List of Naval Ships to Buy

The atmosphere inside South Block was full of anticipation.

Rohan sudden call to everyone with a list of Naval items shocked them but at the same time they realised it was inevitable.

Prime Minister Rohan sat at the head of the long teakwood table, flanked by the key members of his government.

To his right sat Defense Minister Sardar Patel, his wise and measured demeanor a steadying presence.

Next to him was Finance Minister Harsh Patel, who already wore the weary look of someone very tired.

Across the table, Foreign Minister K.P. Singh looked calm, his pen poised over a notebook, while Chief of Defence Staff General Negi and the service chiefs, General Singh, Admiral Arjun Das, and Air Chief Marshal Suraj Kapoor, sat ready with files and maps.

The task before them was monumental: to discuss India's ambitious naval expansion and missile acquisition strategy for 1955.