Chapter 7

Morning broke over the city, casting a pale light over a landscape already buzzing with the tragic news. The headlines blared about the gruesome demise of Henry Hawkins and his family. For the citizens, it was another horrific incident; for the police, it was a call to action. High-profile cases like these demanded swift justice, and the responsibility fell squarely on the shoulders of Officer Albert Jones and his team.

Albert Jones arrived at White Enterprise with a heavy heart and a clear mission. The sleek glass doors of the building reflected his determined expression as he informed the receptionist of his arrival. Within moments, Linda, Jack White's personal secretary, appeared to guide him to the CEO's chamber. The air was thick with tension, both from the recent events and the high stakes of the ensuing investigation.

Jack was in his chamber, his mind was heavy. He found out about Henry and his family's tragic demise just this morning. Jack had to admit, he was scared. Not for himself, but for his family. He had already instructed Linda to expect the police and bring them to his office when they arrive?

As Albert entered Jack's office, he noted the palpable tension in the room. Jack stood up, extending his hand. "Officer" he greeted, his voice steady.

"Mr. White," Jones replied, shaking his hand firmly. Both men took their seats, the gravity of the situation settling between them.

Albert began with the basics, his tone professional. "Sir, I need to ask you some questions about Henry. Has he been acting unusual lately?"

Jack sighed, leaning back. "Henry's been with us for years. Solid track record, always diligent. Lately, though... now that you mention it, he seemed more on edge. I assumed it was just work stress."

Jones nodded, making notes. "Any known enemies or rivals? Someone who might hold a grudge?"

Jack thought for a moment. "Not that I'm aware of. Henry was well-liked here. No significant conflicts that I know of. But in this industry, you never know."

"How about the employees under him? Anyone with potential motives?"

Jack shook his head. "Everyone respected him. His team was close-knit. If there were issues, he never brought them to my attention."

The questions continued, each probing deeper into Henry's life and work. Jack answered them all honestly. After what felt like hours, Albert stood up, offering Jack his card. "If you find anything suspicious, don't hesitate to call me." Albert said and left the chamber. After the officer left, Jack took out his phone and made a call. "Hello, it's me. I need some," he said to someone on the other side.

The following days were a whirlwind for Jones and his team. Every aspect of Henry's life was scrutinized—his phone records, bank accounts, social media activity. Yet, nothing seemed out of place. Henry's life appeared almost too perfect, a detail that only deepened Jones' suspicion.

Albert called in his team. "We need to re-interview everyone. His parents, in-laws, anyone who might have a clue." The team set out, determined to find any thread that could lead to a breakthrough.

At Henry's home, they spoke to his parents. It was hard for everyone. The parents didn't just lose their son, but their daughter-in-law and granddaughter as well. "They seemed so happy," Henry's father said. He was having difficulty to speak properly.

The mother just kept crying and sobbing. "Henry was a good man. Dedicated to his work and his family. This... this is just unimaginable. Sob, sob, my poor child"

The officers couldn't do nothing but sympathys. They received the same answer from the in-laws as well. Despite their best efforts, they found no significant leads. It was as if Henry's life had been scrubbed clean, leaving no traces of conflict or controversy.

One evening, as Jones massaged his temple, trying to make sense of the case, his phone rang. It was Jack. "Officer, can you come to my office? It's urgent."

Albert didn't waste any time. He arrived at White Enterprise and was quickly escorted to Jack's office. Jack looked visibly disturbed. "Hello Mr. White, is something wrong?" Albert asked.

"Very wrong," Jack said, his voice grave. "Look at this."

Jack laid out several documents on his desk. "I had some professionals look into our finances and operations. Here's what they found: substantial sums of money are missing, but there are no records of where it went. Some of our weapons contracts have been forged and diverted."

Albert examined the documents. The discrepancies were glaring—missing funds, unauthorized transactions, and manipulated contracts. "This is serious. How could this go unnoticed?"

Jack shook his head, frustration evident. "Whoever did this is highly skilled. They tampered with our systems to erase evidence. It's an inside job. I'm certain of it."

"Have you traced any of this?" Albert asked. He knew anyone in Jack's place will try to at least find some clues.

Jack nodded. "We have an idea of where the culprits might be. It's risky, but we have to follow this lead. The northern side of the city."

Albert's eyes widened. The Northern side was notorious, a criminal enclave where law enforcement had little influence. "That area's practically a no-go zone for us. But if what you're saying is true, we need to act."

"I'll face the board if necessary," Jack asserted. "This is bigger than company secrets. A man and his family are dead."

Albert nodded, impressed by Jack's resolve. "I'll take it from here. Thank you, Sir."

Albert returned to the station and briefed his senior officer, laying out the new findings. "This is serious, sir. We need to move quickly."

The senior officer, understanding the gravity of the situation, gave his approval. "Contact the volunteers. We need all the help we can get."

Albert nodded and left the room. It was time to get into some action.

Somewhere in a warehouse, a large group could be seen, moving crates and other stuffs. They were all wearing demon masks. A person on the second floor was monitoring everyone's movement. His mask had a horn on it. Soon his wristwatch started to glow red. He was a bit surprised by it. But soon a sneer formed behind his mask.

"Boys," he shouted. Every single person stopped what they were doing and looked up. "We will be having a few guests tonight. Prepare the firecrackers," he shouted cheerfully. Every one started moving quickly. A battle was about to take place.