Breaking Stuff

Chapter Three: Breaking Stuff

Zenith waved his hand to clear the aura around him, he wore an unbothered expression. "Handicap? What a condescending way to say it."

Did they expect an SSSSS-Rank Mage to live among normal people or students of basic essence levels below A-Rank? His presence would override their brains.

"Locking my essence to one-eighth isn't a handicap. At least, it wouldn't be to handle the likes of you." Zenith said, walking to the table and bent low.

The reverberating voice cackled mischievously. "How brave you sound! You possibly can't use your renowned Word's Will to break us so how else—"

Zenith rose from the ground, holding up a hammer that casually laid under the table. "How else do you break a stone except with something harder?"

Panicked cries erupted in the room along with Zenith's hammering on the ruby stones. With each smash, the ruby stone's glow reduced and their essence waned.

It had become similar to a living creature by absorbing essence from other Mages or life forces. These essence became negative to it because it had been relocated from its original realm.

If it had stayed unnoticed in the young Mage's room and slowly absorbed his essence, it'd have grown to a C-Rank living ruby golem in no time.

A wicked smile stretched on Zenith's face as he clobbered each one of the rubies to pieces. Breaking stuff had never been more fun, his Word's Will had been too easy.

It was a skill that required a good amount of essence and it commanded the essence in its victims to obey its will. Zenith learnt that as a skill from an old lady he had defeated to get his SSS-Rank years back.

The aura in the room faded and it was clear. Zenith swung the hammer in his hands and caught it by its head, he looked satisfied. "The day is starting off quite well."

He decided to forget the crazy incidents that happened earlier, there were always similar scenarios when he moved about in public. In actuality, it made him sort of lonely and needing genuine interactions with people. The other part of him enjoyed the praise and glorifying.

By the sixth period, no notes had been sent to his office and no one had come to call him to teach a class. He didn't even know where the damn timetable was. "Don't they take me seriously?" He uncrossed his legs and left his seat. "I am actually here to impact knowledge on the younger generation."

But his conscience judged that last one.

He stepped out of his office and casted a spell that let him walk through the walls of his block. He didn't know the way around but could tell the direction that led to the junior students block. The senior students had more crazed souls.

He noticed a group of students struggling with a spell in the backyard. It should be law breaking to be there during school hours but he saw the frustration on their faces.

Out of boredom and curiosity, he approached them. "What is the problem?" he asked, causing the students to jump but he stood there, unmoving. He had to do something 'teacher-ish' today by all cost.

The students stared at him and one dared to look him up and down. They didn't recognize him but he didn't wear a uniform so should be a teacher, and they were currently caught breaking school laws.

A student broke the silence, explaining with a shaky voice, "W-We're only trying to cast a… basic fire spell, but it keeps quenching." They demonstrated what they had been doing.

Zenith watched their attempts. He didn't need to draw a line of projection before using his spells anymore. He surpassed that, but he remembered the basics.

Actually, these young ones weren't even ready for drawing spell projections and should be focusing on building physical strength according to their curriculum. Yet he did not question their reason and respected it.

"Your form is wrong," he said, demonstrating the correct hand movements to draw a projection. "Focus your essence here, then release according to the line you drew."

It looked so simple when he did it so the students tried again, this time successfully casting the spell. They were stunned and stared at the line of fire they made at the same time slowly burn. They cheered and one of them, a young girl with bright eyes, looked up at Zenith. "Thank you, sir!"

Zenith waved off the gratitude, feeling a rare moment of satisfaction. "Just practice more. You might turn out better than those Class 11-B when you get there." he walked away with a small smile.

He returned to his office, and his countenance dropped on finding it still empty. He thought of moving around again, anything to avoid being in an empty room.

Suddenly, a mass of dark aura swept into the room, blinding his sights. Using a spell, Ultra Vision, he saw past the aura and sighted the menacing girl marching towards him.

"If it isn't the Nephisisi whatever." He waved his hand and all the aura vanished. He folded his arms, leaning on the door. "To what do I owe the visit, young Guandan?" She didn't look like she came to see her teacher, at least she had no notes.

The girl stood in shock, looking around and searching for the aura she released. Her eyes landed on the Mage and they darkened. "I underestimated you."

That line sounded extremely funny to Zenith. The people of Guandan had always been a funny bunch, they rarely allowed Mages into their realm so it's no wonder the girl wouldn't know who he was.

SSSSS-Rank would mean nothing to her if she didn't understand the ranking in this realm, or perhaps she was truly stupid and wanted to experience first rate discipline by her would-be favorite teacher.

As these thoughts went on within Zenith's mind, more black aura gathered, morphing into a water snake covered in dark smoke and charging at Zenith.

"Do you mind telling me why I'm being disturbed for?" Zenith slapped the creature away and it disappeared to oblivion with an echoing cry.

Nephis bit her lower lips, pointing at the young Mage. "I don't care to know who you are but how dare you tell my friend to kill herself! You can't be a teacher!"

Zenith's folded arms fell. What offended him more was the last part. He couldn't be a teacher? Just how amazing are teachers!

"I can do anything, young Guandan. Do not underestimate me. I sacrificed a lot to be the Mage I am today, so being a teacher wouldn't come close."

Nephis took a step back. He had sacrificed to be Mage? Didn't that mean that… he killed people and cultivated their essence!

That's the darkest path to becoming a Mage! "You are despicable!" she barked.

Zenith's expression was flat. It's been a while he heard that line. It was usually used when his victims realize how much more he'd hit them even when they can't fight anyway.

There was no chivalry in his books when it came to proud villains, especially those who still had guts to call him names while on their deathbed.

"I wonder why." He said to Nephis while looking slightly worried. "I haven't done anything to you yet and rest assured, I wouldn't. You are my student—"

"Never!" Nephis turned away. "I'd make sure I unmask you for the fraud you are! I swear on the Guandan Gods!"

Zenith felt like he had racked up a debt but he didn't know the details to it. She'd uncover him for the fraud he was? It sounded interesting.

He shrugged. "Do as you please."

Nephis spun around and marched back to her class block. Her hands were clenched and she slammed it on the wall, leaving a dent on it.