Chapter 6

For days, Marcus scoured the town for a suitable self-defense club for his son, William. Some clubs had high fees, others low, but none seemed quite right. After much discussion and deliberation, they finally chose a club that taught karate to young children. The owner, a young man in his thirties, immediately liked William when they met. The club was new in the area but showed great potential, and the fees were affordable.

William's maturity and quick grasp of techniques made him stand out, and the owner soon declared him his protégé. For a year, William balanced karate training with schoolwork and his secret endeavor: mastering wandless magic. In the Harry Potter universe, wandless magic is powerful yet complex, and many wizards, despite their knowledge, rarely performed it. William knew he had to advance carefully.

Karate provided a strong foundation, enabling him to quickly learn other aspects of martial arts such as judo, Kung Fu, and boxing. William's schedule was tight, and his parents worried about his mental and physical health. But he was determined, knowing he had to do this for his future.

July 3, 1971

Time flew by and William was now 11 years old. His sister, Nina, had also grown, becoming as lively as their mother, Lisa. William cherished their time together; Nina was the most precious person in his life. However, he remained vigilant, knowing that magic could appear unpredictably. As a Muggle-born wizard, he knew there was a chance Nina might show magical abilities too, though she was still too young to exhibit signs.

William had made significant strides in martial arts, wandless magic, and his regular schoolwork. Though aware of his potential, he kept his abilities hidden from others. Today was different; he had stayed home from school, claiming he felt unwell. He knew that turning 11 meant receiving his invitation from Hogwarts, and he waited anxiously, trying to keep his cool.

Suddenly, the serene atmosphere was interrupted by the sharp, clear sound of the doorbell. "Ding dong!" it rang, echoing through the house. William looked at the door, but didn't move a muscle.

"Who could it be right now?" mumbled Marcus.

"I'll look into it," said Lisa, coming out of the kitchen. She walked towards the front door, her footsteps muffled by the carpet.

William's thoughts began to whirl. He had a strange feeling, an inexplicable anticipation. "Could it be…?" he wondered, his heart rate quickening.

Lisa opened the door, and her eyes widened in surprise. Standing before her was a woman in her fifties, wearing a long black robe and a pointed witch's hat. The woman's stern yet kind face was framed by square spectacles, and she exuded an air of authority and wisdom. Lisa was momentarily taken aback by the stranger's unusual attire.

"Yes?" Lisa said, her voice tinged with hesitation.

"Greetings," said the woman in a clear, commanding voice. "My name is Minerva McGonagall. Are you William Dawkins's mother?"

Lisa blinked, processing the information. "Yes, I am," she replied.

"If you don't mind, may I come in? There are some urgent matters to be discussed," said McGonagall.

Although skeptical, Lisa stepped aside and gestured for McGonagall to enter. "Please, come in."

Lisa led McGonagall to the drawing room, where she took a seat on one of the sofas. Lisa offered her tea or something to drink, but McGonagall politely declined. Meanwhile, Nina peeked from behind the doorway, her wide eyes full of curiosity. When McGonagall noticed her, her stern expression softened, and a small smile appeared on her face.

William, who had been sitting on the sofa, observing the exchange, greeted McGonagall gently. He tried to maintain his composure, but inside, he was flabbergasted. Right in front of him was Professor McGonagall, one of the most legendary characters from the Harry Potter universe. He could barely keep his cool.

"Good evening, ma'am," William said, his voice steady despite his racing thoughts.

"Good evening, Mr. Dawkins," replied McGonagall with a nod.

William sat on the sofa opposite McGonagall, his family members beside him. McGonagall looked at the family with a gentle expression before introducing herself formally.

"My name is Minerva McGonagall, the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," she began. "I am here because William is a wizard, and we would like to invite him to our school for proper education in his magical abilities."

Silence reigned for a few moments. Every member of the Dawkins family stared at McGonagall, their mouths agape. It took them a few moments to process the information.

"I… I'm sorry, but could you please repeat everything you just said?" stammered Marcus, his mind struggling to catch up.

McGonagall nodded, expecting such a reaction. "Of course. William is a wizard. He possesses magical abilities that need to be nurtured and trained. Hogwarts is a school that specializes in educating young witches and wizards. We have been observing William for some time, and it is now time for him to begin his education."

The family sat in stunned silence, their eyes shifting from McGonagall to William and back again. William felt a surge of emotions. He was aware of all of this, but acted shocked as well.

McGonagall continued, sensing the need for more explanation. "The wizarding world is hidden from Muggles—non-magical people—for various reasons. Hogwarts has been training young witches and wizards for over a thousand years. Our current headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, is one of the most powerful and respected wizards of our time."

Lisa found her voice first. "But… how can this be real? Magic isn't real… is it?"

McGonagall smiled gently. "I understand your skepticism. Allow me to demonstrate."

With a swift, fluid motion, McGonagall drew her wand from her robe and pointed it at a nearby vase. "Transfiguro!" she said, and the vase transformed into a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Nina gasped in delight and clapped her hands.

The family's disbelief slowly gave way to astonishment. They realized that everything McGonagall had said was true. Their son was a wizard.

Nina, still young and full of enthusiasm for fantasy, was overjoyed. "Big brother can also do magic! This is so cool!"

William, on the other hand, was struggling to maintain his facade of shock. He had always felt a connection to the magical world, and now it was all becoming real. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart.

After a few moments, Marcus spoke again, his voice filled with awe. "So… what happens now?"

McGonagall explained everything in detail: the secret wizarding world, the history of Hogwarts, the four houses, and the various subjects William would study. She even described the process of obtaining magical supplies and the journey to Hogwarts.

"Tomorrow," she concluded, "I will return to escort William to Diagon Alley, where we will gather all the necessary items for his first semester."

As McGonagall prepared to leave, she looked at the family with a reassuring smile. "I know this is a lot to take in, but rest assured, William is in good hands. Hogwarts is a place of learning, safety, and discovery."

With that, McGonagall stood up and made her way to the door. "I will see you tomorrow, William. Until then, enjoy your evening."

The family watched as she left, still processing the whirlwind of information. The door closed behind her with a soft click, and the Dawkins family was left in stunned silence.

Lisa finally broke the silence, turning to her son. "William, did you know about this?"

William shook his head, his mind racing. "Not really. I mean, I've always felt different, but I never imagined something like this."

Nina tugged at his sleeve, her eyes sparkling. "William, can you show me magic?"

William smiled at his sister, grateful for her excitement. "Maybe soon, Nina. I need to learn first."

Marcus sighed, massaging his temple. "Well, this changes everything."

Lisa nodded, her mind still whirling. "We'll figure it out. But for now, let's just take it one step at a time."

The family spent the rest of the evening discussing the incredible revelation. Excitement, confusion, and a hint of apprehension filled the air. William's world had changed forever, and tomorrow would mark the beginning of an extraordinary journey.

As William lay in bed that night, he couldn't help but replay the day's events in his mind. The visit from Professor McGonagall, the revelation of his magical abilities, and the promise of a new world waiting for him. He fell asleep with a mixture of anticipation and wonder, dreaming of the adventures that awaited him at Hogwarts.