Chapter Hundred-Twenty-Nine: Buying Accounts III
As Aleksandra opened her mouth to speak, she noticed her teacher looking at her, as if he knew what she would say.
"I heard its allowed, Miss Harmony. I permitted mine too." Zenith said absentmindedly and closed his eyes again. "Just make sure they don't go bankrupt."
The Mad Mage stared at him for a while before nodding. She didn't expect him to know her first name but it didn't surprise her so much.
"Buying up to six hundred accounts sound like so much though. Won't he go bankrupt?" She muttered as she left the class.
Aleksandra's jaw dropped and so did Layla even if she didn't really know what its about. Six hundred would totally demolish the competition if all that votes goes to one person.
Lilian ran out of the class to look for Alez who was in charge of her bank transfers. She mustn't join the competition or she wouldn't be allowed to vote.