Capturing Farooq Aziz

They have been working on Gathering Intel, hoping to catch all the 7 at the same time but unfortunately it was not that easy to do so.

K.N. Rao stood in the operations room, his eyes fixed on the large map on the wall.

The map displayed locations all across Pakistan, cities, military bases, and the movements of key individuals.

But Rao's attention wasn't on the fringe elements though important but killing them right now will only alert ISI more and not do more damage.

He was focused on seven names, seven ISI operatives that had been running Pakistan's dangerous covert operations for long time.

These weren't just bureaucrats or middlemen; these were ISI's top players, handlers, and strategists.

They were responsible for most of the movement of ISI across Afghanistan, Pakistan and India.

Taking them out wouldn't be easy. For they have covered everything and move frequently without alerting anyone.