Chapter 7 (Vol 2) Eight Pillars Magic Academy

Leser panted, sweat dripping from his forehead as he stood before a huge stone golem summoned by Moss.

"Your [Sever] technique isn't strong enough to slice through my golem," Moss observed, standing behind her creation with her arms crossed.

"Y-yeah... n-no matter how many times I use [Sever] on that thing, it only scratches your golem," Leser admitted, frustration evident in his voice.

Three days had passed since Leser and Moss had crossed the Whispering Woods. After successfully making it to the Central Human Territories, Leser dedicated himself to practicing his ability with Moss's stone golems. He wasn't strong enough to spar with Moss directly yet, but gradually, he was beginning to grasp the concept of his "Rule."

"After days of using my ability, I think I know how it works..."

"I think it all depends on mana. The more mana something or someone has, the harder it is to cut..."

"I cleaved through the illusions that Lich made back in those creepy woods because he didn't use that much mana to create those Illusions. At least, that's how it worked in all the RPG MMOs I've played," Leser concluded, hoping his theory would also hold true in this world.


"I need to figure out how I can adjust the mana in my technique to slice through opponents with high amounts of mana..." Leser muttered to himself, his determination unwavering. He positioned his arm to his right side, focusing intensely, ready to use his technique again. But before he could do anything, blood started dripping from his nose

Moss released her spell, causing the huge stones making up the golem's body to crumble apart.

"Let's stop here... you're going to overclock again," she said firmly

Using earth magic, Moss crafted a stone chair for Leser

"Let's take a break we'll continue our way towards Aurburg later..."

"Y-yes... you're right..." Lester wiped his nose before slowly sitting

Lester sighed deeply while glancing at the scratches on his hands. The wounds smoked as they slowly healed themselves. 

"I'm still surprised at how handy this passive ability is," Lester thought to himself He flexed his fingers, watching as the last of the scratches from Moss's golem sealed shut, leaving only faint traces of what had been moments ago. "It already healed the scratches on my hands..."

"Sorry for being too rough earlier... I'll try to go easy on you next time..."

"It's fine... I'm already patched up! This regenerative ability of mine is really handy," Leser said, offering a reassuring smile.

Moss sighed in relief, relieved that she hadn't roughed Lester up too much.

"Anyway... Shall we grab something to eat? There's a small village not far from here," she suggested.

"Sounds good. I'll pack our supplies," Lester replied. After packing up, the two slowly made their way towards the village. Lester breathed in the fresh air, his gaze wandering over the grassy plains they traversed, while Moss focused on the path ahead.

Upon reaching the entrance of the small village, Lester and Moss made their way inside. The village was mostly made up of farms, windmills, and farmers plowing the fields, while other locals sat under the trees to escape the sun.

As the two walked along the gravel pathway, with Lester following closely behind Moss, they were greeted by a farmer plowing the fields beside the road. He wore a straw hat and held a hoe in his hand.

"How do you do, travelers?" the farmer called out, tipping his hat.

"Headed towards the capital?" he asked kindly.

Moss nodded gently before responding, "Yes, we are. We were looking for a place to have lunch before continuing our way to Aurburg. Could you recommend any local spots?"


"It would be my pleasure!" the farmer said, before pointing further down the gravel road Moss and Lester were on.

"Just follow this road. There's a small restaurant ahead... Hungry travelers on their way to the capital often stop there for lunch."

"The food is cheap too! It's a pretty popular spot for adventurers."

Lester and Moss slowly bowed

"Thank you for the directions, kind sir," Moss said before continuing onwards.

"That guy was kind, don't you think so, Moss?" Lester remarked.

"Yes, he was... But don't get used to it," Moss replied.


"W-why?... Is the human capital a bad place or something?" Lester asked, a bit concerned.

Moss shook her head

"No, not exactly... The capital city of Aurburg is also known as the Capital of Opportunities."

"People from all over the Kingdom of Solamira and other nations flock to Aurburg for job opportunities. Beyond that, the capital is home to prominent Magic Academies. Graduating from one of them can open doors to endless possibilities,"

"Because of this, the people there are often of nobility or belong to the middle class, especially those who are students of the magic academies," 

Moss explained

"I see..."

"I guess it's the same in this world too. Back home, people living in big cities tend to be more rude, at least that's been my experience," 

Lester mused, reflecting on his past encounters.

Lester and Moss continued down the gravel road until they reached a small wooden building. Its walls were made from tree trunks, and tables and chairs were arranged outside, occupied by other people having lunch.

"I guess this is the place," Moss said before turning her attention to Lester

"I'll get us some food... Mind finding us a table?"

"S-sure thing..." Lester answered

Lester wandered around until he found a suitable spot for them to sit. Placing the bag he was carrying under the table, he settled in to wait for Moss. As he sat there, he was approached by a man dressed in a formal white suit with a red necktie and he wore a brown vest. The man had striking blue eyes and blonde hair, he looked at Lester with a stern expression.

"Excuse me..." the man said, catching Lester's attention.


 Lester replied while grinning a bit nervous at the fancy attire of the man

Before the man could speak again, Moss arrived. "May I ask who you are?" she inquired, her eyes narrowing slightly as she assessed the stranger.

The stranger looked at Moss, standing up straight with a noble posture before speaking.

"My name is Seijuku Zen. I'm a teacher at the prestigious Eight Pillars Magic Academy. Pleased to meet you both, Lester Ishigami and Moss Briar," he said with a polite bow.

"Y-you know us?" Lester asked nervously.

"I've heard of that magic academy before... It's one of the top academies in the entire kingdom... but what does your institution want with us?" Moss added, her eyes narrowing with suspicion.

Zen gently sat across the table in front of Lester and Moss

"The Eight Pillars Magic Academy is governed by the Order of the White Rose," 

Seijuku Zen explained. 

"My Master expected you to arrive a week later, but I was surprised to see both of you here now. Naturally, I assumed you were heading to the capital and couldn't help but ask if you need my assistance."

"I see... I didn't know that..." Moss replied thoughtfully.

Lester turned to Moss, speaking in almost a whisper. "M-Moss we could use his help, It'll save us some time looking for the HQ ourselves. What do you think?"

"Hold on..." Moss replied 

"If I may I just have one question..."

"Please, ask away," Zen replied, crossing his arms his expression still stern

"you said you expect us to arrive a week later... but as it stands you're here"

"You said you expected us to arrive a week later, yet here you are," Moss continued, her tone skeptical. "I find it hard to believe that a busy teacher working at one of the most prestigious academies in the capital just happened to meet us here in this small village. Tell me, did something happen back at the academy?"

Zen's stern expression softened slightly. "A fair question," he conceded, looking down. "Yes, something did happen."

He paused, then continued, "Three days ago, one of the leaders of the academy, sensed that someone had infiltrated our institution. He suspected the intruder might be after Rule Bearers or artifacts that the Order has been collecting." Zen raised his head and looked directly at Lester.

"Thus, Rule Bearers like Mr. Ishigami here have become our top priority to protect. Ensuring your safe arrival at the academy is of utmost importance."

"Intruder?? Please don't tell me it's one of those Black Garden members..." Lester thought to himself, sighing deeply. 

"S-so, have you discovered who the intruder is yet?" he asked.

"As of right now, we haven't discovered who the intruder is," Zen replied.

 "The intruder has been blending in among the students, making it hard to identify them."

Zen then stood up. 

"Please excuse me... I'll be waiting for you near that tree over there." He pointed to a large oak tree beside the gravel road a short distance away. 

"Please continue with your lunch. Once you're both ready to continue your journey to the capital, let me know, and I'll accompany you."

With that, Zen walked over to the tree, leaving Lester and Moss.

"W-what do you think, Moss? Should we let him accompany us?" Lester asked.

"Hmm..." Moss pondered for a moment. 

"He doesn't sound like he was lying... It wouldn't hurt to let him tag along."

Lester nodded 

"Alright... I trust your judgment, Moss" 

Lester and Moss resumed their meal. After a while, they had finished eating and headed towards Zen, who stood still under the large oak tree beside the gravel road leading to the capital. His eyes were closed, and his face was relaxed as if he were asleep

"M-Mr. Zen?" Lester called out

Zen opened his eyes. "Oh... apologies, I was just enjoying the cool breeze. It's not very often I get to leave the premises of the academy... well, not during daytime hours," he said with a hint of a smile.

"No need to apologize," Moss replied. "We're ready to head to the capital."

Zen nodded. "Very well... I have contacted our escort. Our ride will arrive in just a few minutes."

"Hmm? So we're not walking?" Lester asked.


Zen shook his head. "No, it's much faster to travel by carriage," he explained. "It would take us at least a day on foot to reach the capital, but only four hours by carriage."

Lester and Moss exchanged glances, silently agreeing that a faster and safer journey was preferable. 

"Understood..." Moss replied

 minutes passed everyone stood there quietly under the large oak tree waiting for their ride before Lester spoke up breaking the ice

"M-Mr. Zen? Can I ask you something?" Lester nervously asked

"Hmm?" Zen responded, his expression still stern. "What is it, Mr. Ishigami?"

"I would appreciate it if you would call me Lester," he began, then continued, "But anyway... I meant to ask, are you a Rule Bearer too?"

Moss tugged on Lester's jacket. "Hey, Lester, that's too personal," she whispered.

"I-It is?!... S-sorry! You don't have to answer that, Mr. Zen!" Lester stammered, shaking his hands apologetically.

Zen's expression softened a little before he replied. "It's fine, I'm not bothered in the slightest. But to answer your question, I am not a Rule Bearer. I'm just a simple magic-user."

"I see" Lester replied 

"My technique is quite complicated... I'm not sure you'd be able to understand it easily. Maybe someday you'll see it in action," Zen added.

Everyone's attention was then diverted to the oncoming carriage. It was white, pulled by majestic white horses, with a white rose logo prominently displayed on the front.

As the horses came to a halt, Lester's jaw dropped in awe. It was the first time he had seen a carriage that looked like it was straight out of a fairy tale. The intricate details on the white exterior, the polished brass fittings, and the elegance of the horses all added to its enchanting appearance

Everyone settled into the carriage, and as it started moving, Lester peeked out the window. The vast expanse of green grass making up the large plains was soothing to the eye. The gentle breeze swayed the grass, creating a mesmerizing dance, while the sun's warmth felt just right, neither too hot nor too cold.

Moss turned to Lester, who was peeking out the window with wide-eyed wonder. A rare, gentle smile tugged at the corners of her lips, a stark contrast to her usual stoic expression.

"He's like a kid riding on a carriage for the first time," she thought, amused by his excitement.

Lester, oblivious to Moss's soft gaze, continued to soak in the scenery. the carriage kept its pace towards the capital city of Aurburg 

As the carriage drew closer to its destination, meanwhile, at the Eight Pillars Magic Academy, one of its esteemed leaders sat slumped in a chair within his office.

*Knock Knock Knock.*

The door creaked open.

"Heyya, Rosani!" Yin's voice brimmed with energy as he stepped into the room, a faint smile playing on his lips.

Rosani lifted his head, meeting Yin's gaze with a hint of surprise.

"Hmm? Oh, it's you, Yin," Rosani replied, his tone measured.

"What brings you here?" Rosani inquired.

"Just here to report that Mira's subordinate, Seijuku Zen, had met up with the rule bearer Lester Ishigami and his companion, Moss Briar. They'll be arriving in a few hours," Yin explained.

"I see," Rosani responded thoughtfully.

"Well then, be sure to welcome our new comrades when they arrive. You're more than suited for that job, Yin," Rosani added with a nod.

Yin grinned. "Of course!"

"Also, I was just curious..." Yin's smile faded, his expression turning serious.

"I didn't have the chance to ask before, but what do you think of Lester? You know, about the 'Unique' state he transitions into when in his Forte mode."

"Hmm," Rosani pondered, rising to his feet and turning to gaze out the window at the students bustling across the academy grounds below.

"I think... Lester Ishigami is dangerous because there's something peculiar about him."

"As your report suggests, during his encounter with the Black Garden's 6th Thorn Natasha Merr, he resonated and swiftly shifted into his Forte mode," Rosani reflected aloud.

"During that time, his fighting style transformed from that of a child playing with a wooden sword to that of a wild animal, charging headlong into danger without a trace of fear... And not just that, you say his personality itself changed. The descriptions of his abilities that you provided—invisible slashing attacks and intense regeneration..."

"This makes Lester a Double Bearer," Rosani turned to Yin with a serious expression.

"As of right now, Lester Ishigami remains an enigma to us. Until Fuyumi returns, he will be discreetly regarded as neither ally nor foe," Rosani declared with a measured tone, his gaze shifting back to the bustling activity outside the window.

Yin nodded "Understood... I'll keep that in mind," Yin's smile returned "anyway I think I'll be getting ready to meet Lester and Moss I'll see ya later Rosani..." 

Rosani Nodded "Yes... do your best out there Yin and report to me after Lester and Moss had settled in"

Yin bowed before he turned around leaving the room and closed the door behind him, leaving Rosani alone in his office, Rosani looked down upon the busy students roaming the academy grounds the sun shining through his window 


End of Chapter 7 (Volume 2)

⭐⭐Character Spotlight ⭐⭐

 Seijuku Zen 

Age: Exactly 27 years old

Height: Exactly 184 cm

Weight: 75 kg I think?

Favorite Food: Coffee

Occupation: Teacher at Eight Pillars Magic Academy

Background: Unknown

Ability: Unknown