Kawaya's Fears

Chapter Eighty-One: Kawaya's Fears III

Class 11-B watched as Kawaya's clay balls shot at Nero with better speed than the first one and Nero had to move from his position to dodge.

"He didn't freeze that one." Lilian stated the obvious with a proud expression. "Kawaya is improving."

Alexandria nodded in agreement. "That guy was really a coward all along. Right now, he created two balls of clay and balanced them without thinking much of it. He could always do it but was too scared of failing."

Lilian turned to Alexandria then back to Kawaya's and Nero's exercise. She realized that was what happened. Also his shots were more consistent and had a target.

Lilian waved, trying to get his attention. "Kawaya, you—"

Alez placed a finger on her mouth. "Don't tell him or he'd return to being a mess again. It's best he realizes his improvements after this exercise."