chapter 4

From the day he discovered his powers, William resolved to master them. He kept his abilities a secret, not out of fear of rejection from his parents, but because he understood the potential dangers. There could be others like him, more powerful, possibly malevolent, or even mad. He had read enough books to know that the government might come for him and his family if they found out. With these thoughts in mind, William began a clandestine study of his powers.

In his secret training sessions, William quickly noticed that his powers were linked to his emotions. This realization prompted him to start meditating to gain better control over his feelings. During one meditation session, he felt a surge of energy within him, like white, glowing dust floating inside his body. Though the sensation lasted only a few seconds, it gave William a crucial insight: his abilities were not merely telepathic; they were magical or something similar.

For a brief moment, William considered the possibility of wandless magic but dismissed it as he lacked sufficient knowledge to confirm it. Regardless, he was determined to understand and control his newfound abilities.

Time passed. Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. All the while, William continued to practice in secret, honing his skills and maintaining the façade of a normal, if exceptionally gifted, child. His powers remained hidden, even as he grew more adept at controlling them.

Finally, the day arrived for Lisa to give birth. The atmosphere in the Dawkins household was tense with anticipation. William's nervous excitement was palpable as they waited. Then, the sound of an infant's cry filled the floor, a melody of new life and relief.

The doctor emerged from the delivery room, a reassuring smile on his face. "Both mother and daughter are alright," he announced.

Marcus and William, overwhelmed with gratitude, thanked the doctor before rushing into the room. There, an exhausted but radiant Lisa lay, cradling their newborn daughter. "She will be quite the beauty," Lisa murmured, her eyes shining with maternal pride.

William's heart swelled with joy. His wish had come true; he had a baby sister. After a few moments of joyful celebration, Marcus asked the inevitable question, "So, what will her name be?"

Lisa turned to William, her eyes filled with warmth. "William, since you wished for a sister, I believe you have the right to name her."

William, prepared for this moment, replied confidently, "Nina. Her name will be Nina."

"Nina, what a sweet name," Lisa said, smiling at her son. Marcus nodded in agreement, pleased with the choice.

The Dawkins celebrated the arrival of Nina, their family now complete. Yet amidst the joy, William knew he had to continue keeping his powers a secret. The birth of Nina marked not just the arrival of a new family member, but a renewed resolve within William to protect his family and master his magic.

As he watched over his sister that night, William silently vowed to keep her safe from any threats that might arise, whether from the world outside or the mysterious powers within himself. The path ahead was uncertain, but he was determined to navigate it, for the sake of his family and the love he felt for them.

And so, with the arrival of Nina, the Dawkins family's journey continued, now with an unspoken secret and a young boy who bore the weight of magical powers, striving to understand and control them in a world that was none the wiser.