Class Information

Chapter Seventeen: Class Information

Zenith gulped down three glasses of water, one after the other when he reached the comfort of his office.

Sir Bennett wasn't in for him to rant to and he begged his mouth not to rant when the teacher arrived.

He had his first proper class with Class 11-B and while it wasn't rowdy like other students and schools, it had its own backbreaking problems – like how lame their magic was, but he glad to know that despite their low rank, many of them knew how to manipulate their essence to do something impressive.

All the C-Rank students impressed him, and the backbenchers had thrown a twist in their abilities. The more Zenith thought about it, the more he saw the potential amusement the class could give him if he focused on their growth and not how powerful they could be.

"Now, it sounds like I'm the problem and not them." He brought the fourth glass to his lips. They were students he had to look into specifically so that they wouldn't lag behind while the others grow.

A'lessander of Miano, One Who Conquered Death and Aleksandra South were those two, he might add Kawaya Mamai but he had a skill to improve. The first two had no skills and low ranks.

"Gravity manipulation, huh?" Zenith sighed, finger tapping the table. That Element was a rare one but still had teachers, the girl might not just be making effort.

For A'lessander, he knew the boy's special case and hoped to help the boy break D-Rank since he was currently at the lowest rank. It was a shame to be that weak when he had a powerful element.

After reviewing the class' progress in his head and in his book, he remembered the two noncombatant students who didn't involve in anything. What did they do around here?

He took out his laptop and checked Class 11-B record for the program arranged for them, but they were mainly theory and about plants for Layla Herbert.

The new student, Dexter Esther's details finally got updated and he checked it. Zenith paused, staring at it continuously. She was the fourth student with a 'forbidden use' ban on her?!

Her magic and element could be something troubling, so how was it still noncombatant? Zenith could think of a few things and it worried him.

Such students didn't make friends quickly and as he'd noticed, friends helped the students grow in magic prowess as an individual. "Well, she's still new here so she'd surely meet honest people that she'd feel comfortable with."

He checked a new file and saw a thirteenth student. He remembered Nephis's sibling and nodded. That'd be another powerhouse in the class. To be able to affect Kawaya's boulder like that, he should be D-Rank, at least.

He left the boy's files and checked the other students, the information there were already things he knew so he looked at the personal information on them.

He'd want to know their personalities as he stayed with them, but Alexandria's prank made him change his mind. He'd like to know the one with psychopathic tendencies and be watchful of them on time.

It started with the newest students but Nero's details hadn't been updated. Zenith found Dexter Esther's and it was documented that she was an orphan who came on scholarship along with three other students.

There was no sibling and her likes were watching horror movies and dislikes were none. That's suspicious. Could watching horror movies be her way of training? He left to the next one and hoped for something more on it.

The new student last term was Layla Herbert, and her information also said orphan and listed one Mack Herbert as deceased father.

This should mean he died recently, since he was already in the school record. Zenith wondered if it had to do with why Layla nearly killed herself and easily entered panic mode when something inconvenient happened.

Details of the school she had been to before and the field work she had done were listed. As a young healing mage, she seemed to have more experience in field work than an average student.

Field work was the only place for Healing Mages to gain the right teaching. Also, they weren't doctors so theory didn't do much for them. Zenith remembered a Healing Mage with high scores but he chickened out when he saw blood, and passed out.

"I don't know any Healing Mage around here anymore, or I'd have recommended her." He left her page and searched for the next student.

As he typed, he felt the blood in his arm rushing to his fingers, he stopped typing and tried to understand what happened.

The movement slowly left his forearm pale and Zenith knew something was wrong. A spell had been cast around here, and he hoped it only worked on him.

"Well, it's about time some villains find me here. They are my craziest fan boys anyway." He closed the laptop and used Ultra Vision to look around.

He had replaced the band he took in the class back to his arm. Two bands represented the S-Class Rank he had achieved and to comfortably stay in the class, he kept his rank at S-Rank and only two bands to move to SS-RANK when needed.

Since he couldn't find the villain with S-Rank aided Ultra Vision, then the villain must be above S-Rank, and that wasn't a good sign. He left his seat calmly and went towards the windows. Class 11-B were having language classes now with another teacher so he could leave the school for a bit.

"That way," Zenith climbed the window, "the villain would follow me. He must be a blood manipulating Dark Mage or Dark Entity so it's best to keep him far."

His arm gripping the window plane, began to throb harshly because of the abnormal flow of his blood. Zenith clicked his tongue, he wasn't a fan of pain so he might not wait to leave the school before releasing an SSS-Rank first.

He kept the four bands on the table and jumped down the window to grass land. The air around the place became dense but there was none around. The throbbing reduced and Zenith stared at the arm in wonderment. It only reduced?

Could the villain be SSS-Rank like his current self? Zenith didn't want to take out more bands but being at the same rank would cause damages at wherever they'd have the showdown. He clenched his fists and moved towards the gate.

"But being at SSSS-Rank would affect the students, I'd just pummel him the old fashioned way." He decided and a violent but small scaled tornado lifted him off the ground.

His arms were folded as he used Ultra Vision to search for the daring calamity. The chances of it being a Dark Entity were becoming low because Dark Entities were powerful creatures but not always the most intelligent.

Only Mages that had taken the Dark Path would be smart, and say considerate, enough not to attack the school and play a prank to bring him out to find them.

Zenith looked ahead as he floated fifteen feet off the ground so he didn't notice the panicked security guard screams as a part of the gate was twisted and eaten by the tornado as the Mage left the school.

Meanwhile, at a tall building many meters away from Gaden High, a tall dark skinned lady stood at a rooftop, with her eyes closed.

She smirked and opened her eyes, revealing its intimidating crimson shade, a silver scythe leisurely hung at her back and had small blood stains.

"The prodigy… he's coming."