Chapter 18: Inconsistencies and confusion

"I need you... Kai..." Sakura-San whispered with a seductive and lustful tone of voice.

She had a blush spread all over her face and she was rubbing her legs one against the other.

I was surprised and almost shocked about the scene that i was seeing.

"What the heck is happening?! Hina would kill us both for real!!" I thought.

Sakura was taking some steps closer to me, and she was still wearing only her lingerie.

I must admit that she truly had an amzing body despite her age.

I didn't know how to react to her.

I took some steps back, still confused about her behaviour and thinking about Hina.

She was still my girlfriend and doing something like this behind her back would still be considered cheating.

But at the same time, my boy hormones were telling me to take advantage of the situation.

I didn't even have the time to think that Sakura pushed me against the wall.

I swallowed some saliva, out of embarassement.

"Kai... maybe... you don't like older women, right...? Am i ugly?" She asked, while her fingers of her right hand were slowly tracing circles on my chest.

"..." I didn't reply.

I just looked away.

I truly was a virgin.

"Look at me, Kai..." She whispered while grabbing my chin and pulled it towards her.

Our eyes were locked

 "Submit yourself to me and i promise to give you lots and lots of pleasure...~" She said, with a lustful tone, while her hand was moving lower and lower.

A little part of me really wanted to go further and have some quality time with such a beautiful woman but...

"No, i can't." I said with a cold and decise tone, while gently pushing her away.

After my reaction, Sakura's eyes widened by a little in surprise and gasped a little.

"I'm sorry, but i already have a girlfriend... but you're a beautiful woman, Sakura-San." I said with a bow.

But despite my good reaction, the virgin part of me was disappointed of myself and wanted to go further.

"Oh..." She said, before giggling playufully.

Then, i looked up at her again, confused. 

"W-Why are you laughing?" I asked.

"Oh well... i was just testing you... to see if you're really faithful~" She said, while blinking her eye.

"Ah. Okay." I said, with a little disappointed tone.

"Oh?" She said , while getting closer to me. "So you really wanted to do it? I'm okay with it~" She added, with a flirty tone.

Sakura was obviously teasing me.

"I'm l-loyal to Hina." I said, trying to hide my real feelings.

Then , Sakura laughed again and took some steps back.

"Hahaha! You're so funny and adorable, i swear! Hina is so lucky~" She said.

After that, she walked into the bedroom and told me to wait.

I nodded at her and sit down on a chair next to the table, wondering how i ended in this situation.

"All i had to do was only gather some information about those cases and return home, and now i'm here with Hina's aunt who has an entire criminal gang who wants to kill her. Great" I said , with a flustered tone.

Life really loved me to put me in such situation.

While i was lost in my dream , something caught my attention.

I saw a little necklace on a couch in front of me.

Guided by curiosity, i picked it up and saw that it was a necklace with a particular pendant.

Inside of it, there was a photo of her, a man , and a baby.

They probably were her family.

But i noticed a small detail. 

They were all smiling, but i saw that the border of the photo was cut.

I didn't even have time to think that Sakura came out from her room.

"I'm done!" She said, with a cheerful tone.

Her voice caught me off guard and i immediately put the necklace where i found it in the blink of an eye, without being noticed.

My head then turned towards Sakura, and saw that she was wearing a cropped pink top and black shorts made of cotton.

But the "worst" thing was that she wasn't wearing her bra.

You could see everything, but she didn't care at all.

 And most of all, you could see the virgin embarassement on my face, but i did my best to hide it.

"Oh, are you going to sleep? It's still morning..." I said, trying to hide my embarassement.

Sakura shook her head.

"No, i need you to have this." She said, while handing me a small piece of paper, a ring, a knife and a small watch.

"What are these things?" I asked to her, while taking them.

"Oh, these are some little toys that Detective Saito gave to me. All of these things have a GPS inside and the knife is also a pistol. It has bullet and a trigger. I want you to stay safe." She said with a motherly smile.

"Oh. But don't worry, i won't kill anyone." I said, with a scared tone.

"Yeah, i know you won't, but Hina will, and you have to defend yourself in every situation, so take these things please." She replied, before giving me a headpat.

"T-Thank you." I said, while putting these things in my bag.

"So, do you accept my request to work with me?" She asked.

"I must." I said, while nodding.

"Good boy... you're such an obedient and lovely good boy..." She said with a teasing tone.

"Stop teasing me!" I replied.

"Oh... sorry... but you're adorable. Haha..." Sakura said playfully, but then , her mood changed in the blink of an eye.

She became deadly serious.

"Now, as your first job, i want you to return home and behave in the most natural way possible with Hina. Be the most perfect boyfriend ever, make her more attached to you and don't interact with other girls too much." She said, with a cold tone.

"Ehm... May i ask why?" I replied, while tilting my head on the side.

"There's a simple reason: If Hina will feel more love, the chances of her hurting you will be closer to zero, and you'll be sure that she'll protect you no matter what. And then, she'll follow everything you'll say... and she would even stop killing people." She said.

My eyes widened in shock after hearing her last words.

"What did you just say?" I asked, thinking i didn't hear her well.

"She would stop killing people." She repeated, like it was the most normal thing of this world.

"...She's still murdering people?" I asked, with a shaky voice.

"I don't know. Maybe. Just be sure to never lie to her and wash your clothes two times before getting close to her. She has a very good sense of smell." Sakura replied, while stretching her arms.

That was true, indeed.

But there was a huge problem.

Maybe nobody understood the situation.

I was the boyfriend of a psychopatic murderer who killed people.

I had to live with the fear that she could stab me during my sleep or that she would've hurt my friends.

"Ah." That's the only thing i could say to Sakura.

"And then, we'll use Hina to kill that disgusting criminal gang..." She said, with a colder tone while clenching her fists.

She had a real big hate against those people.

"So, you're basically want me to manipulate Hina to make her kill those criminals? What about detective Saito? There are lots of things that he told me." I said.

"What did he say?" She asked in curiosity.

"He talked about her traumatic past and he showed me a photo of her in a psychiatric hospital." I said.

"Oh... yeah... i forgot that part... she was taken there because of her violent behavior during her time at school where she assaulted a girl for waving at her ex boyfriend." Sakura said.

"Oh boy..." I sighed.

"So, Kai, you'll now return at home and pretend that nothing of our meeting happened. If you want to talk to me, just push that little button on the small watch that i gave to you. Oh, i just called our "chaffeur" who'll drive you to home. He's waiting outside." She said with a cheerful tone.

The way that she could go from a cold and aggressive mood to a cheerful one in the blink of an eye was actually strange.

Was she bipolar? Maybe...

I then nodded at Sakura and she guided me out of her house.

The high grass was covering everything.

I could've get lost.

"Take this compass and follow the north direction, the car is waiting you at the end." She said while patting my back and giving me the compass.

"Yeah, okay... Thank you for everything, Sakura-San." I said with a bow.

She smiled at me and got back inside her bunker-house.

Then, i took a look at the compass and walked towards the north.

After 10 minutes of walk, i managed to get out from that labyrinth.

And beside my eyes, there was the same car who drove us there from the station.

He made sign with his hand to enter inside the car and that's what i did.

After entering inside, he didn't say a word except "Fasten your seatbelt."

I did what he asked and then he started to drive.

The driver didn't speak a single word.

I felt like i was totally alone and a ghost was driving the car...

Then, my phone buzzed.

I took a look at it and saw a message from Hina...

"Darling? Where are you? You disappeared... I wanted to ask if i could come to your place with your grandparents... i'm really worried about you..." The message said.

"I'm fucked." I said to myself.

I had to find a proper excuse.

I ignored her messages for 3 hours, literally.

She probably was deadly worried about me... and the fact that she wanted to come at the place of my grandparentss was a sign that she didn't trust me enough and had some suspects.

All i could do was saying that i was returning home.

And that's what i did.

The reply came out immediately.

"Oh... Didn't you say that you were spending a few days with your grandparents? Did something happen? Are you hiding something?" The message said.

I felt a shiver running trough my spine.

I thought for some seconds about what to say and then i found the perfect excuse.

"Oh... well... i'm sorry but i lied... i didn't go to my grandparents and i'm not out of city... i just went to the shopping centre to buy you a proper gift for our month-versary." I wrote, with sweat falling from my forehead.

Another reply came almost instantly.

The clock was saying 12:10 and Hina should've been still at school.

"Really?!?! Are you serious?! Oh my god you made me so happy! I can't wait to see it! And i was waiting for you to remember our month-versary!!" Hina replied. "I'm coming at your place tonight. We should celebrate!!!" She wrote.

I felt scared and relieved at the same time.

I was following Sakura's orders without even being self counscious about it.

But after all that my ears have heard from Sakura made me scared for my life, but refusing Hina or pushing her away would've been worse than making her stay close to me.

She was a murderer and i was obviously scared of her, and yet, i still held feelings of affection.

"Human mind is so strange." i said to myself.

I got myself into a situation that's bigger than I can handle.

I had to protect my friends, myself, the city and i also had to exterminate gangsters.

"Hehe... it's only a countdown until my death." I said to myself with a tone of resignation.

Then, i replied to Hina by saying that i would wait for her at home and that I would prepare a nice dinner and she replied that she was too happy.

All i could do was endure and examinate every single thing about that situation.

But suddenly, i started to think about lots of things.

I remembered all Sakura's words and i saw lots of incongruences with things i knew and what Detective Saito told me.

For example, i understood that Hina and her ex boyfriend grew up together and that he was younger... but if that's true, how did they study in the same class if Sakura's son is actually younger than her?

More than that, she first said that she left her for one year after her marriage and considering that, Hina should've been around 4-5 years old when she murdered her husband... and sources said that she moved with her grandparents when she was around 8 years old.

Was Sakura lying to me or was she confused?

She told me so many different things that i didn't know what was the truth.

I was too stunned by all that infomations that i couldn't think clearly.

There were too many things that i didn't understand, and i knew that i had to investigate alone...

Then , after these thoughts, i decided to stop overthining and started to listen to some music during the travel at my home.

I arrived after 45 minutes of car.

The driver knew perfectly where i lived and that was strange since i told nobody where was my house.

That was another red flag that i didn't notice.

After arriving, he finally spoke.

"See you, boy." that's the only thing i could say.

I bowed my head and said "Thank you." 

He didn't reply and, instead, immediately started his engine again and drove away.

Then , i walked towards my house door and... i saw something under the entrance.

I took a better look at it and noticed that it was... a letter.

I picked it up and analyzed it.

But then , i noticed something.

The sender.

Its name was: Rina Kobayashi.

My eyes widened in shock and fear.

"What the..." I said, shocked...