon him while we were fighting slimes."

Moss sighed as she slowly carried Lester on her back, his face pressed against her black coat before they made their way out of the slums and back to the city.

Moss brought Lester back to her inn and reported Kate and old man Ralph's location to the knights. Moss doesn't know what happened to them after that, but over the past two weeks, she has been taking care of Lester and making sure he recovers as soon as possible...

Lester finished the sliced apples Moss had given him as he caught up on what had happened while he was unconscious.

"I see... well thank you for taking care of me while I recover..."

Lester said while giving Moss a smile

"So the guys from The Order Of the White Rose said I'm a Rule Bearer?... but what does that even mean..."

Lester asked while he looked at Moss


"Simply put, you can manipulate the rules themselves; it's the force that governs this world. For example, Natasha is a rule-bearer and she Bears the rule of Speed, giving her the ability to move swiftly. As for you, I currently don't know which rule you bear, but seeing you fight it seems your ability is that you can use invisible slashing attacks and you are immune to getting slashed or stabbed. also, you can also heal yourself almost instantly... "

Moss said her tone aloof like usual

"I think I get it... but what I don't understand is how I use my ability..."

Lester looked at his hand he still couldn't believe that he was a Rule Bearer

"Finally!... some protagonist special ability!" Lester thought to himself, his expression revealing his excitement about having a special ability.

"Anyway, Moss... What are you going to do after this? I'm grateful you helped me recover, but we initially teamed up on a kill quest, but now..."

"About that..."

"You'll be going to the Order Of The White Rose, yes?... It'll be a long journey so I'll be coming with you..."

Moss said her expression never changing

"Huh?... why? D-don't get me wrong I'm grateful for the company but what'll you get in exchange when you tag along with me?" Lester said his tone a bit puzzled

"Well... first of all I have the map where their HQ is located... so you'll get lost without me..."

Lester smiled a bit embarrassed because in his head he was already fantasizing about his journey with zero clue how to get to his destination

"Oh!.. yeah... I forgot about that.."

Moss shook her head


"The second reason I'm coming along is because I'm searching for a person my master said I need to help. My master believes that this person will help me achieve my goals, and his description matches you perfectly."

Lester grinned nervously at the thought of him being the one to help Moss achieve her goals gives him self-doubt

"So I was the guy Moss was looking for?! and will be the one to help achieve her goals... but I don't even know what my ability is called! let alone use it..."

Lester looked down at his hands

"Even so!, if I'm the guy Moss was looking for, so be it! She helped me so much, and now it's my turn to pay her back. I guess for now my current objective is to find out why I was summoned to this world in the first place, who summoned me, and maybe in the process, I'll be able to find my purpose."

Lester stood up before looking at Moss his expression was firm 


Lester said before grinning and pointing to himself 

"If I'm the guy that'll help you then so be it!... ... I may not have the ability to use any magic!... and I still have No idea how my ability works!.. but even so! I'll do my best to meet your expectations!"

Moss smile smiled slightly before standing up

"I hope you live up to what you're saying, Lester." 

Lester smiled widely before standing up

"Right!" Lester said, his tone signifying his excitement for their upcoming journey.

Moss Noded "Now then since you're feeling better... let's go and get supplies for the road... It'll be a long trip before we reach our destination"

Moss had worn her usual black coat before she left the inn with Lester. They strolled down the streets of Shtohess. Their long journey towards the headquarters of the organization, calling themselves The Order of the White Rose, had only just begun.


--End Of Chapter 5--



Chapter 5.5


Moss and Lester walked through the shops of Shtohess. The street was riddled with merchants selling their wares, their voices filling the air. Lester carried the supplies they had bought for their upcoming trip.

"Where are we going next Moss?" Lester said while he looked around the shops selling different things

"We'll visit a few apothecaries since we need medicine in case we get sick, and a few mana-restoring potions should be sufficient."

Lester continued to look around the various stalls while Moss talked. Eventually, he stopped in front of a bookstore. Lester stepped closer and saw a familiar book displayed behind the store's glass.

Lester grinned widely recognizing one of the books the cover displays a girl touching her cheeks she had red eyes and black hair and the title was written in English it read "Kaguya-Sama Love Is War" "Wait!... That's Manga!"

Lester entered the bookstore the room was filled with bookshelves filled with various novels and spell books all written in the language of Gandoria which Lester couldn't understand 

Lester took the manga with a wide grin; his eyes were glued to the cover ever since he was summoned to Gandoria. This manga was the first piece of material with writing on it that he could read.

"Interested in that one?"

The store owner said

Lester turned to face the store owner

"Y-yeah... How much for this book sir?"

The store owner smiled and waved his hands

"Just take it, kid... somebody wearing the same odd clothes as yours dropped it off to me a few weeks ago... he sold it to me for 6 copper pieces but since nobody can understand the writing inside I couldn't sell it..."

"Same odd clothes as mine?... He could be a Rule Bearer...I mean who could have such a legendary piece of entertainment in this world..." Lester thought to himself before giving the kind store owner a smile

"Oh! Thank you... but Please let me pay for it..." Lester reached for his pocket and gave the store owner exactly 6 copper pieces 

The store owner smiled while he scratched his head

"Oh!.. well if you insist then.."

Lester turned around leaving the bookstore the kind store owner waving behind him, Lester's eyes was glued on the pages of his newly bought manga



"Hey!" Moss exclaimed, her hands on her hips while she pouted at Lester. 

"Where did you run off to? I was looking everywhere for you!"

Lester nearly dropped his manga after he heard Moss's voice

"Oh!.. Moss!.. I was just off checking out books over there" Lester pointed at the bookstore he was just on

Moss took the manga Lester was holding and began checking it out


"I can't understand this writing... but the illustrations are quiet polished"

"Yeah, it's called Manga. The language it's written in is English, but it's originally Japanese."

Moss gave Lester a puzzled look

 "Manga? I haven't heard of that before..."

Moss asked while giving Lester his manga back

Lester smiled happy that Moss was curious about something he loved reading "Manga's are awesome!...they're books with illustrations on them... and this particular Manga is mt favorite!.... Kaguya-Sama Love Is War!"

"A romance story?... well in any case you shouldn't waste money on such books... our funds are limited you know.."

Lester scratched his head "Y-yeah... Sorry... "

Moss sighed before turning around

"Well, just this once, I won't scold you, but read your manga later. We're still not finished shopping for our supplies."

Lester smiled before putting his newly bought manga away

"Right... Let's continue then... where are we headed next?"

Lester and Moss continued their shopping. As night arrived, they finished preparing their supplies for the road. Lester read his manga back at the inn inside Moss's room before going to sleep...



"Ughh.. He's completely addicted to that book..." - Moss thought as she pretended to sleep, watching Lester read his manga.



--End Of Chapter--